Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 1490 Why Didn't You Come To Me?

Chapter 1490 Why Didn't You Come To Me?
In the whole city of My Cocoon, swords and shadows intertwine, divine power is flying, accompanied by flying flowers and rocks, dust flying, countless screams, screams, gradually echoing the screams that have not stopped in the lord's mansion, gradually On the ground, in the night rain, they gathered into a sad wail, which seemed to be a roar for the ravaged and slaughtered city, and also seemed to be crying for Liu Yunfan who had just passed away.

In short, on this night of the vision from heaven, countless unarmed people were awakened by this wailing divine comedy, but without exception, they all curled up and wrapped themselves tightly in warm quilts , I don't know if it's because it's cold at night, or I'm really scared...

On the second day, instead of stopping, the autumn rain became heavier and heavier, and finally became a drifting heavy rain.But even so, the blood that was all over the ground was still not washed away in the autumn rain.

However, the strong and somewhat disgusting smell of blood has faded a lot.However, even so, on the second day, My Cocoon City presented a scene of empty streets.

Under the rain, there were no passers-by on the bustling street; but none of the shops that were supposed to be open for business long ago did not open their doors for business.If, at this time, there are Hakka people who came from the same place at this time, they may think that they have entered an abandoned empty city, but only the ordinary people in Wuyu City know what kind of massacre Wuyu City faced last night. Horror, bloody scenes.

They were afraid to open the door, or go out into the street to see what was going on.

And the old versions of those restaurants, although they didn't go out, still directed the servants to keep busy in each guest room.The corpses of those tragic deaths have disappeared, and there are only large groups of blood stains on the brocade quilt and mattress, swearing what kind of ordeal the master who stayed here last night has endured.

In the lord's mansion, Feng Caitian was staring at a crystal clear little person.

Feng Caitian's eyes were full of confusion, but the little man's face was full of grievances and depression.

"We know each other?" Ever since Qin Zishang and others came back last night, this little man has been following him like a sticky bug, not saying a word, just looking at him with an aggrieved and depressed expression. look at yourself.

Several times, I asked myself, but this little guy seemed to be dumb, he just didn't answer you, he just followed you stubbornly, and just looked at you resentfully.

It makes your scalp tingle.

Feng Caitian asked Qin Zishang what was going on, but Qin Zishang just shook his head, saying that he didn't know.Every time, he wanted to tell Feng Caitian that this guy is your beast pet, but Chunyang's sharp eyes blocked the words in his throat.

As a last resort, after Qin Zishang quickly reported his work, he found an excuse, pulled Bai Yu, rubbed the soles of his feet with oil, and ran away.

Feng Caitian was helpless for a while, of course, the one who was even more helpless was Liu Yihan.

Originally, it was time for the two of them to be alone, and Liu Yihan was looking for comfort from Feng Caitian, but this little kid came out of the air like a ghost, and then stared at a pair of two tubes. Own.

Liu Yihan was a little uncomfortable being stared at by him, so he had no choice but to let Feng Caitian go.Before he had time to ask, Liu Qing happened to come looking for him again, so Liu Yihan managed to escape, and then, there were only these two people in the room staring at each other.

"Who the hell are you? If you don't tell me, I'll go out and get busy." Feng Caitian seemed to be a little tired from staring, and asked weakly on the back of the grand master's chair.

"Why didn't you come to see me?" Chunyang seemed to feel that it was almost the same, puffing out his round cheeks, but he asked something that the second monk Fengcai Tianzhang couldn't figure out.

Feng Caitian raised her hand and rubbed her aching temple, and asked weakly, "Should I come to you?",
"Of course!" Chunyang replied decisively, and then complained: "Do you know that I have been waiting for you in the tomb of death for 350 years, three months and 23 days?"

"But I don't know you!" Feng Caitian felt innocent for a while.

In 350 years, I guess I didn't know what it was like at that time. Even if I returned to China, I guess at that time, Pangu Capital had not yet created the world, or had already created the world, but she guarantees that even if there is such a thing as reincarnation in this world , that she who was more than 6 years ago would definitely not be a human being.

"Hmph, I knew you wouldn't admit it." With an expression of "I knew it", Chunyang took out a transparent material pocket with his little hand, and took out a diamond ring that was about the size of a quail egg, but completely Crystal rings.

He handed it to Feng Caitian angrily and said, "Take a look at what this is?"

Girls like shiny things.Therefore, even though Feng Caitian didn't like to decorate, she was still attracted by the flashing bright ring in front of her.

"A ring?" Feng Caitian took it involuntarily, but after looking around for a while, she didn't find anything special about it except that the ring was absolutely beautiful.

Chunyang rolled his eyes angrily, "Don't just look at it, try it on."

"Isn't that good?" Feng Caitian looked around, and then at the two rings on his left hand, showing embarrassment.Of these two rings, one was given to him by Liu Yihan, and the other was carefully crafted by herself, which contained a lot of things she needed urgently, and she was really reluctant to take them off.

Chunyang gave her a blank look, "Isn't your right hand still free? Try wearing it, as long as you wear it, you will be able to remember who I am."

Hearing the eagerness in Chunyang's tone, Feng Caitian raised her head and looked at the little baby in front of her seriously, but Mudi held the ring in her palm and thought for a while, "Forget it, whether I want it or not, Since you insist on recognizing me as the master, then you can take the initiative to sign a contract with me."

Afterwards, Feng Caitian handed back the ring to Chunyang.

She could feel the closeness of this ring to her, but for some reason, she didn't feel like wearing it now, and she didn't know what secret was contained in this ring, which made her reject it in her heart.

Chunyang couldn't help being a little disappointed, lowered his head, and said with a little disappointment: "This ring contains huge power, and it also contains all your previous memories. If you don't want to wear it now, then you can keep it yourself. One day , you will take it out and put it on yourself.”

"That's whatever you want." Feng Caitian saw that Chunyang was determined not to accept it, and then stared at the unglamorous ring for a while, finally nodded, took the ring back in his hand, and threw it into his own. In that quaint accepting ring.

(End of this chapter)

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