Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 1244 The Garden of Eden 6

Chapter 1244 The Garden of Eden 6
It never occurred to him that anyone could pretend to be himself without the aid of any medicine, moreover, he could pretend so successfully!
Looking at the face that was exactly the same as Feng Moliang's, he was sure that even if Mrs. Feng's mother came, she would not be able to recognize who was who.

"Look at these six people. If you want to become that face, tell me whoever it is, and we'll be out in a while." Feng Caitian took out the mirror and touched her face with satisfaction, and then said three times to Lei Hongming. said the man.

"I...we also want to change?" Lei Hongming pointed at himself, pale.

"Of course it can remain the same, if you don't want to go to the Garden of Eden." Feng Caitian said indifferently, took out a bottle of potion, and poured it directly on Feng Moliang's body...

Looking at the bubbling and rotting corpse, the corners of Lei Hongming's mouth twitched, and two drops of cold sweat dripped down.

"That...uh... It's rare to have such an opportunity, no matter what, I have to go and have a look." Lei Hongming quickly found a step for himself, and looked at Qiaoyan.

Qiaoyan and Feng Yuexin laughed dryly at the same time, and nodded quickly.

"Yes, yes."

"Miss, tell me, what do you want us to do?" Qiaoyan straightened her back, showing a desperate look.

"You don't need to do anything," Feng Caitian covered the potion bottle, looked at the people, and then pointed to the six black-clothed humans who were placed in a row on the ground, "Choose a face that you like first, Then just stand still."


The three of them nodded at the same time. With the experience of witnessing Feng Caitian's transformation into Feng Moliang before, the three of them knew what she meant without asking.

Soon, Lei Hongming, Feng Yuexin and Qiaoyan chose a face that they liked slightly.Feng Caitian nodded, looking at the faces of the selected lucky ones one by one, and then using the same technique, the three of them were disguised as each other.

"Look, are you still satisfied?" Feng Caitian made a preliminary inspection, and after confirming that there was no slight difference, she took out a mirror and threw it to Lei Hongming who was closest to her.

Holding the mirror, Lei Hongming was full of surprises in his heart, he couldn't figure out what kind of spell could transform a person into someone else's appearance without any flaws.

However, before he had time to think, Feng Yuexin couldn't wait to snatch the mirror away, and immediately after, Feng Caitian threw a black robe to him.

"Go and put it on, and I'll be ready to go in later."

"Hmm..." Lei Hongming once again sighed in his heart at Feng Caitian's speed in stripping off his clothes. Holding the robe, he went to the middle of the woods to change.

"Haven't seen enough?" After stripping off the clothes of the other two lucky people, Feng Caitian found that Feng Yuexin and Qiaoyan were still touching their faces in the mirror, Feng Caitian was helpless for a while.

"If you like, I can make you wear this face forever."

Feng Yuexin was so frightened that she almost couldn't hold the mirror steadily.

Together with Qiaoyan, she looked at Feng Caitian in horror and waved her hands again and again.

"No... I don't want it."

"That's right, this man's face is not as good as my own." No matter what, my face is still the same.Qiaoyan immediately agreed.

"Seeing that you are looking at it so carefully, I think you like it." Feng Caitian smiled, and threw two sets of clothes to one of them.

"Go change it, it's getting late."

"Well, let's go there." Feng Yuexin nodded, and led Qiaoyan to walk in the opposite direction from Lei Hongming's.

(End of this chapter)

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