381 Chapter 1
If she is not here, he will not live alone.

Even if he is willing to endure the pain of reincarnation for ten lives, he will follow each other from generation to generation, and will never regret it!
Close your eyes to hide the pain in your eyes.

Dressed in black like ink, she stood proudly in the five-element formation, like a blooming ink lotus.

Opening her eyes again, the pain in her eyes was no longer there, replaced by a sense of relief and firmness, even if she became mentally retarded, he would be willing to be her think tank, until she passed away, he would be with her forever.


Two flowers bloom, one for each!
The golden crow and the blue fall, the laurel rises in the east.

Time flies, and the night quickly pervades the land. A few scattered stars shine in the dark sky, blinking their eyes mischievously like children.

The night breeze was slightly cool, and when Qin Zishang, Hua Meinan and others completely walked out of the Forest of Huanxi, it was already dark.

The mainland was quiet all day, like a giant dragon, sleeping.

Everything seems to have not changed, but it seems to have changed again.

Murderous intent.

Summons the flying pterosaur, soars upwards, with the clothes fluttering, and heads for the destination.

Huangfu Street, the capital of Donghui Kingdom, is one of the main streets of the capital.

At this time, the Huangfu Street was buzzing with people, and it was really lively with people coming and going.

And in the most conspicuous place of Huangfu Street, there is a mansion of a wealthy family, with a vermilion lacquered facade, a stone lion with a tall horse, extremely dignified, and there are two gilt characters on the tall plaque, Fu Mansion.

Twenty white-clothed pterosaurs flew down from the sky, and the beauty of the air made people stop their clamor, stop the movements of their hands, and even breathe a lot easier.

This is a fairy from there, how could she be so beautiful and refined, so charming and charming.

The twenty women were uniformly dressed in long white dresses, with slender waists, and long, slender, white legs that looked particularly alluring in the gauzy white gauze.Her hair was like black ink, and her hair was casually pulled into a bun and draped over her shoulders.

The eyebrows are slender like a crescent moon, the face is small and oval, and the long and curled eyelashes hide the luster of the eyes.When they looked down, they were instantly radiant, as if they contained the essence of everything in the world.

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but stare blankly.

That elegance, that beauty, absolutely rare in the world!Even Luo Fei'er, who is known as the most beautiful woman in Donghui country, is not as beautiful as one of these women.

The handsome man in red was dressed in a red dress, and with a wave of his sleeves, he flew down the sky with peerless grace. The whip wrapped in his hand swung towards the ground. Hearing the crisp sound of the whip, a crack appeared on the ground instantly, and then it cracked. A crack more than ten meters long appeared.

"This site, we want it, and the idlers leave as soon as possible." The voice was cool, but there was a strong coercion towards him.

An extremely coquettish face, exuding an aura of keeping strangers away, extremely cold.

The people who were in a daze suddenly woke up. Although they were a little scared, they were still reluctant to leave.

He just looked at this unbelievably beautiful man in amazement, and then started whispering to the people around him, while being overwhelmed by the flirtatious man's aura, they all backed away.

And at the gate of Fu's house, the guards in charge of guarding the gate stood straight on both sides of the gate, frowning together. One of the guards with a sultry face strode over and shouted proudly: "Men and women from over there!" , What are you going to do? We are a majestic household minister's mansion, you can mess with it, so get out of here."

The word "roll" is a coercion, a domineering ah!

But apart from the passers-by present, the twenty white-clothed girls present just glanced at the guard with a swollen face like an idiot.

(End of this chapter)

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