Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 1488 Bloodwashing My Cocoon City 2

Chapter 1488 Bloodwashing My Cocoon City 2
Qin Zishang was taken aback for a moment, but recovered quickly.

Although he had never seen Bai Yu in human form, Qin Zishang had already guessed his identity with just one glance with that fiery red hair and the giant bird that was so impressive in the sky today.

"What's the name of this young master? But the lady of the palace mistress needs to order something?" Qin Zishang politely stood up and asked with a smile.

Bai Yu was stunned for a moment, and was a little baffled by the wife of the palace master Qin Zishang was talking about. However, during the trip to the Forgotten Corner with Liu Yihan in the Yaotian Continent, Bai Yu still had some impressions of Qin Zishang, so Bai Yu also He could quickly understand that the palace lord's wife Qin Zishang was referring to was his own master—Feng Caitian.

Therefore, Bai Yu hurriedly smiled at Qin Zishang: "I'm Bai Yu. My master doesn't have any orders, but he..." Bai Yu Brick smiled at the handsome man, and his tone changed, "I'm here to rescue His fate."

"What do you mean by that?" Qin Zishang was puzzled.

The screams outside the window didn't stop. Since it was a deafening scream, it couldn't have come from just one person, and it couldn't have happened to the beautiful boy.That is also natural, those unlucky people in the lord's mansion should be those who are restless and kind, hiding in the dark to watch the excitement.

But, what does Bai Yu's words mean?
Was he responsible for this tragedy?Qin Zishang frowned and looked at Bai Yu, but quickly denied it in his heart.

If it was really Bai Yu, what did he mean by saying that he came here to save the life of the handsome man?
It can't be that he wanted to kill the beautiful boy, and then suddenly got nervous and wanted to save him, right?
Bai Yu saw Qin Zishang's doubts, but did not open his mouth to explain, but shouted to the void next to the beautiful boy: "Come out, don't hide."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, their gazes falling strangely on Huameinan's body.Huamei Nan was even more embarrassed, looked at Bai Yu strangely, and thought to himself, could it be possible that he came back with a ghost?
Of course, ghosts are impossible, but there really is a hidden angel doll.

Chunyang hesitated for a moment, and finally appeared.

The crystal clear body is particularly dazzling under the bright light. If it weren't for the vivid facial features and ethereal eyes, everyone would never think that this is a living creature, but a doll carved out of crystal.

"How did you find me?" Chunyang was a little surprised.My own concealment technique was taught to me by Yuanshi Tianzun, not to mention ordinary mortals, even many gods in the God Realm couldn't capture my figure, how did this stinky bird find it?
Bai Yu smiled: "Just treat me as Huoyan Jingjing. Tell me, why did you help us kill those people?"

Everyone was startled when they heard this, especially the pretty boy who saw those people's miserable state with his own eyes, looked at Chunyang in disbelief.Originally, he thought it was some kind of expert passing by, and suddenly he couldn't understand those people, so he helped them solve it. Unexpectedly, the expert in his heart was the one in front of him who had been in his body for almost a year. Positive.

"Why did you kill me?" The handsome man was puzzled.

"Who told you to be with those people." Chunyang glared at Hua Meinan angrily, then turned his head to Bai Yu and said, "I didn't want to kill those people for you. If you want to blame, you can only blame those people. , dare to insult my master."

"Your master? Who is your master?" The handsome man who couldn't get the answer felt very uncomfortable, and when he heard this sentence again suddenly, the handsome man hurriedly asked.

Chunyang snorted, "It's none of your business. I thought you were a good person, but I didn't expect you to be like the group of people outside. You turned out to be a hypocrite and wanted to get my master's attention. Let me tell you, with my Chunyang Yang Zai, even if you die, it is impossible for you to touch half of my master's sleeve."

Chunyang spoke angrily, and after finishing speaking, he did not forget to stare at Bai Yu and said: "And you, how did you become a monster, and even hang out with these rotten people, I will definitely go back and tell you later. Master, let you taste the pain of the scorching sun."

Bai Yu: "..."

Flower Boy: "..."

Where did this song come from?Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, confused by Chunyang's words.

Does that 'hypocrite' in his mouth mean him, them?
Then they have to talk to him.

"Little Doll"

As soon as a handsome young man opened his mouth, Chunyang glared at him viciously: "Who is a baby, my uncle is at least ten times your age, don't look at my small stature, I don't know how to respect the old !"


Do you really think you are Tianshan Child Elder?The young man's face was full of black lines, but Qin Zishang said: "We are not the same as those people outside, we are also here to kill those people."

"Really?" Seeing Qin Zishang's seriousness, Chunyang asked softly with some disbelief.

Qin Zishang nodded hurriedly: "Of course, if you don't believe me, you can ask Bai Yu." As he spoke, Qin Zishang pointed to Bai Yu on one side, Chunyang turned his head, and looked at Bai Yu with a pair of small ethereal eyes that seemed to be able to see through everything.

Bai Yu couldn't help cursing an 'old fox' in his heart.Only a beast like Qin Zishang could do this kind of thing that was used as a shield.

"He's right. They are from Emperor Sha Palace and Liu Yihan's palace. The purpose of their discussion again is to wipe out the group of outsiders who are peeping at my master."

In fact, he even wanted to say, I don't know this group of people, so whatever you like, it's best to castrate them all and become eunuchs.

Who told them to use us!Humph……

"Even if you go far away, I don't care about this time." Compared with Qin Zishang's seriousness, Chunyang believed Bai Yu's words more.Because, as a human monster, once the contract is successful, it will never, and will never be allowed to have the slightest intention of rebelling against its master.

Therefore, after Bai Yu's words, Chun Yang stopped making things difficult for Qin Zishang and others.Turning around to leave, the beautiful boy called him back and said, "Hey, wait a minute, you haven't told me who your master is."

Chun Yang looked back and glared at him, but looked at Bai Yu angrily and said: "If you want to know, you can ask him."

"Ask me?" Bai Yu looked confused.Did this little guy who came out of nowhere overestimate his IQ? As far as he yelled at each master, unless he had mind reading skills, how could he detoxify himself from the word "master"? Who should be the name of his master?

"Why are you so stupid?" Chunyang glanced at the confused Bai Yu with hatred, "My master is naturally your master. Otherwise, you, a stinky bird, have the ability to make me realize body?"

(End of this chapter)

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