Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 483 Diseases

Chapter 483 Diseases
Leaving the base of Tianyan, today's affairs have come to an end for the time being.The few people agreed to contact each other once they found any new situation, and then broke up separately.

Peter and Gwen are undoubtedly going home separately, and Eric is going to go to S.H.I.E.L.D. to share news with Fury about his old friend Amanda Waller, and then go back to the watchtower to rest.There was only this poor clone who was haunted all night and had nowhere to go. Suddenly he realized the truth, and there was no place for him in the world.

At this moment, the truth came out, and after Peter knew the ins and outs, he began to feel sorry for the clone again.He was innocent after all, he never asked to be cloned, and he was just a victim.After thinking for a long time, he couldn't help but said: "If you have no place to go, you might as well go back with me first."

Clone Peter was astonished, and said: "You know what it will be like if there are two Peter Parkers who look the same when they go back? Aunt May can't accept this."

Peter scratched his head: "This...we will find a solution."

Gwen tilted her head and thought for a while, then said, "I have an idea."

The three then went to the street to find a hair salon, dyed the clone Peter's hair blond, and then went to buy a whole new set of clothes to dress him up as a fashionable cowboy boy.After dressing up, this cloned Peter has completely changed his face, and his style is completely different from the previous ones. Although his appearance is still very similar, his aura seems to be another person.

"Ha, the effect is amazing." Gwen watched the two Peter standing side by side, and commented with satisfaction, "Now you two are much easier to distinguish."

But considering that the two look surprisingly similar after all, they fabricated a new identity for Clone Peter.After pondering for a while, Peter decided to combine Aunt May's surname Riley before marrying into the Parker family with Uncle Ben's name, calling him Ben Riley, falsely claiming that he was a distant relative, so that Aunt May might be able to accept him to stay at home for a while.

Even so, when Peter and Ben came to the door of the house side by side, they were still very disturbed.Both of them were imagining in their hearts how Aunt Mei would react to this, and the more they thought about it, the more uneasy they became.They just sneaked into the high-alert military base of the Sky Eye Society tonight, but they were not half as nervous as they were at this time.

The two stood for a long time before Peter slowly took out the key and whispered, "I really hope we can survive this disaster."

"It's weird to say that she's not my aunt in principle." Ben also whispered, "But I think I'm just as nervous as you right now."

Peter opened the door, walked cautiously into the entrance, and said, "Aunt Mei, I'm back."

No one answered.They looked at each other, and Ben said, "Maybe she's not home?"

Peter shook his head: "The bedroom light is on."

The two walked into the house lightly, and the living room was empty.Peter took a deep breath, pushed Aunt May's door open, and couldn't help but turn pale with shock.Aunt Mei was lying powerlessly on the ground, her face was as pale as paper, her forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and her breath was like gossamer.

"Aunt May!"

Both of them yelled out loudly, forgetting all their previous worries, and hurriedly stepped forward to help her up, but she was already unconscious.The two children hurriedly dialed 911, and the ambulance arrived after a while.Aunt Mei was sent to the emergency room, and the two waited anxiously outside the door, staring at the number plate of the emergency room.

"How did this happen!?" Peter annoyed, "She's been fine these days, there's no problem at all. She also said she wanted to join a home cooking class, and she was still very energetic when she went out in the morning"

"Or maybe you're too concerned about Spider-Man to care about the people around you." Ben complained, "I know you, you always do."

Peter sat down dejectedly, without any rebuttal.

What he said was the truth.

Gwen rushed over soon after getting the news, and gave a little comfort to the depressed Peter.The three of them sat on the bench outside the emergency room for almost the whole night, and the doctor finally came out in the early hours of the morning.

The three stood up almost together, and Peter quickly asked, "How is she, doctor?"

The doctor shook his head solemnly: "We have done everything we can, but she is still not out of danger. And I am sorry to say that the next few days may get worse and worse."

The news was like a bolt from the blue, Peter felt his eyes go dark, and he almost couldn't stand still.He tried his best to calm down and asked, "What's the cause? Why did she suddenly faint?"

"I'm sorry, but we can't answer this." The doctor said with embarrassment, "We have ruled out the cause of the symptoms at her age, and her examination results also ruled out the cause of heart failure or heart attack. .We're going to go ahead and check it out, but honestly, I'm stumped."

Gwen asked, "Don't you have any clue?"

The doctor said: "I can't confirm anything yet, but judging from the results of her blood test, it seems that there should be a problem at the genetic level."

The moment they heard the word "gene level", the hearts of all three jumped.They've dealt with too much genetic stuff, and most of it isn't good.

Could it be that Aunt Mei's illness is another conspiracy of some enemy lurking in the dark?
Elsewhere, in a certain stronghold.

The black car drove back to the garage, and the man in black with a suitcase got out of the car with several bodyguards in black.The subordinate who had been waiting here stepped forward to take the suitcase and saluted him respectfully.The man in black briefly explained a few words, and then walked straight into the interior.

All the people working here were dressed in black clothes, and when they saw the man in black, they respectfully stepped aside and saluted.He went straight to an uninhabited area of ​​the stronghold, unlocked a door with a compound lock, and walked inside.The room was lit with a strange and dim green light, and the two sides of the wall were arranged in a ring with glass culture tanks, and a computer with a large screen stood in the center.

The man in black sat in front of the computer and took off his mask, revealing a green face like a jackal, with yellow pupils that looked particularly ferocious under the fluorescent light of the screen.

After the computer started, not long after, a black outline appeared on the screen.A cold synthesized voice came from the computer: "How's it going, Jackal?"

"Very well." The Jackal chuckled, "You can rest assured that we have almost entered the next stage. What you expected will soon come true!"

"Better so, Jackal," said the man coldly, "because otherwise, you'll be the one paying the price."

"Of course, I understand." Jackal said with a smile.

But he didn't notice that a man in black, who was dressed like other bodyguards in the base, was crouching in the ventilation duct above his head, eavesdropping on his conversation with this mysterious figure, frowning slightly.

(Thanks to the book friend Ya Pafika for the 100 starting coins!)

(End of this chapter)

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