Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 1243 The Garden of Eden 5

Chapter 1243 The Garden of Eden 5
"Come out, since you are the guest invited by the landlord, it is my guest, Fengmou. I think, as an organization with a gentleman's style, Heisha Tower has nothing to make you hide like this."

While talking, Feng Moliang was vigilant about his surroundings.

However, after waiting for half a minute, there was still no movement at the other end of the woods.

Feng Moliang couldn't help feeling annoyed, he raised his chin at the remaining two guards, and signaled them to go over.

The two were a little scared, and said to themselves, the four people who were higher than the two of them had all died in the past, and if they followed, wouldn't they die faster?

Seeing that the two were hesitant and did not dare to move forward, Lord Feng frowned and looked at the two men sullenly.

The cold and aloof eyes seemed to have no focus, but the waves hidden in the dark eyes couldn't help but make their scalps tingle.

The two drew out their daggers and held them tightly in their palms, breathing deeply while cheering themselves up from the bottom of their hearts.

Perhaps this is the price of their success.

Although they have achieved achievements that they could not have achieved after decades of cultivation, in front of Lord Feng, they are just earthworms in the dirt. Therefore, when they have no choice, they can only protect themselves, and then go forward without hesitation. Forward.

The two looked at each other as if they were going to die, and then they walked towards the quiet woods. Feng Moliang, who was at the side, was not idle, and after the two of them took two steps, he followed closely behind. .

This time, he wants to see who is playing tricks in the woods.

After a while, the three of them reached the edge of the woods where there was a commotion.

Feng Caitian picked up three finger-sized stones and flew towards them again.

Only this time, there were only two bodies that fell to the ground in response to the sound, and another body appeared in front of Feng Caitian on the left one step away.

"It's a bit of a skill, and it can escape my invincible serial shooting." Feng Caitian saw that the small Feng lord was close in front of him, so he stopped squatting and stood up gracefully.

"Who are you?" Facing Feng Caitian's praise, Lord Feng didn't even frown, as if he had received so much praise that his nerves had already begun to numb.

"The person who replaced you!"

Feng Caitian smiled mysteriously, and the silver needle in her hand gushed out like lightning.

Feng Moliang was shocked, and was about to sweep away the silver needles that looked like a goddess scattering flowers, but found that his whole body seemed to be under a fixed spell, not to mention flicking his sleeves, he couldn't even move a finger. possible thing.


After six beeps, Feng Moliang turned his back up and fell to the ground.

The three of Lei Hongming once again looked at Feng Caitian with monster-like eyes.

This... is it over?
"What are you still doing in a daze? It's getting dark, why don't you pack up quickly and get ready to enter the Garden of Eden." Facing the stunned three people, Feng Caitian roared angrily, and came to Feng Moliang's body, in the bottom of her heart Carefully traced his outline, and then raised his plain hand, a few handprints changed, and a face exactly like Feng Moliang appeared in front of everyone.

Both Lei Hongming and Qiaoyan were stunned!

"Is this the face-changing technique of a living person?" Lei Hongming no longer knew what words to use to describe his feelings. He always felt that what happened today, no, what happened to Feng Caitian was too unimaginable.

The update time will be set after ten o'clock in the evening this month, thank you for your support!mwah!
(End of this chapter)

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