Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 420 Demon Titan

Chapter 420 Demon Titan
When Lapitus rushed out from the ground again, he was already clutching an iron-colored spear tightly in his hand.The spear was shining brightly, and its shape didn't look very special, but it just exuded an aura that made people dread it for no reason, as if the weapon itself also carried the unique oppression of a stock god feel.

"With this world-piercing spear in hand, I am unmatched!" Lapitus shouted loudly, "No god, mortal, or other creature can stop me! I want to wash the Pantheon with blood, Kill all their descendants!"

Death Bell glanced at Superman and said, "At this moment, do you still think that I am the culprit here? Look carefully, we are actually on the same front."

Even just relying on the arrogant speech made by Lapitus after his appearance, it is enough for Superman to judge who the villain here is.Without saying a word, he shot out, and the air behind his feet exploded like a cannon.

Facing his swift speed, Lapitus was not at all confused.He picked it casually, and the spear pointed towards Superman, and the tip of the spear drew a silver arc.

Although he didn't know what the origin of the spear in his hand was, Superman could recognize at a glance that it was not a mortal thing, and the threat to him was unpredictable.But he didn't take any risks. He moved behind Lapites at a super-speed that was hard to see with naked eyes, and continued to punch forward with his fists as they were.

This series of movements of Superman is extremely smooth, and he has already brought his super speed to the extreme, his movements are as fast as a blue lightning.But even at this speed, Lapites still kept up. He stabbed the spear backhand in his hand, and stabbed the abdomen of Superman behind him hard with the end of the spear.The surging divine power poured in through the spear, and the superman's figure was suddenly shaken back.Fortunately, the strength of the Man of Steel was equally astonishing, and he barely stopped his retreat after only taking a few steps back.

At this time, the death knell had also rushed to Lapites in the last step. He turned the blade of the god-killing sword horizontally, and slashed horizontally three times in a row as quickly as possible.The three swords slashed by the divine sword are not inferior to the attack speed of Superman just now. The three swords fell almost at the same time, and the blade seemed to disappear to the naked eye.

But such three swords were still blocked by Lapites. Not only did he block the long sword of Death Knell with his spear, but he also used the force to counter the shock. The will was extremely firm, and he barely stabilized the sword.

At this time, Lapitus only needs to make another blow to make the Excalibur in his hand easily let go, but at this time Superman has rushed up again, punching the wind and roaring without a shadow, making Lapitus I was also a little apprehensive, and for the sake of caution, I stopped chasing the death knell and retreated to avoid Superman's fist.

After the death knell slowed down, he raised his sword and attacked again.He and Superman were fighting like enemies a minute ago, but now they seem to be fighting side by side, and the cooperation is quite tacit.With superhuman divine power and the power of the God-killing sword in Deathstroke's hand, even Lapitus put away his contemptuous attitude.

But Lapitus is a Titan after all, and it is said that the Titans are more powerful than their descendants - the gods of Olympus. At this moment, it seems that this is not an exaggeration.I saw Lapitus wielding the silver spear, dealing with Superman and Deathstroke respectively, and it seemed that he was still able to handle it with ease.Holding the spear in his left hand, he blocked the death knell sword with the spear body, and at the same time opened his right palm to catch Superman's punch.With a clever flick of his spear, he escaped from the long sword, and the spear tip slashed across Deathstroke's chest with bloody flowers; the other hand quickly slapped Superman's fist away, and hit him hard on the cheek with an elbow.He dealt with the two with his hands separately, and actually repulsed them at the same time, but he was still safe and sound.

Although the death knell has an extremely powerful self-healing ability, it is still a body of flesh and blood after all. The injury was a little serious, and it couldn't help but retreated and staggered to the ground.But Superman took an elbow, only took two steps back, and then rushed forward again, and punched out with all his strength.

Although Superman has infinite strength and astonishingly fast speed, he usually only relies on brute force to fight hard, but his fighting ability is very average.Lapites stepped back obliquely, raised the spear along the direction of his punching around his wrist, and immediately caused him to stagger two steps forward, stepping into the soil a few inches deep to avoid falling down.But as soon as he turned his head, the tip of the spear in Lapites' hand was already pointing at the big "S" on his chest.With a flash of blue light, magical energy rushed out of the spear like an endless stream of water, and the swirling vortex hit Superman's chest fiercely, pushing him back nearly a mile away.

Superman knocked down an unknown number of trees in a row, his whole body almost lost his strength, black smoke continued on his chest, and he lay down on the ground for a long time, unable to get up.

Many people don't know that, apart from krypton and red solar radiation, Superman has another weakness-magic.Superman's magic resistance is extremely poor, and his resistance to most magical attacks is not even as good as that of ordinary people. Unfortunately, the spear that attacked him just now contains quite amazing magic energy, so this attack on Superman Heavy damage is much more effective than so many previous attacks.

But at this moment, Eric and Diana who were trapped in another space have successfully escaped.Diana first landed next to Superman and helped him up, asking, "Superman? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He said with some difficulty, "I just need to catch my breath."

Eric landed in front of Lapites and said, "I accidentally fell in your way just now, dare to fight again for [-] rounds, old man?"

Lapites snorted disdainfully: "A mortal holding a magic weapon, a mortal wearing armor, an alien and a demigod, how many of you want to defeat my world-piercing spear?"

Speaking of this, he seemed to really feel that he was invincible, and he couldn't help laughing wildly.He raised the spear high, pointed it straight at the sky, and let out a loud and deafening shout, which immediately shook the whole island.The strong wind mixed with the tsunami slammed onto the coast, and a pillar of fire shot out from the dormant volcano.The viscous magma rolled down the rocks, the yellow dust quickly spread down the mountain, and the woods were ignited one after another, turning into a sea of ​​flames.

The violent earthquake tore the earth apart, and soldiers as dark as zombies crawled out of the cracks in the ground one after another.They seemed to come from hell, endlessly, and they charged out one after another with weapons in their hands. Looking down from above, they looked like black tides.

"I'm counting on you here," Superman watched as the hot smoke rose into the air, "I'll block the crater."

"Now it's our turn to settle the score." Diana also stepped forward and stood side by side with Eric, staring at Rapitus and said, "You threw us into the abyss and tried to make us despair, but we came out. And now , this is already a personal grudge!"

(Thank you for the 200 starting coins rewarded by book friends!)

(End of this chapter)

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