Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 444 The Guardians of the Galaxy

Chapter 444 The Guardians of the Galaxy

Eric, the Guardians of the Galaxy, is certainly no stranger. Like the Avengers, they are also a superhero team under Marvel Comics, but most of their members are from outside the earth, and their activities range among the major galaxies in the universe. between.Although I have visited the earth many times because of business, but generally speaking, I have nothing to do with what happens on the earth on weekdays.

Since even they are attracted to the earth, it is enough to see the important position of the earth in this cosmic catastrophe.

The leading man yelled loudly, which seemed to be the command for the team to charge, and several people immediately rushed into the battle.The tree man took the lead, stretching out countless branches from his arms and sweeping away countless lamp corpses, like a long whip thicker than a few people, rolling towards the Black Lantern Superman not far away.Superman and Hulk were wrestling fiercely, and they didn't notice the sneak attack behind them at all, so they were the first to be swept away.The green-skinned woman attacked the confrontation between Wonder Woman and Thor with a long sword. The addition of her light sword shadow immediately helped Thor share a lot of pressure. The wind, the heroine obviously struggled to cope with it, and after a few moves, she was hit by the thunder and flew out.

Captain America and Black Lantern Batman are fighting on par. If there is no external interference, I am afraid that there will be no victory or defeat in thousands of rounds.At this moment, the man wearing a mask and a deep red coat flew up, holding two guns, spouting gunfire again and again, and went straight to the black lamp Batman.Batman watched all directions and listened to all directions. The moment he caught sight of the sneak attack, he had already taken two steps diagonally to avoid the gunfire, and at the same time he was constantly attacking the captain with his hands.Seeing that it didn't work, the man spurted out propelling flames from the soles of his boots, and with the help of the thrust, the man moved laterally and spiraled around the two people in the struggle, and the gunfire continued continuously.Batman had to block the American team's punches and avoid the gunfire surrounding him at the same time. He was overwhelmed and was shot through countless holes continuously.The captain took the opportunity to lift his shield and swept him away, and slapped him to the side.

The man stopped and said hello, "Hey, Captain America, I've heard your story since I was a child."

"Thank you, your help just now is very important," the captain said, "I still don't know what to call you."

"Call me Xingjue." He shot back the black lantern corpses approaching on both sides, and said, "We are the Guardians of the Galaxy. But we can wait for a while, now we have to retreat first, find someone A good place to chat."

As he spoke, he raised his voice and shouted loudly: "Hey! Over there, do you hear that? We have to retreat first!"

What he called was Green Lantern, Lightning and Eric who were surrounded by the Black Death Emperor.They originally planned to gather the power of the seven lanterns to defeat death, but this move not only failed, but six lantern heroes were turned into puppets of the other party, and each of them already had the intention of retreating in their hearts.Hearing Xingjue's shout, they reckoned in their hearts that if they continued to fight, it might indeed be impossible to defeat the Black Death Emperor, so they immediately decided to withdraw.

What's interesting is that the Black Death Emperor didn't stop him. He still only held his sickle, standing majestically on the top of the mountain, watching them retreat indifferently.The Black Lantern Justice League and the Lamp Corpses who were forced to retreat tried to intercept them, but before they left, Eric turned around with his ultimate power and slashed horizontally with his sword, and the entire hill was split into two by his sword energy.Dust rolled in the night, and when the dust settled, the few remaining members of the Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy and Justice League were gone.

The Black Death Emperor watched them go away without any reaction, his withered face seemed to be sneering.The fragments of Black Hand's body that had been blasted to pieces spontaneously began to reorganize, and the black mucus pulled the fragments back to their proper positions. It took only a moment to reshape his body.

Hei Shou shook his head and asked, "Don't you need to chase them?"

"No need." The Black Death Emperor said coldly, "They have nowhere to hide, and it doesn't matter where they go. After tonight, all life in the universe will disappear, and only eternal death will rule everything!"

After leaving the cemetery, everyone lifted into the air all the way and flew straight to a place where the atmosphere is thin.Tony contacted Aegis—fortunately, there seemed to be no communication interference at this altitude.After learning that the floating carrier was safe and sound for the time being, everyone turned and landed on the carrier for the time being.This time, Fury wisely did not act rashly before he figured out the ins and outs of the chaos. The helicarrier has been suspended at an altitude of [-] meters with the camouflage stealth function turned on, and it has not been harassed by the lamp corpse.

After everyone landed, Fury couldn't wait to greet them. When they met, they asked, "Can someone explain what's going on now? Why are a bunch of people who have already been buried in the ground running around?"

After everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, it was Hal who came forward and said, "This is a bit complicated to say."

Hal briefly explained the rebellion of the guardian Scarface, the prophecy about the Blackest Night in the Book of Oa, the appearance of the Black Lantern energy battery, the black hand William Hand was selected as the spokesperson of the Black Lantern until the last Black Death appear.When it comes to the fact that everyone in the Justice League was also imprisoned by the Black Lantern Ring and turned into black lantern puppets, he himself was puzzled. He didn't know why these rings that could only control dead bodies could suddenly control living people. Could it be the Justice League? owner of
He shook his head and stopped thinking about it.This idea was so absurd and terrifying that even he himself found it unacceptable.

Eric asked Xingjue and others: "You said you are the 'Guardians of the Galaxy'? What are you doing here on Earth?"

"We are the Guardians of the Galaxy. Let me introduce myself, my name is Star-Lord, and here are Rocket Raccoon, Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, and Groot the Treeman"

Before he finished his introduction, Rocket Raccoon couldn't help but interjected: "You haven't heard of it yet? The universe has exploded!"

Fury glanced at the little guy: "What exploded?"

"An old lie about the Guardians is that the earth is actually the center of the universe." Gamora, a green-skinned woman, said, "Now the whole universe knows that the earth is the birthplace of life, and that's why The center of the dark night is also here. If the universe wants to survive this catastrophe, it must start from the earth."

Xingjue also said: "It's not just us, the Nova Corps is also arranging a brigade to rush here non-stop. Theoretically speaking, the Green Lantern Corps should also take action, but since the outbreak of the Black Lantern Corpse, Oua and all other areas have been lost. Without contact, no one knows what happened to the Green Lantern Corps."

With that said, everyone's eyes subconsciously turned to Hal, the only Green Lantern here.Hal waved his hands again and again: "Don't stare at me. When I left, Oua was being attacked by a black lamp corpse, and I don't know what's going on there now."

At this moment, a green light descended from the sky, ignoring the windshield and shooting directly into the mothership, falling right in front of everyone.Everyone was taken aback, and they were subconsciously making counterattacks, when Hal shouted in shock: "Ganther!?"

The form condensed in the green light is the last remaining guardian of Oa, Ganser—or to be precise, the projection of his body.Even though it was just a phantom image of the old man's body in blue, the image was not angry and majestic, exuding an inviolable aura.

"Lantern Jordan, and other warriors on Earth." Gunther said in a deep voice, "Listen now, I want to tell you something very important about the Blackest Night."

(End of this chapter)

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