Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 406 Execution

Chapter 406 Execution
In downtown Washington, inside a high-rise residence.

There was a torrential rain outside the window, and a gust of wind mixed with rain came in through the window, causing the dark red curtains to flutter.The dazzling light of the crystal chandelier projected on the four walls of the room, as if painting the whole room into a dark orange.

Lex Luthor's shoulder was aching again, where he had been pierced by a bullet from the Winter Soldier not so long ago.It is said that there are only a handful of people who escaped from that guy's gunpoint, and it seems that Luther is very lucky to be one of them.But he doesn't attribute this to his luck, he thinks it's because he is smart enough and well prepared for such a sudden situation.

This is one of his most hidden hideouts on earth, and he knows that there are many people out there looking for him, but he is sure that the name Lex Luthor has nothing to do with this place, which means It's absolutely safe here.

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be that absolute.

A bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, and the pale light illuminated the window frame.Thunder came one after another, resounding through the sky.

The elongated black shadow was projected on the window frame, narrow and thin.Luther turned his head and saw the figure standing in the rainstorm outside the window.The man had blond hair and beards, and his light blue eyes were full of wisdom and unfathomable light. The black cloak that was soaked in the rain reflected white light, and his aura seemed quite domineering.

Luther narrowed his pupils slightly, and said in a low voice, "'Center'."

"Just call me the bishop." The man said, stretched out his hand to open the door, and walked into the room slowly. The cloak left a dark water stain on the luxurious carpet.

"It's not your real name, what's the difference?"

"Because I'm used to this name, you can take it as my name. What is my real name, I have forgotten it many years ago."

The bishop said, paused for a moment, and said, "You have done so many tricks to try to attract my attention, and now I am here. So, if you have something to say, just say it."

"Before that, may I ask first?" Luther asked, "How did you find me?"

"Ah, that's nothing worth mentioning." The bishop said casually, "If I want to, I can know everything in this world. But don't worry, no one else will come looking for you. This little safe house of yours is roughly It's pretty safe."

"Thank you." Luther smiled. "Actually, it's not that special. I just... want to meet you, a little communication between smart people, it's as simple as that."

"You sound quite confident." The bishop responded with a smile, "Do you think you are as smart as me?"

"No." Luther said, "I think I can be better than you."

"Ha, interesting idea."

"Not to brag, some of your ideas and ideas are indeed admirable, but I don't think there is anything you can do that I can't, and I will do better." Luther said confidently.

"So you want to take my place."

"It can be said that, but I will do better." Luther said, "I will have the largest resources in my hands that a person has ever had in history, and I will change the world."

"Sounds pretty good, but there's a little problem left."


The bishop smiled. "You can't replace me."

Luther smiled confidently, "That's not necessarily the case."

As soon as the voice fell, lightning came down from the ceiling.The beam of light attached to the current suddenly penetrated from the ceiling to the ground, forming a circle of fences and turning it into a cage, imprisoning the bishop in the middle, as if trapping a wild animal with a cage.

Looking at the laser cage where the electric current was constantly beating in front of him, the bishop's expression did not fluctuate at all, and he said with great interest: "The pulse fence with high voltage electricity is quite creative."

"It's also very effective." Luthor was full of confidence, "I expected that you might have some special abilities. Those guys with a little bit of superpowers always do this. They think they have surpassed humans, and they are very easy to be careless. A little makes them extra easy to deal with. A little trap and they're easy to catch."

Luther paused for a moment, then snorted disdainfully: "In the end, they are not gods, but human beings who got lucky."

"Interesting point of view, I may not refute it." The bishop said, "But I still want to point out a mistake you made."

"Appreciate further details."

"That is, don't act rashly before finding out the details of your opponent."

Just as he was speaking, Luther's expression changed.The high-voltage pulsed laser cage he was so proud of suddenly cracked—no, to be precise, it wasn't cracked, but a round hole was gouged out from the middle.Those laser fences suddenly seemed to be erased from the space, leaving only an oval-shaped gap that could just accommodate one person through, and the bishop calmly stepped out of it.

Luthor hurriedly stepped back and opened the distance, shouting: "Backup agreement!"

With an order, the movable panels hidden in many places in the room were opened at the same time.Shi Lai pointed the laser guns and machine guns at the bishop's direction.

The gunshot rang out, and the smell of gunpowder instantly permeated the entire room.Lasers tore strips of expensive walls, and bullets left countless bullet holes all over the house.Countless bullet casings fell to the ground "ping-ping-pong-pong", like a symphony lost in the sound of gunshots.

The bullet was emptied, and the barrel of the laser gun was already red hot, so the firepower had to be interrupted.But after the gunpowder, the bishop still stood there indifferently, as if he was just a bystander, and the stormy offensive just now was not aimed at him.

By this time, Lex Luthor had realized that this guy was right, he had indeed made a very wrong mistake—he took the initiative to provoke the other party without even knowing anything about it, and put himself placed in such a passive situation.

He should have been more patient, try to find out more information about the other party, and wait for a better time
It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world, it is already too late.

The bishop slowly raised a hand toward him.

The space split in an instant, and a hurricane that was more violent than outside the window suddenly set off in the room.The light blue energy was like a knife mark, forcibly cutting a gap in the space, a violent hurricane gushed out from it, and the irresistible gravitational force caught Luther and pulled him inward.

Luther yelled as hard as he could, and stared at the man in front of him with rounded eyes unwillingly.

And this man still maintains a calm smile, and there is an inexplicable confidence in that smile, as if from the moment he faced you, he had the confidence to win.

The vortex closed, and the room returned to tranquility.Lex Luthor disappeared across the windswept chasm, completely out of sight.

(Thanks to book friend cwl782487338.qdcn and book friend half volume love letter for rewarding 100 starting coins!)

(End of this chapter)

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