Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 484 Tarantula

Chapter 484 Tarantula
After Eric separated from Peter and the others, he first rushed to the mothership of Aegis to meet Nick Fury, and explained to him what they found on that trip just now.After hearing this, Fury frowned for a while, and said: "I knew that Waller would never be peaceful even for a short while, but I didn't expect that she would not give up her plan to clone Spider-Man after that time." .”

"She never gives up easily." Eric said, "But we also met Waller. She said she didn't know anything about the spider potion circulating in New York City. She also speculated that it was made by jackals."

"We also found similar evidence that the jackal was behind the scenes." Fury said, "As I speak, my agents are doing their best to search"

The two were talking, and an emergency communication was suddenly connected to Fury.Fury answered and said, "This is an encrypted emergency line, indicating your identity."

"This is Agent Romanov." Black Widow's voice came from the other side, and there were noisy shouts and fights in the background.

Fury realized that the situation was wrong and asked, "Agent Romanov, explain the situation, has the mission changed?"

"I sneaked into the Jackal's base." The Black Widow said hurriedly, sounding like she was running fast at the same time, "I found out that the Jackal was communicating with someone, someone above him, it seemed that is the real messenger."

Fury was taken aback, and then asked, "What's your situation now?"

"I've been exposed and I'm trying to escape, but the chances of success are slim. But the moment you connect to the communication, I have already sent you the coordinates. This is the location of their base. Next"

Just at this critical moment, the communication was cut off suddenly, and finally there seemed to be a burst of noise in the channel.After Fury yelled twice and still did not respond, he glanced at Eric who happened to be beside him, and said, "It's Agent Romanov. She found the Jackal's location, but she was exposed."

Eric understood, got up and said, "I'll go and have a look."

Before he could finish speaking, Yamozhuo's armor had already been put on.Eric screamed, jumped up, and at the same time activated the speed force ability, his whole body oscillated at high speed into a layer of afterimage, rushing out from the ceiling of the mothership.At this time, the speed of the Yamozhuo armor has far surpassed any aircraft on the earth, and he rushed to the base where the black widow sent out the communication in just a moment.

Since this time he came here to smash the scene directly instead of investigating, then there is no need to act covertly, it would be better to be more ostentatious.So he directly descended vertically from the air, like a shot ball accelerating down, piercing through layers of thick alloy plates and landing firmly on the ground.The ground was filled with dust all of a sudden, and several miscellaneous soldiers were blown away without being able to dodge in time.

Eric landed on the ground in a half-squat, and stood up slowly after the dust settled.Looking around, I saw miscellaneous soldiers in black all around. Seeing him invading, they hurriedly took out their syringes and gave themselves a dose of medicine, their eyes suddenly changed.

Obviously that was the potion that gave them spider abilities, and a large number of Spider-Man suddenly appeared around Eric.But he swept around without any fear, and only let out a cold snort, his figure flashed out like a golden whirlwind, and rushed into the crowd.Poor guys in black, although their nerve response and dynamic vision have been greatly enhanced, they still had difficulty catching his figure, and they were rushed and killed by Eric in an instant, and a large area was knocked down.

These drugged super fighters may have extraordinary reflexes and superb skills, and can also make some unimaginable moves, but these are not worth mentioning under the absolute crushing of strength.Eric rushed all the way in Zhang Yang, and came to the room where the jackal was hiding in the deepest part.He waved twice and sent the two black-clothed warriors blocking the door flying away, then tore open the alloy door with brute force, and threw it aside.

A green shadow flashed out immediately, and its claws grabbed the top of his head fiercely, but it didn't even leave a scratch on the solid helmet.Eric turned his wrist back, and his hand was like a pliers, no matter how hard the opponent tried, he couldn't break free.Eric saw this guy's appearance clearly. He had green skin, a face that was no different from a jackal, and his thief-like eyes were a strange yellow color, which was indescribably annoying.

"So, I guess you are the 'jackal' they are talking about." Eric looked him up and said, "Your appearance really deserves the nickname."

"You're stirring up muddy water that you can't figure out." The Jackal said viciously, his eyes moved behind Eric at the same time, and his eyes moved strangely.Eric's heart moved, and he dragged the jackal sideways without looking back, and a black shadow behind him suddenly disappeared.But the black shadow still didn't give up, and abruptly turned its direction and stretched out his hand to grab him. Eric punched him back violently, but he was surprised by the inconceivable force coming from the opponent's hand, and the other hand subconsciously It let go, and the Jackal took the opportunity to pull his arm back and jump away.

Eric didn't pay attention to him for a while, and his eyes returned to the black figure.This guy was exaggeratedly tall, and the blue-black uniform had been split in many places by his body shape, revealing the dark yellow body underneath.Four worm legs stretched out from behind him, it was like a standing spider monster.

The jackal laughed loudly: "Come and see one of my most proud works - the tarantula!"

Eric looked at the spider monster a little carefully, and was slightly surprised.He didn't know what kind of method the Jackal used, but this tarantula was surprisingly powerful, far from the level that Spider-Man or any clone should be, and it might be able to compete with the normal Hulk.Eric couldn't help but be a little curious about what kind of method the jackal used to make a clone become like this.

"Tarantula," ordered the Jackal loudly, "take him!"

The tarantula roared, and obediently rushed forward, swinging its huge fists.Eric wanted to test his arm strength, and didn't dodge. He caught his fist with one hand, and a huge force penetrated his palm, but Eric's palm still remained motionless.The long insect legs on the back of the tarantula waved like sharp arrows.Eric manipulated the light on the green light ring of the armor to transform into four, and each entity that turned into a palm pinched a flying insect foot.Eric was just about to see what new tricks he could play, when suddenly a tarantula mouthpart and a web shot out from its mouth, covering the monitor in front of Eric unexpectedly.He was only stunned for a moment before his arm was grabbed by the tarantula, and he threw it over his shoulder forcefully, piercing through the metal wall of the laboratory and falling heavily to the ground.

Erik was suddenly thrown out by him, and got up unhurriedly, but he was not annoyed at all. He just tore off the spider web on his face and said with a smile, "It's interesting." The afterimage chased after him and hit him straight with a punch.Eric still didn't dodge, and punched him head-on with brute force. When the two punches collided, a gust of wind swept away, blowing the jackal who was watching the battle back staggeringly, and Zhou Zai's glass jars shattered one after another, and even the roof seemed like To be overturned.The tarantula staggered back a few steps, apparently having suffered.

Eric stood on the spot, blew his fists, and said, "Use any other tricks quickly, or I will make a move."

(Thanks to book friend 20170607065615281 for the reward of 100 starting coins!)

(End of this chapter)

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