Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 445 Hybrid Universe

Chapter 445 Hybrid Universe
Gunther, or his image, walked slowly in circles in the hall of the Helicarrier.When all the agents saw that he broke in suddenly, they raised their guns and surrounded him in a hurry. Seeing that he didn't seem to have any malicious intentions, they put down their guns one after another under Fury's signal.

Hal asked anxiously: "How is Oua doing now? Can the legion survive?"

"The Lantern Corps has fallen, and all the Green Lanterns have fallen under the control of the Black Lantern Ring." Ganser said expressionlessly, and everyone couldn't help shouting "ah".The Green Lantern Corps was supposed to be the backbone of the universe against this catastrophe, but unexpectedly fell first without knowing it. This news is undoubtedly a heavy blow to morale.

"Impossible!" Hal frowned tightly, and said, "Oua has stationed so many Green Lanterns, even if they are indeed lost, they cannot all be wiped out in such a short period of time. At least."

Speaking of this, his words suddenly stopped, his face changed, and he said in surprise: "Could it be that they were all forcibly put on by the black lantern ring?"

Seeing Ganser nodded, everyone was even more startled: "Doesn't that mean that as long as Hei Sidi wants to put a few rings on his hand, we all have to submit obediently?"

"No, it's not that easy. If that's the case, then there's no need for us to resist." Ganser shook his head and said seriously, "What I'm talking to you now is my idea of ​​concretizing and launching my last will , I don’t know whether my body is dead or alive now. I can’t maintain this form for too long, so I’ll make a long story short with you.”

After a slight pause, he began to say: "You probably know a little bit about the origin of life and death. According to the earliest records, life originated from the sacred white light, which is a pole outside the emotional spectrum, corresponding to the darkness of death. All life in the existing universe comes from that holy white light, and is closely connected with it even now."

"Wait, are you saying that all of our lives are tied together by a rope?" Star-Lord asked in disbelief.

"Almost." Ganser nodded, and said, "You should already know that for hundreds of millions of years, we have been trying our best to cover up a fact. We falsely claim that Oa is the center of the universe, but in fact it is to cover up the fact that Oa is buried on the earth. The truth is, the earth is the very center of the universe, and the place where all life in the universe originated."

After saying this, Hal was the first to change his face, and said in surprise: "Wait, did you say the white light of the origin of life?"

"The spirit of existence, yes, it should have been buried on the earth." Ganser said, "This is why the Black Death Emperor came to the earth. Every color lamp has its own image, and the white lamp of life is no exception. , its concrete form is the spirit of existence. If the Black Death Emperor can destroy the spirit of existence, then he will also kill every life in this universe, and by that time."

"The Darkest Night." The Flash said solemnly, "So that's why the Black Hand keeps yelling that we can't escape death."

"But there is one thing that the Black Death Emperor doesn't know." Ganser said, "He thought that the spirit of existence is still on the earth, but in fact it has long since disappeared."

Seeing everyone's questioning gazes, Ganser suddenly turned to Hal and asked, "Jordan the Lantern, do you remember what was recorded in the Book of Oa?"

Hal was taken aback, and subconsciously replied: "The dogma and oath of the Green Lantern Corps, as well as everything from the beginning of the universe to the present... and future prophecies."

"Yes, the Blackest Night is the content of the prophecy in the Book of Oa, and it is also being fulfilled." Ganther said, "But in addition, there is a more important part of the content, which we list as the most important part of the book. The taboo. But now the guardian is almost dead, even my old bone does not know if I am still alive, if this taboo is not announced, I am afraid no one will know."

The last few words were spoken with a sense of sadness, and the audience was also touched.Thinking about the guardians who have survived since the beginning of the universe and have an eternal lifespan, they have fallen into this field at this time, is it just like that?
Ganther said: "According to the book of Oa, the universe we currently exist in is not what it is. At a time that you and I can no longer remember, the darkest night once came. The Seven Lanterns united , Cooperate with all forces in the universe to resist the Black Death Emperor, and finally gather a group of admirable heroes from the earth to fight the Earth and fight the Black Death Emperor. Unfortunately, in the end, the devil was still overwhelmed, and the Black Death Emperor successfully led out The spirit of existence, and killed it on the spot. The universe fell into complete darkness, everything was swallowed up by the eternal darkness called death, and everything came to an end."

After this passage was finished, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and read the expressions of "I saw a ghost" from each other's faces. The scene was a bit funny under such a serious atmosphere.But it’s no wonder, if the little blue man said that a war related to the survival of the universe broke out in Oua, then it’s fine for the closed-off earth people not to know, but he just said that the war happened on the earth. Are many people brainwashed?
But Ganser's face was very serious, without the slightest hint of a joke, and continued: "I know you don't believe it, because you don't remember it. The truth is, I don't remember it either, but the record in the Book of Oa It will never be false. After that decisive battle, there was only the last hope of counterattack in the universe, and life did rise in the end. This process is quite complicated, and I don’t have much time left, so I won’t mention the details. All in all, the white light of life finally found a chance to fight back, the light of life was re-ignited, and all those who died in the darkest night returned to the world."

After a pause, he continued: "But later, things changed again. Due to some reason in this process, our original world merged with another world that was involved, and the two foundations are completely different. The worlds of the world were merged into one and restarted, people who were acquainted before became strangers, and people who would never meet may become best friends or old enemies. In short, our world was born in this way. "

Ganser stated the series of facts in one go, and everyone was stunned for a while, and even forgot to marvel for a while.It's no wonder that the amount of information in his few words is really too large, which is really unacceptable.

"The Black Lantern Ring can only possess the dead or people who have been resurrected from the dead." Eric said lightly.By this time, he had no more doubts.The universe that Ganser said was once dominated by the darkest night is undoubtedly one of the DC multiverse, and the universe involved belongs to the Marvel multiverse. It is the fusion of the two universes that made him travel through Here comes this hybrid universe.

In other words, all the characters on the DC side can be counted as resurrected from the dead, and all of them may be selected by the black lantern ring.

Just thinking of this, Eric felt a sudden pain like a needle prick in his heart, half of his body suddenly fell into a cave of ice.There is a part of Raven's soul in his body, and if something happens to her, he can feel it even if he is thousands of miles away, just like now.

At this moment, the whole mothership was shaken suddenly, the sky-shattering cannon sound came from outside, and there was an earthquake on the deck.

"Director!" An agent shouted loudly, "There are enemy attacks! There are quite a few of them!"

(End of this chapter)

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