Chapter 503 Taurus
Late at night, 300 meters above New York.

This height is beyond the reach of any building in the city. Under the night, there is only a ball of green light floating in the air.The green light turned into a small floating viewing platform, Eric and Raven sat side by side on the edge, looking down.

They just came out of Tony's pavilion two hours ago, and it's a pity that some unpleasant things happened there tonight, but Tony said it was his own problem, so Eric didn't intervene, and then Raven left together.It was almost eleven o'clock when we left the science and technology exhibition, but neither of them was tired, so they simply decided not to return tonight.

Sitting on the edge of the rooftop where the green lights are changing, you can have a panoramic view of the bustling night scene of New York. The criss-crossing lights are like gorgeous lines, intertwined to form a huge and boundless picture.Ruiwen stared at it for a moment, and couldn't help saying: "The city built by humans is so beautiful."

Eric smiled and said, "That's not as good-looking as you."

Raven leaned in his arms, looked at the curtain-like night again, and couldn't help saying: "The human city looks so huge, but it's nothing compared to the universe. There are so many things outside that we don't understand. thing, maybe when we wake up, some extraterrestrials descend on Earth to claim their sovereignty."

"That's why we are here, right?" Eric said, "No matter what we encounter, we can always solve it, as always."

"You can always solve it." Raven said, unconsciously lost his mind, "but what is the price? You can save the earth ten times, fifty times, a hundred times, but until then."

Before she finished speaking, Eric interrupted her with a smile, stroked her soft black hair lovingly, and said, "That's why I need you, isn't it? Don't worry, as long as you are here, no matter what No matter how many times I will not lose my way. I promise, no matter where I go in the future, I will always find you, okay?"

Raven came back to his senses, smiled slightly, and said, "That's right. I'm sorry, I said something strange, and I know you can do it. I just worry unconsciously sometimes, but I know it's okay."

Eric sighed, stroked her hair, but said nothing.In fact, why isn't he worried?He also feels sorry for Raven from the bottom of his heart, but up to now he can only take one step forward, and he can no longer turn back.

The two did not talk for a while, only looking down.Just then, Erik noticed a battle of the Avengers on the edge of the city below.

At this time, he has the enhanced sense of armor, even if the target is hundreds of miles away, he can still see every trace of dust on the ground clearly.On a trail over there, I saw Iron Man and Thor flying side by side, chasing a khaki afterimage in front of us.It was extremely fast, but Erik could still see clearly what seemed to be a humanoid bull standing upright, with red eyes, horns on the top of the head, and a faint gleam from the strange coat of arms printed on the chest.

It seems that Tony is quite busy. There has just been an accident at the science and technology exhibition, and now he is called by the alliance to carry out a mission.

"Monster! I order you to stop!"

Thunder God shouted loudly and held his hammer high. The dense black cloud immediately overtook several people, spit out blue lightning and flew towards the tauren.Several streaks of Li Lei exploded beside it one after another. Although it dodged away with its swift movement, it was finally slowed down.Immediately after, Iron Man raised two repulsor cannons, and caught up with him from the back, causing the tauren to turn twice and fell into a dense forest, several trees fell one after another.

The two fell one after another, and Thor asked, "What is that evil monster?"

Tony asked, "Not even in Asgard?"

"There is no such monster in God's Domain." Lei Shen said, "I think it was created by magic."

At this time, the tauren was getting up from the huge pit he had smashed out, his whole body was surrounded by thick smoke.Iron Man floated in front of it with the tail flame under his jet boots, and said, "Hey, big guy, do you want to tell us where you come from? Or start with your name. If your name is really purple rice Notaurs (the tauren in ancient Greek mythology), then I may have traveled into a fairy tale"

The tauren raised his head, breathed heavily, and shouted: "I am a Taurus!"

Its voice was loud and thunderous, and at the same time, it grabbed an ancient tree that had been knocked down by it with its bare hands and danced. The giant tree that was more than 20 meters high was swung by it like a stick.Iron Man was caught off guard, and was immediately swept away by the thick wood, dragging his body a long way on the ground.Thor yelled, stepped forward, raised the hammer and was about to smash it down, but the Taurus stretched out his hand and grabbed his wrist, and smashed the hammer to the ground with his backhand, shaking the whole ground violently.

Thor was caught off guard, but he reacted very quickly. The moment he landed, he bowed, bounced up, and hit the Taurus face with a hammer.The Taurus took half a step back to avoid it, and the moment the hammer passed by the tip of his nose, he stepped forward again, hitting Thor on the cheek with a thunderous punch, causing him to fly out of the air.

Eric couldn't help but be surprised when he looked at it. This Taurus not only has great strength and quick movements, but also has a very precise grasp of details. His strength is not inferior to Thor, and he has no impression of such a number one character at all.

"I am the sign of the Zodiac!" cried the Bull. "I am better than Thor! I am."

"Pull it down!"

With an interruption, the right fist of Tony's armor has been replaced with the super-heavy parts of the anti-Hulk armor, and the fist under the boost of the power system slammed on the cheek of the Taurus, causing it to stagger backwards and almost fell down.Taurus was furious, turned around and punched him in the face.Tony dodged his head sideways, took the opportunity to grab its forearm, and spit out the electric current in his palm, and the current of tens of thousands of volts immediately hit the Taurus.The monster roared in pain, but unexpectedly, it grabbed Tony's wrist and lifted the whole body, hitting the ground extremely heavily, only to send dust flying around, and the ground seemed to sink a bit. .


Thor yelled, stepping forward to save Tony, he hammered three times in a row, and the magic hammer dragged the blue lightning, which was mighty and amazing, but he made a hasty move to save Tony, but in fact, the moves were a little lacking.The Taurus backed away continuously to avoid his three hammers, and then kicked Thor's chest through layers of fierce lightning, kicking him back a few steps.

Seeing this, Eric already saw that it would be difficult for Iron Man and Thor to keep this Taurus today.Even if it is difficult for Taurus to defeat the two of them, it is absolutely difficult to keep them if they want to escape.But since it happened to teach him to see, it can be considered that the Taurus is unlucky.Thinking of this, Eric turned his head and said to Raven: "You wait here for a while, and you see two old friends over there seem to need my help, I will go back as soon as I go."

Raven was taken aback, but didn't ask any questions, just nodded.Eric flew and jumped off the concrete roof, rushing towards the battle position like lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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