Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 492 The Antidote

Chapter 492 The Antidote
Peter, Gwen and Ben chased after the tarantula all the way, flying across half of Manhattan with the spider's silk, and finally came to Queens.Several people followed behind Peter, looking at the direction he was heading, Ben couldn't help but asked, "Would you be in this direction?"

"Go home? You really guessed it right." Peter replied while continuing to fly.

Gwen asked, "You said you had a plan."

"I have a plan," said Peter, "and when I say 'plan,' I don't mean hide in a house and see no one."

In fact, Tarantula's moving speed was faster than them, but unfortunately, his brain was not very bright, and agility was the common advantage of the three of them.They flew up and down between the buildings, using various terrains to slow down the speed of the tarantula, and finally managed to reach Parker's house.The three of them landed one after another, and Peter rushed in through the window immediately, saying, "Help me block him for a while, just a little while!"

Before the words were finished, the tarantula was already chasing after it, roaring and trampling down from the air.Ben and Gwen jumped left and right, letting the tarantula make a deep hole in the garden.

The two looked at each other, and Ben said, "That's great, he'd better come out quickly, or we'll become this guy's appetizers together."

The tarantula let out a loud roar, opened its six arms together, and jumped forward with its teeth and claws, its movements were quite ugly.The two avoided each other, and Gwen jumped onto his back, raised her hand and aimed at his face, trying to spit out spider webs.But the tarantula moved too fast, and one of his claws slid up and grabbed Gwen's wrist.Hearing the brittle sound of "click", Gwen snorted in pain, and was thrown to the ground by his arms upside down.


Ben shouted loudly, strode forward, flew up a leg and swept towards it, the tarantula raised an arm lightly and blocked it.He forced himself to almost exceed the limit of his body, while drinking loudly, while attacking with violent fists and feet, his figure was so fast that only an afterimage remained.But the Tarantula swung its six arms together, almost blocking the air in front of it. All of Ben's fists and kicks were easily blocked by him, and there was no sign of an imminent breakthrough.Instead, the tarantula casually parried his fists and feet, and grabbed out the other hand like a spirit snake.Ben felt that a black shadow flashed in front of him, and before he could think about it, he turned sideways hastily, his chest was still scratched with several bloodstains, and his movements were also stagnant.Taking advantage of the situation, the tarantula raised its legs and slammed its knees. The impact was so heavy that its internal organs seemed to be deformed. It suddenly smashed through the wall of Parker's house and fell into the porch, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Although Peter asked them to block for a while, the two together only blocked the tarantula for less than five seconds.The tarantula knocked the two of them down instantly, and then looked into the room of Parker's house, his eyes flickering as if he was thinking about something.

He jumped to the second floor and entered Peter's room through the same broken window.As soon as Peter turned his head, without thinking, he raised his hand and a spider web shot at him, but the tarantula swiped it away with a swipe of its arm, and rushed towards it in a menacing manner.Peter was unable to dodge, and was hit head-on by the tarantula. He flew upside down and slammed down the door behind him. His right hand involuntarily let go, and a transparent vial full of potions flew out in an arc. smashed to pieces on the floor.With sharp eyes and quick hands, Peter turned his wrist hastily, and a spider thread shot out, forming a web between the foot of the bed and the foot of the table, like a cushion catching the vial.

But the tarantula had caught up again, grabbed his throat and lifted him upside down, and slammed it against the wall of the room, smashing the wall apart.He opened his bloody mouth wide and roared, his voice shook the whole building as if it was buzzing.Seeing the shocking mouth so close, and smelling the savage smell, Peter felt as if he was about to suffocate to death.

Only the last chance left.Peter clenched his teeth, glanced sideways, another spider thread hit the bottle of liquid lying on the spider web with his right hand, and took it back into his hand along the spider thread with a pull of his wrist.He mustered up the courage to stare at the tarantula, flicked open the cork with his thumb, and stuffed the bottle of medicine with his entire palm into the tarantula's mouth with all his might.

The tarantula's eyes suddenly changed, and with a growl, it threw Peter far away with its arms.Peter flew upside down from the bedroom and fell straight to the stairs on the second floor. His five fingers stuck to the wall of the stairwell before barely stopping the castration.The bottle also came out of his hand, and smashed to pieces on the floor with a clang, but there was no drop of the liquid medicine inside.

The tarantula drank the whole bottle of medicine, and its six arms scratched its head frantically, almost rolling on the floor in pain.He swung his arms wildly with incredible force, and smashed Peter's bed down, cut the wardrobe in half, overturned all the tables and chairs, and the whole bedroom couldn't be more messed up.Peter watched from a distance, swallowed, and thought to himself, if Aunt Mei was lucky enough to survive this and came back to see the scene in the room, she might faint from anger and be pushed back to the hospital to go.

At this time, Ben and Gwen also caught up, and they all looked at each other in blank dismay when they saw this scene, at a loss.Peter explained: "Back in the cloning incident, one of my crazy clones genetically modified Mary Jane and turned her into a furry monster. I think her changes were the same as the The change that gave us our powers is also of the same origin. Mary Jane stayed with Mr. Stark for a while after that incident, and Mr. Stark managed to develop a drug that reversed the process and helped her recover."

The two had guessed a bit, and Gwen asked, "So you just fed him the medicine."

Peter nodded and said, "I hid a bottle secretly, because I thought that since this medicine can reverse the changes in Mary, it must be able to reverse mine too. At that time, my life was at a low point, and I More than once, I wanted to give up being Spider-Man. Uncle Ben taught me that 'with great power comes great responsibility', but if I give up these powers, then there is no responsibility to bear."

"But you still didn't do that." Gwen laughed. "Of course you don't. I know you."

"Yeah." Peter sighed pretendingly, "It's a pity that this expensive bottle of medicine is cheaper than this big guy."

It did work.The body of the tarantula shrinks rapidly, and after a while it has returned to human size, crouching on the floor and twitching.His disheveled, disheveled hair has not been cut for many years, but it can be vaguely seen that it seems to be carved out of the same mold as Peter.

"Great, another clone of me." Peter frowned, and said, "I should have thought of it earlier. We have to inform Mr. Stark, I don't think he knows it now, he has developed the ability to reverse the spider in the past The antidote to the strange change!"

At this moment, the tarantula regained its human form and was relieved.He struggled to get up, and said weakly to several people: "We... have to find the jackal quickly. I know where he is and he can save Aunt Mei!"

(End of this chapter)

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