Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 443 Black Lantern Endorsement

Chapter 443 Black Lantern Endorsement
The Avengers held off a few blackened Justice League members for a while, but certainly not for long.Originally, heavy firepower like Superman and Wonder Woman was stronger than the Avengers. Now, with the ability of the Black Lantern Ring, the body can be repaired infinitely, the situation is even more unfavorable for the Avengers.

If there is still a part to be thankful for, it is that after the six lantern men brought by Hal were manipulated by the black lantern ring, their own lantern rings lost their functions, which means that the six of them have become nothing else. A member of the characteristic black lamp corpse army, it is not too much trouble under the current situation.

Green Lantern, The Flash, and Eric tried to take this opportunity to bypass the Black Lantern Corpse and attack the Black Death Emperor hiding behind.The Flash said as he sprinted, "Before we fight that thing, you can almost talk about the plan, Hal. How are we going to beat that thing?"

"Good question," Hal said, "the original plan was for us seven lanterns to fight death together, but we tried it just now, and the effect doesn't seem to be very good. And as you can see, now I'm the only one left among the seven lanterns." .”

"That couldn't have been better."

While talking, the two of them had rushed to a distance of less than ten meters from Hei Si Di, and at their speed, the distance was almost no different from being close to the face, but Hei Si Di still stood there calmly and did not move to meet him the meaning of.

Suddenly, a black sharp blade exuding the breath of cold death swept across the air at an extremely fast speed.The Flash and Eric, who are blessed with the speed force, staggered to avoid it. Only Hal couldn't react, but he was also pulled aside by the Flash by his arm, almost avoiding the road with his body wiped. Black Blade.

When the three of them turned around, they saw that the black hand standing on the side took the initiative to stop them. He laughed like a ghost on his face covered with black veins, and said loudly: "Green Lantern! We have finally reached this moment! I I will completely extinguish your last light!"

Hal snorted, flew up to meet him, and said, "You're just a small character, Black Hand!"

Har Yang held a length of chain dragging the heavy hammer in his hand, and with a wave of his arm, the green heavy hammer swung out toward his head.The black hand raised his fist, and the energy in the black lantern ring shot out, and it violently hit the heavy hammer thrown by Hal in mid-air.The black and green rays of light intertwined together, and the light spots splashed, but they were obviously heading towards Hal.

The green hammer shattered with a sound, and Hal was thrown into the air by the shock, with blood gushing out from his mouth.Obviously, Black Hand is no longer the second-rate criminal he could deal with casually back then. Now Black Hand is the endorsement of Black Lantern and the incarnation of death, and his power is far beyond what a Lantern Man can match.

The Flash moves around the figure of Black Hand at a very high speed, the shaking of the figure is dizzying, and it seems that several clones have been separated to move around Black Hand in different directions.However, Hei Shou just stood there motionless, his eyes full of lifelessness turned rapidly with his movements, and he couldn't find any flaws in his body.

The Flash was impatient, he went around to the corner behind Black Hand and took the risk, his feet suddenly accelerated and he rushed forward, his high-speed oscillating right palm quickly grabbed the opponent's back.However, the black hand seemed to have eyes behind it, and without looking back, he backhanded quickly, and grabbed the neck of the Flash with terrifying precision, and the Flash suddenly suffocated.

Eric also seized this opportunity, taking advantage of the moment he turned around and shot.I saw that the black hand quickly threw Flash to the ground, and his right foot slammed on his chest to make him unable to move. At the same time, he turned around and slapped Eric's golden sword energy casually.Eric also rotated at a super speed, and the sword light surrounded the black hand at 360 degrees almost at the same time, but they were all dissolved by the thick black energy released by the black hand, and they were separated by a position less than half a meter away from the black hand.

Hal gave a loud shout and stepped forward to join in.He no longer cares about energy at all, the green light ring operates at the highest power, and the divine light pours out like a waterfall, and under the influence of his imagination, it is shaped into countless concrete figures and besieges upward.Layers of purple chaos magic, golden sword energy, and green divine light surrounded Black Hand in the center. The golden current flickered in the outer ring, and the red light of thermal vision flashed inside from time to time. Even the asphalt-colored sky was dyed colorful. The scene was spectacular.

And in the center, the black hand dealt with Eric with one hand and blocked Hal with the other. The dark air of death prevented even water from splashing in, and at the same time, there was still room for counterattack.Eric could still handle it, but Hal was already at a loss, the green light couldn't help being broken by the energy of the black light, and his body was wounded in many places, but he still gritted his teeth to hold on.

Although the Flash, who was trampled under the black hand, was suffocated and almost unconscious, he still understood the urgency of the current situation. If they didn't do something, they would soon be destroyed here.He gritted his teeth and tried his best to concentrate on staying awake. His hands vibrated at high speed into two blurred balls, and they suddenly slapped on the ankles where the black hands stepped on him.After only two or three seconds, a loud "bang" was heard, and Heishou's body sank suddenly, from heel to calf was blown to pieces!
The Flash has countless novel developments for his super-speed ability, and this is one of them - he destroys the stability of the material structure through the high-speed vibration of atoms and triggers its self-destruction, which is theoretically effective for any entity, including black lights of course. dead body.

Of course, the black hand, which was already a corpse, could not feel the pain, but the sudden shattering of his calf made his lower body sink involuntarily, and he lost his balance and fell to his knees, his hands naturally relaxed.And how could Eric and Hal miss such a good opportunity?Accompanied by the notification sound of "output power 100%" from the Yamozhuo armor, the energy of the sword light and the green light merged into a golden and green storm, which instantly smashed the body of the black hand to pieces!
The Flash struggled to get up, heaved a long breath, glanced back at the shattered remains of Black Hand's body, and said, "I guess this will be enough for him to stabilize for a while."

All three turned their eyes to the Black Death Emperor.The Black Death Emperor, who had been fixed in place like a dead tree, finally made a move. He pulled out the sickle standing beside him, and the gloomy breath swept away like a wave, and said: "You are a little stronger than I imagined, but It still doesn't make sense. As I said, death is the only truth in the universe from all eternity, and it is your inevitability."

At this moment, the blue light beam tore through the sky and shot straight down, hitting the Black Death Emperor.The pitch-black, withered body was lifted up into the air like a rotten leaf, and thrown far away.

When the three looked up, they saw a spaceship with a sci-fi shape roaring down from the dark night sky.A human male wearing a metal mask, a green-skinned woman, a raccoon whose head is no larger than an adult's knee, a gray-red-skinned strong man, and a tree-man whose body looks like a piece of ancient tree jumped off one after another. airplane.

Eric recognized them, which was why he was surprised.

Guardians of the Galaxy?What did they come to Earth for?
(End of this chapter)

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