Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 504 United Front

Chapter 504 United Front
Iron Man and Thor fought back together but were still suppressed by the Taurus. The Taurus knocked Iron Man back with a punch, and the two beams of light in his eyes repelled Thor, and took the opportunity to jump up.His legs were so strong that he landed nearly [-] meters away with only one landing, with thick smoke billowing behind him, as if he was about to leave the battle for a moment.

But his luck was indeed very bad. Normally, he should have successfully slipped away at this moment, but unfortunately he was just seen by Eric.The Taurus just took off, and his figure was still hanging in the air, when a surprisingly fast afterimage flew behind him, like a strong wind blowing towards the back of his head.

Taurus didn't even think about it, but turned around and punched him.A cannonball-like punch was directed at Eric's face, but Eric just waved his hand lightly and slapped it away, and at the same time flew up in mid-air with a kick.Taurus raised his arm to block it, and the strength of this leg slammed on his strong arm, which only shook him half of his body and almost lost consciousness, accelerating his fall towards the ground.

With a loud noise like a thunderbolt, Taurus smashed into the ground like a meteorite, causing dust to fly and thick smoke to scatter.Eric landed gently beside him, and Iron Man and Thor rushed over at this time.Eric said to Tony: "It's the second time tonight, and you owe me."

"You won't be following me all the time waiting to send me a favor card?" Tony half-jokingly said.

At this time, the Taurus was separating and climbing up from the huge pit, Eric said: "Give way first, I will meet it, and it should be resolved soon."

"Stupid!" The Taurus yelled violently, tearing apart the yellow dust, rushing out of the huge pit, pounced on Eric, and shouted, "You are trying to challenge the Zodiac, and soon you will You'll see how stupid it is!"

Eric did not dodge or dodge, with both hands together, he forcibly caught the two powerful punches of Taurus.The huge impact caused him to slide back half a step, and the heels of the metal boots sank deeply into the soil, but the figure of Almajo's armor remained motionless.The strength of the Taurus' arms was like a mountain overwhelming the sea, but no matter how hard he tried, the majestic power seemed to sink into the sea, and failed to make even the slightest wave, as if Eric's power was infinite.

"The zodiac sign?" Eric was still able to handle it with ease, chuckled and mocked, "I'm still a golden saint."

Eric yelled, and with a twist of his arms, he lifted the Taurus with both hands instead, threw it over his head, and fell heavily on the ground behind him.This time, the fall made the Taurus's eyes burst into stares, and his head became dizzy for a while.But he also reacted quickly, turned over and punched the ground in a hurry, bounced up with the help of his body, and swung another punch at Eric.But the punch stopped suddenly just in the middle of it, and a green light shackle was tied to his wrist at some point, pulling his arm so that he couldn't make any further progress.And taking advantage of the moment when his movements stopped, Eric kicked up and kicked the Taurus so many times, before finally falling to the ground with all four feet in the sky.

But this guy is really thick-skinned. He only fell down for two or three seconds before jumping up again. His red eyes stared straight at Eric. Two fiery laser beams shot out and roared towards Eric. and go.Eric only chuckled, the eyepiece also turned red, and the armor said "Output power 40%", and two red hot thermal vision also greeted it, the bulging hurricane was so hot that the air was twisted.

The four beams of light collided in the air, and the energy of the fire color splashed in all directions.The Taurus roared wildly, and the sound echoed throughout the wilderness, causing the ground to tremble.But no matter how powerful he is, he still loses a head in terms of ability. The heat vision beam pushed over like a cripple, tearing the laser light he shot from it, and finally hit the glowing coat of arms on the chest of the Taurus, blasting He fell on his head again, black smoke billowed from his body, and he finally became silent.

The three stepped forward to confirm that he had indeed fallen into a coma, and Tony said, "Well, I don't know what to say. Anyway, thanks."

"Take it back to the building and find out where it came from." Eric said, "Then text me after you figure it out. I'm also a little curious about where this guy came from."

Meanwhile, elsewhere.

It was still a very dark room, with a round table, and a group of allied bigwigs sat around the table.The difference is that this time it is not a regular meeting, but an urgent meeting due to special circumstances.

"We heard about it, Lei Xiaogu." Someone said, "Have your people gone to find Stark?"

"It's just a test." Lei Xiaogu said indifferently, "They missed it, but Stark said that the thing is not in his hands."

Murdoch hurriedly said: "It's just that he said so. You all know what kind of person Stark is. He will lie to his own people. How can we believe him?"

Someone said: "No matter what, we need to catch him first." As soon as he said this, several people immediately agreed.

"But things may not be as easy as we thought." Lei Xiaogu said, "My people had a chance to succeed, but they were blocked by Amozo."

"That brat?" someone said, "If this brat helps him, then things are really troublesome. Even with all the power in our hands, no one seems to be sure that he can take down that brat Amozo, right?"

After pondering for a while, one person said: "This is indeed true. I have studied the data of Amozo's battles, and he is getting stronger every time. Judging from the battle data collected in the last few times, his ability index has surpassed the We already have more than anyone in our database."

The atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became a little dignified, and everyone remained silent for a while, feeling the difficulty of the matter.A moment later, it was Murdoch who broke the silence and said viciously: "But no matter what, we have to take the cube back. We have no choice but this matter."

"He's right this time." Someone agreed, "We've invested too much in this project, and we've become riding a tiger. We must get Cube back at all costs. Amozo may be powerful, but we are masters." The person who controls the center of power in this world."

"Yes, combining the energies of all of us here, I don't believe there is anything we can't get in this world." Someone echoed, "But the key point is cooperation, cooperation in the true sense, not just what it used to be. We need Combine the power of all to achieve a unity like never before."



In a dark place unknown to everyone, the bishop watched the entire meeting and couldn't help laughing, as if he was very satisfied with this interesting development.

(End of this chapter)

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