Chapter 417 Lapites
When the demon's body appeared from the huge door, an indescribably huge aura immediately swept the entire cave.He approached the crowd step by step, and everyone in the field remained motionless as if they were frozen in place, carefully observing the changes in the situation.

When he walked slowly to Faust's side, the wretched scholar raised his head and showed a look of expectation: "Master Lapitus, I have fulfilled my part of the oath, now it's your part Please show me the truth that I have been pursuing all my life!"

Lapites sneered: "Thank you for your hard work."

Before the words were finished, the devil's black claws suddenly protruded, and the pitch-black claws slammed down on Faust's celestial spirit cover.Faust's complexion changed suddenly, and he hissed and screamed, trembling all over.I saw his face quickly lost its vitality, and his eyes gradually turned into a pool of stagnant water, as if his soul had been sucked out of his body, and he remained silent for a while.

Rapitus let go and threw him aside.Faust lay limply on the ground as if his bones had been pulled out, still staring unwillingly, and asked in a low voice, "Why?"

"Because you have already completed your part of the task." Rapitus said calmly, "By the way, you did a good job."

Faust gritted his teeth and seemed to want to say something, but finally he lost his strength and fell to the ground without moving.

Eric asked Diana, "Do you know what this guy is from?"

"I've heard of it." Diana frowned. "My mother told me when I was a child that there is a powerful and destructive force sealed away by the gods on Paradise Island—that is Lapites. She often warns, Once Rapitus wakes up, the entire Earth will be in crisis, and our Paradise Island will be the first to be razed to the ground."

"Exactly." After dealing with Faust, Lapites cast his eyes on them and said, "You must be the daughter of Queen Hippolyta. What your mother said is basically true. When I re- When the king comes to the world, the entire sky will be dyed the color of blood, and Paradise Island will be the first to sink to the bottom of the sea."

"Not if I'm here."

Eric fell down with a sound, and his figure shot out like a thunderbolt, like a shell fired straight for Lapitus's face.He punched out, so fast that even Diana's eyesight couldn't fully see behind him.

Not so with Lapitus.As soon as he raised his arm, he strangled Eric's wrist with incomparable precision. Eric exerted a sudden force, but the hand holding him remained motionless.

You must know that Eric's instantaneous power at this time is not weaker than that of Superman, and there are almost no people on the earth who can hold this strange force.But Lapites resisted, and Eric's full-strength burst was like sinking into the sea, and it didn't have the slightest effect.

The next second, the ground in the dense forest suddenly exploded with a "bang", and a large amount of dust was thrown high into the air. Erik's figure was mixed with it, flying up into the air like a kite with a broken string, and fell heavily. It fell to the ground.

Lapites broke through the ground immediately, suspended in the air, and snorted coldly: "The strength is impressive, but after all, it is only a mortal."

At this time, Wonder Woman has also followed closely behind, rushing behind Lapitus at full speed, and slashing at Lapitus' neck with a dazzling silver light.

Lapites caught a glimpse of the sword light out of the corner of his eye, but saw him calmly dodge sideways, let the sword light dodge from the side, and then a hand popped out like a thunderbolt, approaching Diana's white neck at a frightening speed .

Diana closed her pupils, and almost instinctively withdrew her sword and leaned back, letting the devil's claws catch it in a thrilling manner.She lay on her back, her right leg kicked up, and her dark red boots swept Lapitus' cheek with the sound of howling wind.And Lapites' body was still upright, he just raised his hand indifferently, grabbed her ankle firmly, lifted her upside down, and threw her down towards the dense forest below.

This fight was like a rabbit ups and downs, and it probably happened in an instant of breathing.All the divine power carried in Diana's leg was bombarded in Lapites' hands, but she couldn't shake him even a little bit. She took the initiative to attack from behind him. Being defeated within a few strokes is enough to see the arrogance of Lapites' strength.

Lapitus fell to the ground slowly, but at this moment, Deathstroke had also chased out from the cave behind.Lapitus glanced at him, and asked: "You have done me no insignificant service in helping me out, mortal. Why do you want to get me out? What do you want?"

"I helped you out only because someone paid for your head." Death Knell pulled out the gleaming golden blade and said coldly, "I can't cut you off if you stay behind that door head, so I had to let you out first."

After hearing what he said, Lapites laughed loudly: "Since you know who I am, you are still so arrogant. You are just a mortal, even a god cannot destroy me, but you really think you can hurt me ?"

"Others may not be able to, but unfortunately, I am the best at doing things that others cannot!"

After the death knell said, he rushed up at full speed, swung his long sword, and rolled up a hot golden wave behind him.

The sword wind approached, and Lapites seemed to feel the threat from the golden light.He took half a step back, avoiding the sword light, and said in amazement: "Good sword, this old man Hephaestus made it for you? Apart from him, I can't think of anyone else who can make such a powerful weapon So that's the case, is this the source of your confidence? It is indeed possible to kill the gods based on this."

Having said that, he paused, and suddenly stretched out two fingers to clamp the golden sword body.The death knell was taken aback, and hurriedly tried to withdraw, but with his strength, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't withdraw the sword.

"It's a pity to defeat me? It's still a thousand miles away."

Lapites loosened his fingers, and an invisible force suddenly burst out from his body. The death knell was blown far away, and when it landed, his internal organs seemed to be displaced, and a mouthful of blood spurted into the mask. , Even with the extraordinary self-healing ability, he still can't slow down for a long time.

At this moment, Eric and Diana had climbed up again, and both came towards Lapites again.The two of them, one on the left and the other on the right, came to attack Lapites domineeringly with a frightening wind.

"A mortal armed with armor, a demigod." Lapitus snorted dismissively, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"... Only if you can cross this, you are qualified to fight with me!"

The blue whirlwind suddenly blew, and Eric and Diana who were rushing were swept in at the same time.The irresistible powerful force swept the two of them back together, and a dark crack opened behind them.The hurricane sent the two of them flying backwards into the crack, and the darkness surged up from behind like countless reptiles, bit by bit engulfing their last field of vision.At the moment before they were completely plunged into darkness, only Lapitus' last cold snort was heard.

"Enjoy it."

(End of this chapter)

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