Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 1489 Bloodwashing My Cocoon City 3

Chapter 1489 Bloodwashing My Cocoon City 3
Chunyang sneered at Bai Yu, the way his nostrils are facing up, just come out and tell you now, it is a great way to save face, you don't have the nerve to pretend to be stupid.

After a long time, Bai Yu finally came back to his senses, but his gaze towards Chun Yang was like seeing a ghost.

"What did you say? You said my master is your master?" Bai Yu felt extremely horrified and unbelievable.Why didn't he know that the master took in another demon pet?Could it be that it was during the period of self-retreat?

"Please put away your disgusting eyes, okay?" Chunyang frowned, and turned the dumbfounded Bai Yu with disgust, "I'm not some demon pet, let alone compare you with me."

"What did you say?" Bai Yu was furious, "Hmph, I don't know where the brat came from, let alone stalking relatives here, you said you belong to my master... Then what, why haven't I heard of it ?” Hmph, you don’t even bother to be with me because of your small stature?I don't even care about you!
Bai Yu's nostrils turned to the sky, with an appearance of 'I don't like you, sir'. At first he thought that Chunyang would jump up in anger, but unexpectedly, Chunyang just gave him a contemptuous look, and said with a faint smile: "Hehe ...The master didn't tell you, it only shows that you are not qualified to know. I advise you not to pretend to be a big brother here."

"You..." Bai Yu's eyes widened angrily, and he was about to raise his arms to do it, Qin Zishang hurriedly pulled him and said: "It's getting late, you two are going to make trouble here, I still have a task here. "

"What other tasks do you have?" Chunyang and Baiyu turned their heads and glared at Qin Zishang in unison.What Bai Yu is angry about is that you don't even know how to pull a frame. As one of your own, you don't even know how to help yourself restrain that little Liuli doll; but what Chunyang is angry about is, yo, you've grown up to be a little girl in the human world. The stinky bird, even dared to hit himself, to see if he didn't teach him well, let him know how to write the four characters of "respect the old and respect the old".

However, the two furious people were stopped by Chen Yaojin like Qin Zishang, so the anger of the two was also directed at Qin Zishang at the same time.

And Qin Zishang, looking at those two fierce eyes that wished to tear him apart alive, was absolutely wronged.

He was just trying to persuade the fight.Why did the fire still burn on me?

"Don't get angry, both of you." Qin Zishang forced a smile, "You probably know that there are quite a few people who are slapping your master's attention..."

"Who is you?" The two interrupted Qin Zishang again with one voice, then glared at each other, turned their faces away.

Qin Zishang glanced left and right at the two of them, feeling helpless again.

"No matter what, those people in the lord's mansion are just an appetizer. There are at least a thousand people hidden in my cocoon city... Uh...that..." Qin Zishang really wanted to say the lady of the palace lord, but he was afraid. It aroused the anger of the two people, so they paused, looked at the two people in a dilemma, and continued: "It's not good for her, so we have to go out and suppress it now..."

"I'll go with you." Once again in unison, Qin Zishang almost thought that these two were partners who had been together for many years, but they quickly stared at each other again.

Bai Yu was the first to say: "The lord's mansion is almost packed, I'll go with you."

"That's not my credit." Chunyang snorted angrily, and said to Qin Zishang: "With me here, your people will definitely be less injured."

"Then you should be with me." As soon as Chunyang finished speaking, Huameinan stretched out his olive branch, but what he got was indeed a big bucket of excrement.

"Who wants to be in your group? Your brother is greedy and afraid of death." Chunyang stared at the group of handsome men who volunteered with disgust, then turned his head and said to Qin Zishang: "Then...that who, I I'm in your group. I have mind-tracking skills, and I can help you find those people who have evil intentions against the master."

The so-called mind-chasing technique is actually similar to the tracking technique, but he does not follow the person's breath or taste, but the person's thoughts.As long as you have any unruly thoughts about Feng Caitian's intentions in your heart, Chunyang can use magic to find out.This kind of magic is not a mind-reading skill, but it is even better than a mind-reading skill. Even if it is thousands of miles away, Chunyang can use all his strength to locate it accurately.

Qin Zishang had seen it in the ancient files of Zangshuge in Emperor Sha Palace, and when he heard Chunyang say this, Qin Zishang's eyes lit up, and his heart beat even faster.

God help me, really God help me!

With it, then they no longer need to conduct a carpet search like headless chickens to find those people hiding in all directions.

Qin Zishang was ecstatic, if the scene wasn't inappropriate at this time, he really couldn't help but cry up to the sky.

"Brother Qin, are you alright?" Mo Lingyue couldn't help feeling a little worried when she saw Qin Zishang's almost crazy but desperately suppressed expression.Although she didn't know much about mind-chasing techniques, the expression on Qin Zishang's face was too frightening.

The others also felt a chill run down their spines as they watched.How could this be a smile, it was clearly the ferociousness after being stunned.

"Ahem..." Qin Zishang was also aware of his gaffe, and quickly coughed twice, "Hehe... Well, if that's the case, then we'll make it up. Let's split into two groups, and I'll take Chunyang to those hideouts. To carry out raids in hard-to-find places, you, Huameinan and Baiyu lead a large group of people to the places we have marked to carry out encirclement and suppression."

"Remember, you have to cut the weeds and get rid of the roots!" Qin Zishang suddenly became serious, and his handsome face was suddenly filled with sternness and sternness.

"Yes!" Everyone had no objection, and they all roared loudly, and a bloody massacre of My Cocoon City began... .

The night was as cold as ice. I don't know if God couldn't bear this bloody killing. When the dawn was about to usher in the early morning, it started to rain lightly.

The night wind was blowing, the autumn rain was cold and cold, and the dark night sky with no stars was shrouded in a layer of dark clouds. The dark sky became extremely oppressive in the faint light.Countless people didn't know what was going on, they just felt a chill in their throats, rolled their eyes, and kicked their legs, and they were caught in the gorgeous brocade quilt.

And some other people, although they are awake, but if they know that they must die tonight, and let them know how happy and painless it is for those who died on the bed, then they would rather tonight, all night Everyone went out, just lying on the bed quietly, attracting the kiss of death in his sleep.

But, is there any medicine for regret in this world?Obviously not!

(End of this chapter)

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