Chapter 407 Plan
Lex Luthor is missing.

So many secrets have been stolen in Aegis recently, and among them are things like the Earthstone code that are enough to cause waves in this world. As the director of Aegis, Lex Luthor is of course not able to escape the blame.

But he disappeared.

No one knew whether he was dead or alive, and he didn't even tell any of his confidants where he was going.Many people speculated that he might have fled in fear of crime, or that he had changed his face and was hiding in a corner with new plans.

Regardless, Lex Luthor's time is over.And Nick Fury came back at just the right time, with the feat of ending Hydra.As a matter of course, he returned to his former position and regained control of the overall situation of Aegis.The NSC folks really have no choice, because there probably is, and indeed is, no one else in the world today who is qualified for the position besides Nick Fury.

With Fury's guarantee, Natasha's wanted arrest was quickly revoked, and Hawkeye was released again.It would be unrealistic to say that this incident has had no impact on their close partnership, and repairs will take time.

Aegis, a floating carrier.

The mothership was suspended at a distance of hundreds of meters above the sea at low altitude. Nick Fury stood alone on the deck, letting the sea breeze blow his large windbreaker, and staring at the direction of tomorrow with only one eye.

Eric landed softly on the deck behind him.

"I owe you a favor this time." Fury said without looking back, "They assigned the credit to me, but I know it should belong to you."

"Forget it, I'm not interested in being the director of S.H.I.E.L.D." Eric said lightly, "If you want to take the credit, you can take it. I asked you to check the guy named 'Bishop', do you have any clues? Is it gone?"

"No." Fury shrugged: "If your description is that there is such a person, then he is simply a ghost. There is no record to show that there is such a person, and there is no one in the location you specified. Found any matching villas registered there.”

"Is that so?"

In fact, before he asked Fury to investigate, he had vaguely guessed that this would be the result. For some reason, the bishop left him such a mysterious image.

"Speaking of which, your current situation is no better than before." Fury said, "Since the Battle of Almajo, your identity has been exposed, and your popularity is no less than that of an Avenger."

After a pause, he continued: "I think maybe you need a new identity. In the future, you may also consider joining Aegis directly and becoming our field agent."

"No, no." Eric said lightly, turned and walked to the edge of the deck.

"I don't need another identity anymore."

After speaking, he jumped off the deck.A moment later, a circle of spray exploded on the surface of the sea with a "bang", and an afterimage was almost attached to the water and passed by at low altitude, causing huge spray.

Eric came home, and within moments Ruth came to visit.

Eric was in his bedroom packing when Ruth pushed open the door to his bedroom.All kinds of frequently used items are packaged in cardboard boxes, which looks like it is ready to move.

"Ready to go?" Ruth asked.

"Yes." Eric said lightly without turning his head, "Because this also means that the past has finally come to an end, and the future will be a new beginning."

"The pile of troubles you mentioned are finally resolved?"

"Well." Eric sighed slightly, "15 years is really long. Although the ending is not very good, it is finally over."

With that said, he packed another cardboard box and put it on the table.

“This place always reminds me of the past,” he said, “and I’ve decided to move forward.”

"That sounds...good."

Ruth leaned against the door and stared at him for a moment.

"You know, I've been observing your actions for a while since you came back," she said suddenly, a little hesitant to speak, ". You know that you have changed a lot, right?"

"I know." Eric stopped what he was doing, a little lost in thought.

"Sure enough, is it because of the armor?" Ruth asked, "Compared with the past, you seem to become more rational during missions."

Eric smiled slightly.

"You mean to say, ruthless?"

She didn't deny it.

Eric continued to pack up, and said calmly: "Maybe you are right, even I can't be sure if it's me who is talking to you now. Maybe one day, I will really become something else But even so, that is my path, my future, and until that day comes, I will move forward and never regret it.”

Ruth was stunned. From the man's eyes, she saw incomparable tenacity without the slightest confusion.

Regardless of right or wrong, he insisted on his own path without any confusion. This rare perseverance made Eric's image instantly taller in Ruth's eyes.She was not a girl who paid much attention to good and evil, right and wrong. At this moment, she felt that she had added a heartfelt admiration for Eric for no reason.

She involuntarily took two steps closer to him.

"In a while, Raven will be here." Without turning his head, he calmly said to himself, "We made an appointment to go out for supper at night."

Ruth's footsteps stopped suddenly, and she couldn't help showing a moment of frustration, but she quickly returned to normal.

"Really?" She chuckled, "Then I won't bother you."


She was turning around, but Eric stopped her again.

"This time, thank you very much." Eric said softly, "You are indeed very good at finding out information, and you have helped me a lot."

Ruth stood still for a moment, took a deep breath, turned her head, and put on a mischievous smile.

"Don't thank me in a hurry, remember what I said? You can let go of the remuneration this time, but I didn't say that you just settle it. This time, the account will be recorded first, and one day in the future, I'll let you pay me back."

Eric smiled too.

"It's a word."

Ruth also showed a satisfied smile, turned and left.

Raven arrived just a few minutes after she left.

"Sorry, I'm late." She said as she entered the door, "Because it took me a lot of time to help my aunt, let me help."

"Well, please, help me pack the boxes over there."

"Have you decided yet? Where are you going to move next?"

"Well, sort of." Eric took a deep breath, stood up, and looked up at the dark starry sky outside through the window.

"It should be right there."

That's the Watchtower of the Justice League.

(End of this chapter)

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