Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 491 Spider Queen

Chapter 491 Spider Queen
Peter and Ben Riley met the Tarantula halfway, and a vicious fight ensued.But at this time, the wolf spider has concentrated the spider power of an unknown number of individuals, and the strength can be imagined.In just a few rounds, the two of them were fully suppressed by the tarantula, barely dodging its attack, and they had exhausted all their abilities.

The three of them just kept driving away from the hospital, and unconsciously chased them two miles away.But at this moment, Peter was finally careless. When he was leaping to dodge, a spider thread shot by the tarantula stuck to the sole of his foot, and the irresistible force immediately pulled him back.

Peter lost his balance in mid-air, and was flying towards the tarantula in the direction of the traction. Seeing the target's hideous eyes and claws approaching him, he couldn't help but feel frightened in his heart. In a hurry, his potential was aroused, and he shot at a faster speed than usual. With both hands interlaced, he pressed on the back of the thick arm stretched out by the tarantula at the same time, and pulled his body upwards with strength, embracing a ball and somersaulting over the tarantula's head.

But the speed of the tarantula itself is still faster than him after all. He had just turned halfway over the top of the tarantula when the other hand of the tarantula reached out vertically and grabbed Peter's ankle, dragging him back to the ground. Stamping on the soles of his feet, he shouted loudly, making Peter suffocate for a while.Ben yelled from behind, and rushed forward to save him, but was elbowed by the other arm of the tarantula, and with a "bang", the iron frame of the water tank on the roof where the three of them were sitting was slightly crushed.

Peter almost used all his strength to hug the leg where the tarantula was stepping on him, but he couldn't shake it even an inch.He felt the darkness in front of his eyes, and he couldn't help thinking to himself, he didn't expect to survive so many storms, and in the end, he would die in the hands of the product of his ability so ironically.

Suddenly, another white afterimage rushed up from downstairs, and a long black leg kicked directly on the back of Tarantula's forehead, causing him to stagger and release Peter involuntarily.Peter's chest loosened, and before he could think about it, the spider webs almost subconsciously shot out from his hands and stuck to the face of the tarantula, and he was thrown from the roof with all his strength.

The tarantula has assembled the spider power of multiple individuals, and its strength and speed are terrifyingly strong, but he is so violent that only the spider sensor has almost failed, so he is completely unaware of intruders sneaking up on him from behind.Peter and Ben took a breath, and only then did they see the appearance of the helper.It was a petite girl, wearing a white and black uniform and a white hood. Although her figure was not impressive, she was still very eye-catching against the tight uniform.

"Hey boys," she chuckled, "you look like you need help."

Peter was stunned, and said, "Gwen!? Oh my god, you should stay in the hospital with Aunt May! Speaking of Aunt May, is she okay now?"

The girl in the uniform was none other than Gwen.It turned out that after the Yamozhuo incident, Gwen found that she also had the ability to be a spider. Later, she accidentally learned that Peter was Spider-Man. Since then, she has joined the ranks of Spider-Man in punishing evil and promoting good, and cooperated with Peter. Live a lot.But even so, Peter still never trusts her to deal with those really powerful demons, even a little overprotective.

"The condition is still deteriorating, but the hospital is still safe for the time being." Gwen said, "It seems that my help is needed more outside, so I came here. You always like to say it? The more capable you are."

"The greater the responsibility, well, you won." Peter said, "But I still think you should go to a safer place, it doesn't look like this at all."

"Uh, you can save the lines and argue later," they said, but Ben was looking downstairs, and saw the tarantula climbing up the roof again with alarming speed, clung to the wall.He said, "The big spider is coming back soon. Should we think about it now or something?"

"Speaking of ideas, I might have one." Peter said, and jumped off from the other side, saying, "Follow me."

Ben and Gwen looked at each other, and jumped off with him, leaving with a spider's thread, and said at the same time: "I hope your idea is better than 'Let's escape'."

Right now, Central Park.

Soria became huge to the height of more than 20 floors, turning into a terrifying giant creature, and the whole area was in turmoil as soon as it landed.She calls herself the Spider Queen, and she claims to be a god, which may not be an exaggeration in terms of human cognition.By this time, most of the civilians on the entire island have been infected with spider monsters, and she can extract power from all her "people", and the power of millions of Spider-Man gathers together, and she is called a god. Not too much.

Eric didn't take it seriously when he saw the guy swell into a giant spider.Size doesn't mean anything, you must know that he has dealt with bigger ones, but they are just strong on the outside and capable on the inside.At first he didn't take this queen seriously, he clenched his fists and rushed forward.The Spider Queen captured his super-speed movement, lifted a worm leg, and the spider leg, which was as thick as a tree trunk, turned out to be unimaginably fast, completely unexpected.Startled, Eric punched him hastily, but was knocked out by the spider leg. The armor smashed through two or three buildings in a row before smashing into a huge hole on the road.

The Spider Queen was so excited that her whole body trembled with laughter.She moved into the urban area, and her thick legs pushed down the buildings like building blocks, and she shouted happily: "Ha! Little human, run as much as you want! The dawn of spiders is coming! What kind of Aegis , Avengers, Justice League, all come with me! I will crush you all!"

Eric was swept away by her leg in a moment of carelessness, but he was not injured.He calmly stood up from the deep pit, patted himself away from the dust, and hummed, "Interesting, since you asked for it."

As he said that, he stepped on his foot, and the gravel suddenly flew across the deep pit, and a circle of air burst suddenly.Eric was like a cannon shot out of the chamber, and the afterimage flew back from the cave of the building through which his body penetrated, and was flying in front of the Spider Queen.The Spider Queen noticed his movement, raised her spider legs again and swiped towards her, but this time Eric didn't meet her head-on again, and the figure in the rush sank suddenly, and suddenly dropped a few meters to avoid it. That spider leg rushed directly under her body with incomparable momentum.With a clear whistle, Eric raised his fist from the bottom up, and the punch with a force of [-] tons caused the whole figure of this huge monster to be lifted up, and it fell backwards suddenly, and heavily knocked down several street shops behind him. It was smashed to pieces.

"The so-called god is nothing more than that." Eric shook his hand and said, "It's not very powerful."

The Spider Queen straightened her body, turned over abruptly, glared at this tiny human with her compound eyes, and shouted, "I'm going to kill you!!"

(End of this chapter)

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