Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 418 Illusion

Chapter 418 Illusion
Eric couldn't remember what happened just now, he only knew that when he came back to his senses, people had already appeared here - a dark and dark path surrounded by thick darkness on both sides, a bunch of A bundle of torches illuminated the distance within five steps ahead, and the green brick road looked old and dilapidated under the dim yellow light.

Eric subconsciously walked along this road, his mind blank.

After advancing for about 2 minutes, a familiar figure appeared in front of him.Kelly Samir, his high school alumni, a trendy blond-haired babe.It's a pity that in the end he found out that this little celestial girl was recruited by Dr. Anim Zola to become a modified creature because of her own reasons, and she died at his own hands after she ran away and lost control.

At this time, she was sitting on the side of the dark passage, like a breathless ghost, part of her body still remained a monster, half of her sharp arm was broken, and blood of a different color dripped to the ground from the cut.

Eric watched her for a moment, but continued on.Kelly also sat motionless, staring at him as he walked past and finally disappeared into the darkness.

Moving forward, Eric met his father, mother, and even Dr. Charlotte's bionic body in turn.These dead people stared at him coldly, like haunted ghosts.

Normally, maybe he should be sad, or creepy.It's a pity that Eric didn't feel anything, he seemed to feel that there was no fluctuation in his heart, and he just continued to move forward mechanically.

Further ahead, he saw Raven again.She was drenched in blood, and she was as angry as a thread, and stretched out her hand tremblingly towards him, the light in her clear eyes seemed to be extinguished at any moment.

But he was still unmoved, standing there expressionless.

None of this is true.

"None of this is true, you think so, right?"

Those illusions seemed to disappear suddenly, and a hoarse voice sounded from the darkness.

Eric turned his head, and what he saw in his eyes was another self.This impostor is very similar to the one he saw in the mental trap of the Skrulls. He has pale and dry skin like Patient Zero, his eyeballs have turned dark yellow, and he looks neither human nor ghost. He looked different, but he could still recognize himself in front of him.

"Maybe not for the time being," the other Erik began, "but what about the future? We all know it's going to be our end sooner or later. You thought the events of Almajo were finally over? No, it wasn't, it was And it will never end. And the people around us, who we cherish the most, will one day die because of us like those people. And you? You will become like me by then."

As he said, the armor was already put on, and the outer shell was painted with devilish patterns.

"...becoming something that is not yourself."

"Maybe one day, that might really be my end." Eric said lightly, with his armor on, "but until then I will fight and keep going, and I won't be in a situation like you. Stand still in front of the phantom!"

As soon as the words fell, the two moved tacitly at the same moment. The metal fists between the Alpha armors collided violently, setting off a frightening hurricane in this pitch-black field.

at the same time.

Similar to Eric, Diana also had some trouble remembering what had happened before.At this moment, she is standing on her homeland - Paradise Island.

But this is no longer the paradise island she knew.All the trees in the field of vision were destroyed, and the flames of war raged all over the island. The black smoke pierced into the sky like pillars, and the ground was filled with the choking smell of gunpowder smoke.

Diana walked forward slowly, and with every step forward, the breath of death became stronger.She saw that the island was full of the corpses of her Amazon sisters, all of them turned into stone statues, and there were broken hands and feet all over the mountains and plains. The scene was extremely tragic.

When I came to the main hall, I saw Queen Hippolyta walking tremblingly down the steps with a long sword.Bloodshot eyes were still hanging from the corner of her mouth, her face was as pale as paper, and she seemed to be on the verge of life and death.


Diana hurried up, supported her mother, and asked anxiously, "Mom, how are you doing?"

Queen Hippolyta was furious, she pushed her away violently, and swung her sword to cut her: "What are you doing back now!? If you want to go to the outside world so much, then just stay there, what is there worth in Paradise Island?" What do you miss?"


"Look at what's going on here, look at the bodies of the Amazon sisters, it's all because of you, Diana!" Her voice became sharper, "You're nothing as a daughter, and you're nothing as a warrior. You know? I I really regret giving birth to you!"

Diana knelt before her mother.

"Mother. I'm sorry"

This time, outside, the real Paradise Island.


Another attack attempt failed, and Deathstroke was again sent flying by Lapitus.And this titan didn't seem to care about him and his divine sword at all, and didn't even have the intention of chasing him, ignoring him and flying straight into the air.

He seems to be looking for something.

It's been a bit of a delay, but don't worry, my love.He thought to himself.

After tens of thousands of years of captivity, you are finally set free.I will free you from the lava abyss beneath this damned island.The traitors of the Pantheon will serve us at last, leaving their vile souls in endless nothingness.The world will be ruled by us again
my beloved sister.

Lapites' eyes lit up, as if he had noticed something, he flew towards a certain direction of the island with a "swish", piercing the ground and rushing into the depths of the island.

The death knell got up with his god-killing sword in hand, panted for a moment, and said to himself: "Well, it's a bit more difficult to deal with than imagined. How is that guy singing now?"

But before he could stand still, new troubles arose on his head.

A blue afterimage fell from the sky, as if a long-distance missile had precisely bombarded his feet.The death knell's body was caught off guard and was shaken into the air. After rolling twice, it fell to the ground in embarrassment. The golden long sword was also inserted into the ground on one side.

The fiery red cloak covered the sky, and a tall blue figure stood in front of the death knell.Superman stared at him coldly as if a god descended, and said, "I know who you are. Deathstroke, known as the Terminator."

"What a coincidence, I've heard of you too." Deathstroke stood up, "Are you the Boy Scout from Mars or something?"

"That place is called Krypton," Superhuman said. "What did you do to this island, Deathstroke?"

"Unfortunately I didn't do this, but do you think I have that much time to report to you?"

Superman's eyes were red: "Then make time."

(Thank you for the 200 starting coins rewarded by book friends!)

(End of this chapter)

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