382 Chapter 2
When Qiu Xin heard this, she almost staggered and fell to the ground.

Is it because they haven't traveled the rivers and lakes for too long, or is this guy too arrogant and arrogant?
Since the establishment of their Emperor Sha Palace, for thousands of years, no one person or force has dared to tell the people of their Emperor Sha Palace to go away.Even the masters of the wealthy families who have retired from the top, down to the powerful emperors who are the lords of a country, all of them nodded and bowed when they saw them, as if they were so respectful that they wished to confess them.

This fellow is really bold!

Qiu Xin sneered, but the guard with a fleshy face immediately became upset.

Originally, he wanted to show his might in front of these beauties, but at this moment he felt that he was a clown. Not only did he not scare them, but he became their laughing stock.

So, the flesh-and-blood guard became angry.

Suddenly, the figure moved, and a touch of spiritual power gathered in his hands, rushing towards Qiu Xin.The figure is fast, and the moves are fierce, which is to cure Qiu to death.

"court death!"

Everyone was startled, only to see Qiu Xin's eyes froze, her aura gradually became colder, and instead of retreating, she advanced, heading towards the savage guard.

Before the fleshy guard could react, his body sank suddenly, forming a bow shape, and with a "click", he slammed towards the stone lion.

Hearing a loud "boom", the majestic and majestic stone lion shattered to the ground, and the guard with a bloody face spurted out a mouthful of blood, embedded in the high wall behind the stone lion.

The surrounding crowd suddenly went into an uproar, this is a blatant visit to Fu's residence to make trouble.

"Okay, you actually dare to come to our Fu's mansion to make trouble. There is a way to heaven and you don't go, but there is no way to hell. You jump to your death." Seeing this, another guard took a look at Qiu Xin, perhaps feeling that She was no match for him, so she immediately drew out her weapon, gathered her spiritual power on it, and rushed towards Qiu Xin.

Qiu Xin didn't lift her eyes, the spiritual power in her hand was transformed, and a move of "Sky Meteor" burst out. The small sword of spiritual power, like a rainstorm, poured down like a torrential rain, and instantly met the rushing guards. .

Seeing the white aura flashing across, the guard's body became a hornet's nest, and a blood stream the size of a thumb spurted out instantly, like a fountain shower pipe.

"You, you, wait for me." The other two guards guarding the gate of Fu's mansion saw that one of their companions was alive or dead, and the other died tragically. Like a dog, he ran in.

The people watching around finally came back to their senses and sighed endlessly.

Damn, where did these perverts come from?
It seems that they have no cultivation base or spiritual power at all, but the attack was so vicious that they knocked down two guards without even seeing how it was done. What is going on?
Or are these people too inscrutable?
Everyone's eyes were changing, and they kept guessing in their hearts, but no one had the intention of leaving. Instead, they talked in low voices, their eyes sparkled, and they looked like they were watching a good show.

"What are you standing there for, waiting to die?" Qiu Xin looked sideways slightly, her water-clear eyes stained with a layer of frost.

A group of people who don't know how to live or die are an eyesore.

As for the flying pterosaur behind Qiu Xin, perhaps felt his master's irritability, and was also a little impatient. Before waiting for an order, he opened his mouth wide, and spit out a huge mouthful of flame, heading straight for the whispering crowd.

For the irritable pterosaurs, it is more in line with their taste to come up and fight directly.

(End of this chapter)

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