Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 442 Black Lantern Justice League

Chapter 442 Black Lantern Justice League
Eric's eyes widened, never expecting things to turn out like this.

At this moment, he seemed to remember a little bit - the black lamp ring can select people who have been resurrected from the dead, and it seems that people who once fell into the hands of death can also be controlled by the black lamp ring.But even so, when did Superman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, and Batman die?Why have they all become slaves under the control of the black lamp ring?

Not only that, although Flash and Green Lantern escaped the tracking of the Black Lantern Ring by traveling through time and space with the help of Flash's super speed, judging from the reaction of the ring, they seem to be classified as "resurrected from the dead" the ranks of people.But if they really died before Eric met, how could he not know?

Who can forget that they have died once?

At this moment, Eric realized that, for some reason, those chosen by the Black Lantern Ring seemed to be characters from the DC universe.

Is this a coincidence?Or is there some special reason?
But in any case, the bad situation is now further reversed.The members of the Justice League and even the six Lanterns who were put on the black lantern ring were completely controlled by death in just such a short time, and endless hatred seemed to be projected towards the living in their white eyes.

Seeing this situation, even the Flash couldn't help feeling a little palpitated, he couldn't help taking a half step back, and asked: "As I said before, this is your professional scope, so... do you have any insights on what happened to our teammates? , Hal?"

Green Lantern muttered, "I was about to ask."

The Black Death Emperor stabbed his sickle and lowered his hands. It seemed that he had no intention of doing it himself. He ordered in a cold voice: "Do it! Let them die too!"

The black lantern puppets responded together, and immediately rushed up like a tide.The two sides immediately fought again, and the Black Hand and the Black Death Emperor only watched from a distance behind the lantern corpses, like generals planning a strategy, and did not make a move.

Black Lantern Superman was the fastest, and was the first to rush out of the crowd to Iron Man.A "dangerous" reaction just appeared on the monitor in front of Tony, and before he had time to react, a punch hit the face of his armor with a clang, causing him to fall on his back, and the visor was already dented. .

Superman's figure is too fast, and the short-distance impact is almost comparable to teleportation. The teammates standing on both sides of Iron Man's body did not have time to react, and he was slammed to the ground.Superman hurried to catch up, and with his hand, he poked at Iron Man who was lying on the ground like a whirlwind. With the strength of his hand, if he grasped it firmly, he would undoubtedly be able to crush his throat and armor together.

Fortunately, this grasp was unsuccessful after all.Superman caught half of it with one hand, moved the corner of his eye, stopped abruptly, and blocked it with his hand, but the movement was still too hasty.I saw the huge green fist landed on his raised arm with a bang, blasting him backwards like a blue bullet, hitting the ground twice before somersaulting and standing still, the cloak fluttered.The Hulk clenched his fists tightly, his huge feet sank deep into the mud, and roared loudly at him.

Wonder Woman followed closely, with a flash of silver light, and the blade of the sword flew fiercely, Captain America was the first to bear the brunt.The captain reacted quite quickly. He raised his shield to block while leaning sideways. The long sword slammed on the shield with a clang. Sparks shot out, making the captain's arms go numb. He took two steps back, hitting the indestructible shield. There was even a trace of scratches.

Of course, it is impossible for ordinary weapons to damage the shield even the slightest bit, but the long sword in the woman's hand is not small.At that time, the fetish made by Olympian craftsman Hephaestus for the Amazons was not as powerful as the god-killing sword in Eric's hand, but it was also Hephaestus' proud work. Its sharpness It is also unique in the world, even atoms can be split by the sword's edge, and the outcome of a collision with the captain's vibrating gold shield is also unpredictable.

The female hero was about to take advantage of the situation to attack with her sword, but the blue thunder came from her side.She jumped up, volleyed and flipped back, and the thunder and lightning landed on the spot where she had just stopped, blasting the dirt black.Thor lifted the hammer and shouted: "You are an admirable warrior, princess! Defeat that bloody ring! Prove that you are stronger than it!"

The heroine raised her sword and pointed: "You and I will have a battle a long time ago, son of Odin! Why bother to shrink back!"

After finishing speaking, she shouted loudly and charged forward with her sword again.The heavy hammer with the blue arc and the flying sword light were immediately intertwined. It seemed that they were evenly matched, and it was difficult to tell the winner in a short time.

The captain recovered his strength, and was about to step forward to help, but suddenly he seemed to hear an inaudible sound breaking through the air.Almost reflexively, he turned around and raised the shield for a block, and the two bat-shaped darts "dangdang" hit the round shield.

You must know that Batman's darts are all specially made by himself, each one has been strictly processed, and the sound of breaking through the air is almost inaudible to ordinary people.If it wasn't for Captain America's sense of hearing being strengthened by the super soldier serum, he might have been caught by the yin with just this move.

Batman unfolded his cloak, and he really slid towards the captain like a big black bat, kicking his feet together to the captain's chest.The captain raised the shield to block, and took advantage of the moment the opponent's legs were exhausted and landed on the ground, he smashed the edge of the shield, pointing at Batman's chest.Batman's reaction was not slow at all. Before landing, he turned sideways and slapped the ground with one hand, using his strength to prop up his body and roll sideways to avoid the shield, and took advantage of the momentum to sweep with his leg on the ground.Captain Xiaotiao dodged it, and was about to fight back with his shield in his hand, but his eyes sharply caught three highly concealed darts flying towards his face, and he hurriedly retreated to dodge.

These few times, the two of them were ups and downs, the exchange of offense and defense was extremely fast, and the several rounds of confrontation between the breathless kung fu was already thrilling to the extreme.

The remaining Martian Manhunters in the darkened Justice League confronted Ant-Man instead.The gigantic Ant-Man was evaded by the Martian Manhunter twice in a row, but his huge fist smashed the tide-like Black Lantern Corpse on the ground, but the effect was minimal.The Martian Manhunter's body was blurred, and he rushed straight at the huge Ant-Man's heart, as if he wanted to pierce the heart directly. Fortunately, Ant-Man's eyes and hands were quick, and his body quickly shrank to the size of an ant, which made the Martian Manhunter fly away.He turned around in the air, but saw two blue beams of light rushing towards him in a spiral shape, hitting him head-on without avoiding it, and actually directly hit his body in the "phaseless" state, knocking him down in the air.

Iron Man stepped on the propelling flame and hung in the air, pointing his hands in his direction, and said, "I've studied your weird ability a long time ago, I think you won't mind doing it when you return to normal."

(Thanks to book friend 268114724215 for the reward of 1000 starting coins!)

(End of this chapter)

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