Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 1420 Jun Biyin's Toughness 1

Chapter 1420 Jun Biyin's Toughness 1
The third child and the fourth child were originally businessmen with half-hearted spiritual cultivation, and there were not many opportunities to get in touch with masters of spiritual cultivation on weekdays. His face turned pale with fright.

Obviously, there is a lot of shadow and fear in my heart for this eldest brother who has been regarded as a god by them since childhood.However, when thinking about the legacy left by Jun Hailin after his death, the two brothers seemed to have a good understanding, they just glanced at each other secretly, then bowed their heads and remained silent.

The fifth and sixth sons are not as strong as their eldest brother Jun Bile, and they are not as good as their second brother Jun Biyin outside. Therefore, when they see Jun Bile angry, they can only keep silent, lower their heads like quails, trembling, even Don't dare to let out the air.

And Jun Biqiang, who was favored by Jun Hailin since she was a child, has a personality that fears nothing but Jun Bile, so even though Jun Biqiang is already angry and dissatisfied, her blood is churning, but the words on her lips But he insisted on biting his red lips, not daring to say a word.

For a while, the anger in the courtyard quieted down, appearing a little depressed.

Jun Bile glanced at the wimpy faces of the crowd who wanted to bury their heads under the table one by one, and complacency and sarcasm inevitably flashed across their eyes.

However, before Jun Bile was complacent, Jun Biyin, who picked up a cup of tea and blew gently, suddenly laughed.

"Brother, father should be in good health on weekdays, right?" Jun Biyin's nonsensical question caused Jun Bile's expression to change drastically.

His voice couldn't help raising his voice, "What do you mean?" Jun Bile reacted and was instantly annoyed.

However, compared to Jun Bile's excitement, Jun Biyin was quite calm.In the meantime, he gently put down the teacup, his eyes fell on the teacup with the lid off, and he twitched the corner of his mouth, as if lamenting the good taste of the tea.

Afterwards, Jun Biyin raised her head again, looking at Jun Bile with a meaningful smile: "I still say the same thing, the things left by my father, we seven brothers and sisters will share equally."

"Don't think about it!" Jun Bile's face was livid, and he almost didn't think much, and blurted out the words of veto.

The expressions of the others changed, but Jun Biyin smiled faintly when he heard this.

He tilted his head slightly, glanced at the blue sky, suddenly touched his chin, and said to himself: "If I remember correctly, our new Lord Xieya is not only a woman, but also has more medical skills. It is unparalleled in the world, even the ancestor of the Jun family in the Xiejun Pavilion who has been insane for many years has been cured..."

He does not mean that.

When Jun Bile heard this, she was calm and relaxed at first, but her expression of being ready to die without separation suddenly became a little uneasy.He knew that although Jun Biyin had been away from home for so many years, when he was away from home, he also cast a lot of shadows in the yards of Jun's house.

And when he gradually exposed his ambition to persuade more, he also thought about cleaning up this spy who was not inferior to his second brother Jun Biyin by the way. However, Jun Biyin was not at home these years, no matter what happened at home, There is no action whatsoever.Therefore, even if he wanted to clean his nails, he never had the chance. ,

At this time, hearing that he already knew about Xieya's change of sky, he gritted his teeth a little.

As for the rest of the people, except for Jun Biqiang, the other Jun brothers not only turned pale when they heard his words.

"Second brother, you are not telling the truth, are you?"

The third child and the fourth child suddenly raised their heads, almost speaking in unison, and looked at Jun Biyin in horror.You know, they are able to do business like hotels, rice, and cloth in full swing in Yancheng. Although the wealthy party cannot do without the hard work of the two brothers, those who look at the face of the Jun family come to flatter and take care of the business There are not a few.

At least one-third of their turnover comes from these people!Now that Xieya has changed, doesn't that mean that their business will be affected again?

Jun Biyin didn't answer, but she didn't deny either.The third child and the fourth child felt anxious, and looked at each other bitterly, as if a large wave of spar had grown wings and flew away from each other's eyes.

no!They can't just sit and wait, they have to make a fortune before the news is made public!
Thinking of this, the two of them held the edge of the table with their hands slightly as if they had made an appointment, and seeing that they were about to stand up and leave, the fifth brother couldn't help shaking his head, and reminded in time: "Third brother, fourth brother, don't worry, this matter , haven’t made it public yet!”

It is said that the tiger father has no dogs, but why does he look more and more, these two third and fourth brothers who have been caught in the eyes of money don't look like their real brothers?Look at this bear, for such a small profit can forget business.

Without thinking too much about it, just taking out any of the treasures left by my father will definitely be enough for businessmen without vision to live for most of their lives.I really don't know why they were so excited!
When the third and fourth children heard this, they immediately calmed down. Thinking of the key point, they not only gave the fifth one a grateful look.This made Jun Bile very angry.

Originally, he was a little happy when he saw the appearance of the third and fourth children who were about to leave in a hurry. After all, if there are two less people, there are two threats less, but now he is stopped by the fifth child. The fifth child's eyes suddenly looked like white knives.

However, he also knew that now is not the time to teach a lesson, so he just gave Lao Wu a hard look, then looked at the confident Jun Biyin, and said angrily: "It's nothing, let's leave. Father It’s all buried in the ground, we’d better not disturb it!”

After all, Jun Bile was still a little guilty and worried.After all, Jun Hailin's death was indeed caused by him.Although ordinary pharmacists couldn't detect whether Jun Hailin was poisoned, but Feng Caitian... Jun Bile was not so sure.

Jun Biyin seemed to have seen his hidden worries, so she couldn't help smiling, and said slightly teasingly: "Brother, I said that our newly appointed Lord Xieya has good medical skills because I I lost my temper after practicing, and I want to go to her to rectify it, why did you suddenly drag it on my father, could it be..."

Jun Biyin's expression of "you have a ghost in your heart" made Jun Bile flustered a bit, but in the next second, he forced himself to cover up calmly and said: "No other meaning, I just feel that my father left too far. All of a sudden, I went to find Miss Feng for medical treatment without even coming, and I felt a little sad."

"Oh? Really?" Jun Biyin frowned, and continued: "It's just that I have something to ask him, why don't I ask him by the way when I go, if my father has a hidden disease, otherwise, he has already broken through the disease and gained longevity. How could a father who possessed the second level of God Venerable die? And will this disease be passed down from generation to generation?"

(End of this chapter)

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