Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 1421 Jun Biyin's Toughness 2

Chapter 1421 Jun Biyin's Toughness 2
"That might be it!" The third child was a little alarmist, and the fourth child was twins with the third child, so when the fourth child heard what the third child said, he nodded again and again, and immediately threw the business of dividing the inheritance to the public. Cloud Nine.

He nervously asked Jun Bile: "Brother, did the doctor notice any abnormalities in Dad's body before Dad died?"

This is really asking the point!Jun Biyin walked leisurely, nodded slightly, and looked at Jun Bile expectantly.It seemed that he was also curious about whether Jun Hailin had hidden diseases in front of him.

For a moment, Jun Bile looked at the five pairs of eyes that shot over at the same time, and couldn't help being a little Alexander.Everyone in the world knows that the haggardness beyond the peak of the god king may not live a long life, but at least it is indeed free from disease.

Therefore, Jun Bile was in some trouble at this time.He looked back and forth with flickering eyes, the five brothers who were thirsty for knowledge, and knew how to speak for a moment.If it is said that there is a serious and fatal hidden disease in front of Dad, maybe the third and fourth children who are not deep in spiritual cultivation may be fine, but if you want to deceive Jun Biyin and the fifth and fifth...

Jun Bile looked at the three of them worriedly, and fell silent for a while.

Seeing his embarrassment, Jun Biyin grimaced in her heart, but smiled softly and harmlessly on her face, and changed the subject: "Brother, you have been enjoying the things our five brothers have enjoyed in Jun's house all these years. The resources and the training of the main family have their own lives, and I don’t want to say anything else. However, Xieya has changed hands now, and the Jun family will no longer be the previous Jun family. Therefore, our five brothers will not return in the future. The possibility of the Jun family, so, for what your father left behind, I think you should not hide it, it is better to share it out, otherwise, I don’t mind staying, and have a good talk with our new lord .”

"Yes, big brother, take it out and divide it!" The third child was a little bit overwhelmed by the words of the second child Jun Biyin, but when he heard about the division, he was still very excited and agreed with him.But immediately, he lowered his voice and said to the fourth son on the side: "Why did the second brother go to talk to the new lord? Could it be that he wants to share the things in Jun Qianchou's hands?"

The fifth and sixth sons, who were silent at the same time, could not help but drop three black lines on their foreheads when they heard what their third brother said.Don't say that Jun Hailin is dead, even if he is still alive, the things that Jun Qianchou stepped aside and gave away absolutely have no part in them!
This third brother really got into the eyes of money!
Seeing that the fourth child didn't answer, the third child couldn't help but gently touch the fourth child twice with the hand crutches he put on the table, his handsome face was full of curiosity.The fourth child couldn't help dripping two drops of cold sweat on his forehead.

He hurriedly said vigorously: "Don't talk, let's see what the second brother has to say!"

However, he felt that the fourth brother secretly glanced at Jun Bile's livid face, and secretly guessed in his heart that his second brother's intention was not to share the things that Jun Qianchou handed over, but our newly appointed The lord must have mastered something that the elder brother fears.And this thing...I'm afraid it has something to do with my father's death.

How dare you threaten me!Jun Bile's face was as dark as the bottom of the pot.

He never thought that Jun Biyin's attitude was so tough and he was so well prepared.It's abominable!
"Okay, since you want to separate the family so much, then I will do what you want. But let's talk about the ugly things first, there is a difference between the concubine and the concubines. As the only eldest son of my father, two-thirds of the family property should belong to the family." Me, and the remaining one-third, you can divide it up as you like!" Jun Bile sniffed air-conditioning, stood up, and said coldly, as if she was angry because of Jun Biyin's insistence on separating the family .

After finishing speaking, he looked coldly at the third and fourth children who had no idea, and said, "There are still two of you, if you do business in Yancheng in the future, you should do it well, don't give me too much. Don't come to me if you have any trouble, hmph..."

As soon as these words came out, the third and fourth children were terrified.Although the two brothers managed their business well in Yancheng, in this society where martial arts are respected, without the name of Jun Bile, the second son of Xieya, I am afraid that their family's little property would be lost. Will soon be overwhelmed by the 'bullies' around.

The faces of the third and fourth children changed abruptly, and they hurriedly stood up, ready to say something nice to Jun Bile, but Jun Biyin stood up, looked at Jun Bile provocatively and said first: "Your third, fourth, you Don't worry, I'm just worried that Dad is dead, and no one will protect you in the future, come to Wuhua God Realm, I am now the servant of Lord Wuhua, I must have the ability to deal with a few bullies for you."

Hmph, isn't he the eldest son?Is it because he came out of the aunt's belly, so when dividing the family property, he has to divide it into two-thirds?Why?All these years, he has been staying by his father's side, isn't the kindness he has enjoyed enough?No matter what, he will never let him succeed!
The third child and the fourth child were caught between the second child Jun Biyin and the eldest child Bi Le.Today, although they don't know the difference between the former Second Young Master Xieya and today's Wuhua God's Domain attendant, and their status, they know that they should stay on top of everything, and they would like to see each other in the future.At this time, if you stand wrongly and rightly, you will be miserable in the future.

Jun Bile couldn't help being very angry when he saw that Jun Biyin was obstructing and confronting him.Although the servants of the Wuhua God Realm sounded no different from the guards with swords in the palace, how could they be compared to the guards who guarded the palace gates outside the emperor's side?
He had heard that Mi Qingxue, the lord of the Wuhua God Realm, treated his personal servants very well, and the authority he granted was no less than that of the chief elder of the Elder's House.As for Jun Biyin, even though he is still only a servant at present, not Mi Qingxue's close servant, but who can guarantee that Jun Biyin will not survive the day of becoming a close servant?
Jun Bile didn't dare to take this risk, so he had to put pressure on the third and fourth children who were sweating profusely but were at a loss: "Wuhua God Realm is good, but it's far from Yancheng to Wuhua City. On the way, we still have to pass Liuyun Bridge, third and fourth, are you sure you want to go with the second?"

Jun Bile narrowed his eyes slightly, and a dangerous cold light shot from his dark eyes, and then he sneered, as if laughing at the two people's overreaching.As for the third and fourth children, they were a little vacillating at first, but when they heard the word 'Liuyun Bridge', they couldn't help but stand on their heads with horror on their faces.

Wangyun Valley, the valley of the boundary between evil cliffs and no flowers.A thin stone slab that hangs in the air and stretches infinitely forward is like a sharp knife, piercing straight into the clouds and mist.The mist that lingers all day is as thick and dense as cotton wool.

(End of this chapter)

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