Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 416 Demon Recovery

Chapter 416 Demon Recovery
If it is said that Eric was defeated by the death knell because he was completely unprepared, then Diana's repelled move is really unimaginable.

You must know that Wonder Woman bears the divine power bestowed by the gods of Olympus, even if the missile hits directly, she may not be unable to bear it.But at this time, the death knell smashed the rushing heroine through the wall with only one sword, and fell into the outer courtyard in a rather embarrassing manner.

In fact, when the sword fell, even the death knell himself was startled.Against an army with one man?Take some extremely difficult tasks that other mercenaries dare not take?For him, this is a small case.But confronting Wonder Woman head-on?In the past, even ten of them would have no chance of winning.To deal with a boss of Wonder Woman's level, generally speaking, he can only rely on his superb strategic thinking to outsmart him.

But today, he actually repelled the heroine with strength, which surprised him, and at the same time, he did not dare to underestimate the power of the divine sword in his hand.It seems that the old man Hephaestus really didn't fool him, and this thing might really be able to cut the gods under the sword.

However, the death knell did not swell enough to stay and try the power of the Excalibur. After repelling Wonder Woman, he immediately picked up the ancient gravel that fell on the ground, and swung his sword. The domineering golden sword The air immediately blasted the wall on the other side to pieces.Poor Mr. Martin Nathaniel just watched him swagger away, not even daring to breathe, let alone to stop his behavior.


Eric put on his armor, smashed through the ceiling and rushed to the top of the mansion, looking around for the trace of the death knell, but Zhou Za completely disappeared in such a short time.

"Teleporting magic." Diana also flew up and said, "It seems that Deathstroke has some extraordinary help."

"What about that sword?"

"I don't know." Diana said, "It's surprisingly powerful. I have almost never seen a weapon that can release such a strong energy. As far as I know, there is only one person who might be able to create such a weapon. "

After a pause, she frowned and said, "But why did he make weapons for Deathstroke?"

Eric knew who she was referring to.Hephaestus, the god of fire in Greek mythology, is also the god of forging.The battle armor on Diana's body and the long sword that can split atoms are all his works.

But as Diana said-how did this Olympian Vulcan get involved with the death knell?
It seems that the last two fragments should have fallen into the hands of the death knell, but they didn't have time to continue chasing the death knell, because the 24-hour time limit was very close.With no choice, they had to return to Paradise Island first to meet Faust.

Normally, taking a man to an island is a big taboo for the Amazon family, but now that Paradise Island itself is on the verge of destruction, they don't care about so many rules.The two got up directly from Los Angeles, flew across the ocean, and came straight to Paradise Island.

This is Eric's first time landing on Paradise Island.Although he knew that there was such an island, and he had seen it in comics, but he had to marvel at the charm of this paradise only when he was there.It's a pity that at this moment it has fallen into an unknown enemy, and its anger is no longer there. The whole island seems to have fallen asleep, filled with a sense of death.

Back on the island, the magic dial immediately started working again, guiding the two towards its owner.They went through the jungle and found the cave in the deepest part of the jungle.Diana couldn't help being secretly surprised—she had never discovered this cave after living on the island for so many years.

Drilling into the passageway in the cave and walking for a while, the two found Faust in the bottom cave.At this moment, the black-robed scholar was still floating cross-legged off the ground, behind him was the heavy dark red door covered with iron chains.

Diana couldn't help being surprised, and instinctively realized that there might be something extraordinary behind the door.

Sensing the return of the two, Faust opened his eyelids: "Did you bring the things back, princess?"

Diana fished out the only fragment and threw it to Faust.

Faust took it, glanced at it, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "Is this the only one? Where are the other two?"

"Before that, tell me what's behind the door." Diana asked. "What you want is the key to this door, isn't it?"

Faust snorted: "Whether it is or not, you have no other choice, princess. Have you forgotten? These sisters of yours are under my control. As long as you give me the other two fragments, I promise Immediately lift the curse and restore them all."

"I didn't." Diana admitted bluntly, "something happened unexpectedly, and the things were taken away by others."

"What!?" Faust's face changed, and he said angrily, "You failed to keep your promise, do you still expect your sisters to be saved?"

"I will do my best to fight for them." Diana said coldly, ready to fight.

But just as the two sides were about to fight, something in the darkness flew into the arena through a graceful arc, and rolled down to Faust's feet.Faust looked down, and was pleasantly surprised to find that these were not the other two key fragments that had been assembled together?
Several people turned around in surprise, only to see that the death knell had appeared here at some time, and it was obvious that he had thrown the key fragment.

"Death knell!?" Diana asked in surprise, "Why?"

"If I had known that your purpose of robbing that thing is the same as mine, I would have saved you trouble and robbed it with you." The death knell said coldly, "That wizard over there, stop talking nonsense, if you have anything to do, just give me a quick point."

Faust glanced at him, although he felt suspicious in his heart, he did not hesitate.

Once this door is successfully opened and that lord is released, there will be nothing to be afraid of in this world!
Thinking of this, he immediately put the last pieces together.When these three strangely shaped stones are put together, they finally look like a key.Faust muttered the incantation, and the lavender magic power formed a border to wrap around the key, dragged it into the air, and stuffed it into the groove on the giant door

Accompanied by a heavy spinning sound, the door was finally activated.The iron chain wrapped around it was instantly broken into countless pieces, and it fell to the ground with a "crash".The heavy door moved open inch by inch, and a whirlwind with a hellish temperature swept out from the crack of the door, suffocating everyone present.

A burly figure appeared behind the door, with a body as black as carbon, with eyes emitting light blue light, and a cloak behind him fluttering against the hot wind.He opened his claws, releasing white hot air all over his body, and the aura at the moment of his appearance enveloped the entire cave, making everyone involuntarily stunned in front of him.

Faust knelt down respectfully: "Welcome back to the world, the great Lapitus!"

(Thanks to book friend cwl782487338.qdcn for the reward of 500 starting coins!)

(End of this chapter)

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