Chapter 419

The majestic power exploded in a round of violent impacts, and the entire space seemed to tremble.In just ten rounds, the fake Eric was shocked back again and again, while the real Eric was still standing in place, calm and composed.

"Why!?" The counterfeit was surprised, "How is this possible!? I am the reflection in your heart, I am your shadow, no matter how strong you are, it should be impossible to overcome the deepest fear in your heart!"

He shouted, and rushed forward again, his fist whizzing towards him with a unparalleled wind.The dark purple energy followed the trajectory of the boxing and formed two waves, sweeping towards Eric.

Eric also clenched his fist, and a dark purple flame ignited on his fist.He stepped forward with one step, facing the opponent's punching fist head-on without fear.There was a loud noise like the opening of heaven and earth, and the two waves of energy shook the space again. The pitch-black space itself seemed to collapse, and the scene was terrifying and almost indescribable.

Once again, the impostor was repulsed.This time the energy directly shattered the armor on his entire arm, pieces of which were peeled off, revealing a pale arm full of bumps.Eric refused to give up, and then punched the opponent's door fiercely. This punch smashed the armor on the counterfeit's face, and even half of his face was bloody.

After a few rounds, they were completely defeated. Eric of the cottage knelt down, stared at him unwillingly, and asked, "Why? How could you be so strong?"

"Rapitus tried to dig out the fear in my heart and made me fall into despair." Eric snorted softly, "That's really a coincidence. This kind of thing... I have already crossed over."

The false Eric immediately vanished into thin air and disappeared before his eyes, along with the entire illusion space.The surrounding darkness was suddenly covered with cracks, which shattered like glass after a while.

The illusion was broken, and it was still chaos outside.Eric looked around, and after a while, his eyes locked on Diana not far away.At this time, she was kneeling on the ground with her head bowed, as if she had been entangled by a demon.

Eric stepped forward quickly, knelt down and supported her shoulder: "Hey, princess, can you hear me?"

She raised her head slowly: "Eric?"

Seeing that she could still recognize him, Eric felt a little relieved, and said, "No matter what you see, don't be confused. It's the illusion that Lapites let you see."

"I know." She said in a low voice, "Those are illusions, and I understand that what Lapitus is trying to tell me may be true. Maybe it is really because of my fault that Paradise Island has become This is how it is today. I want to leave Paradise Island and break my mother's heart. When the disaster strikes, I am in the human world and can't share the suffering with my sisters. Now, I am helping an outsider of unknown origin. One of the most dangerous men on earth was unleashed. Maybe Rapitus was right, I wasn't a good daughter, and I wasn't a good fighter. I failed them all."

After finishing speaking, she lowered her head again in a low voice, falling into deep self-blame.Eric stared at her, and the two remained silent for a long time.

After a while, Eric suddenly said, "Diana, I want to ask you some questions. When you insisted on leaving Paradise Island, what were your thoughts? Why did you go to the outside world?"

Diana froze for a moment, thought for a while, and said, "I hope to be a bridge connecting Amazon and the outside world. That's a dream I've had since I was a child."

"You joined the Justice League, and we have fought side by side many times so far." He added, "You have paid a lot for this world and saved it many times. Then I want to know again, what are you fighting for? Woolen cloth?"

Diana thought for a moment and replied, "The truth."

Yes, she is Wonder Woman, the warrior of truth, and has always fought for truth.

"So up to now, have you ever forgotten your original intention and betrayed these beliefs?"

"No." Without thinking, she said, "Never."

"That's it." Eric said, "Things in the world are often changing, and even the smartest people can't predict what will happen in the future. No one can predict things in advance, neither can I, nor can you. Then what we All we can do is stick to our own path. Since we have a clear conscience along the way, why bother to dwell on the past? Now that things have happened to this point, let’s go through the thorns and correct everything!”

He said these words from the heart, because that is also the unshakable belief in his own heart now.Diana chewed for a while, and her unique determination was restored in a pair of blue eyes, and she stood up again.

"You're right." She regained her composure, and said, "Sorry, I was a little confused just now. But thanks to you, I'm fine now."

"It's better that way, because we've got a tough battle to fight on the way back."

Eric pointed to the gap not far away, through which he could vaguely see the scene of Paradise Island outside.It's just that on the road between their position and the gap, countless black, skinny, withered monsters emerged from the chaos, stopping in front of them endlessly like a tide.

Diana showed her long sword, pointed forward, and said with a confident smile: "I can't wait for a long time."

At this time, Paradise Island.

This is definitely not something Deathstroke would want to do - fight Superman.Without countermeasures like Kryptonite or Red Solar Radiation, Man of Steel is almost invincible.

And when the divine sword in the death knell's hand dragged the golden light and cut down, and the dazzling sword light knocked back Superman, even the death knell himself was a little dumbfounded.

Well, with the Excalibur in hand, maybe Superman can really kill it.

This god-killing blade is indeed terrifying, but this kind of thinking is still a bit exaggerated.After being accidentally hacked back by the Excalibur, Superman immediately made a comeback, and this time he had to be more careful.He approached the death knell at supersonic speed, carefully avoided the slash of the Excalibur, and calmly observed its approach to look for opportunities.

Strictly speaking, the death knell is actually just holding the sword. How to attack and defend is all the meaning of the sword itself, so even if Superman moves at a speed that the death knell cannot keep up with, the sword can still attack in time .Superman flashed around him nimbly, and the golden sword light flashed around him continuously, leaving countless deep sword marks on the ground, but still only a few blue afterimages.

Finally, after more than 20 moves, the Man of Steel made a move.His falcon-like gaze accurately caught the gap between the sword lights, and he approached him like a ghost, strangling the death knell's throat with one hand, and restraining his arm holding the sword with the other, as if he was suppressed by endless force. The death knell stood still.

"Now it's time to explain," Superman said coldly, "What did you do?"

The death knell was almost breathless under his huge hand strength, and he gritted his teeth: "You idiot. You don't understand what you are doing."

Before the words fell, not far from the two, the earth suddenly cracked.A large amount of hot lava broke out of the ground and poured into the air like a fountain.The black figure was mixed in the middle of the magma, and rushed into the sky.

"Thousands of years of false dominion are coming to an end!" cried Lapitus. "A new era is coming!"

(Thanks to book friend 150824231310319 for the reward of 100 starting coins!)

(End of this chapter)

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