398 Chapter 18
If it weren't for his gentleman's rule of not hitting women, he would have kicked Mo Lingyue, who was pretending to be cute and flirting with love, and then thrown this old lady into the hole.

wipe!I don't know, is it a waste of time to continue discussing like this?

He also wanted to go home and take a beauty sleep after finishing work.It's so boring, when will he finish the work?

"Hall Master, why don't I just throw her down?" Xu Shi saw the impatience and melancholy of Hua Meinan, Qiu Xin stood up and pointed at Zou Jinlan very understandingly.

"Uh..." The beautiful boy was at a loss for words for a moment, he looked at Zou Jinlan with some hesitation, tilted his head, as if he was thinking.

"No need, I'll take you down personally, as long as you remember to keep your promise." Looking at the unbelievably enchanting man in front of him, Zou Jinlan interrupted the beautiful boy's decision wisely and with some fear, and was very voluntary He led Fu Ronghua quickly towards the dark stairs.

Just kidding, if this woman really threw her down, would she still have a chance to live?Even if the Spirit Venerable came, he might not be able to break through the underground mechanism, let alone a great spiritualist.

However, this man is really strange, he looks like a delicate rose, beautiful and flirtatious.But now it seems that the more beautiful and enchanting something is, the more dangerous it is,

It's good not to be angry, this anger will naturally exude a strong aura around him.

The cold, fierce, and high-spirited posture unintentionally revealed his danger.

Sigh... Where did this group of perverts come from? Why are they always silent, and they want to kill people when they sing?

The difference between the power of this explosion and the power of silence is too big!

"That's right, it's good to be like this early!" Huameinan said in a tone of hello, me, and everyone, and his tense face finally eased a little.

All of a sudden, the handsome man's eyes on this half-aged lady were not so hateful anymore.

Hearing this, her face turned red suddenly, being locked in by such a flirtatious young man, Zou Jinlan's heart was beating violently, as if the young man smiled at her just now.

Zou Jinlan reminisces sweetly, but in the next second, more than a dozen fiery gazes came from behind, and those sharp gazes, like flying knives, made her back feel chilly.

Zou Jinlan walked in front, secretly scolding herself for being worthless, and being a nympho at such an age, while praying in her heart, the masters of this group of greedy eyes, don't settle accounts with her.

In the dead of night, there are still three hours before dawn.

Zou Jinlan walked in front, carefully avoiding formations and secret traps, like a competent guide, reminding everyone behind to be careful from time to time.

About half an hour later, Zou Jinlan and the others finally came to the large and heavy stone gate and stopped.

"They're inside. It's up to you to kill or cut them up, but don't forget what you promised me." Zou Jinlan stood in front of the door, holding the mechanism that opened the door with one hand, turned her head, worried asked.

"Well, don't worry, I will naturally do what I promised you," Mo Lingyue promised with a very good temper, but the black eyes that were shining with light always made people feel very unreliable.

Especially, everyone in Emperor Sha Palace.

Suddenly, everyone sneaked back two steps in a very tacit understanding. They didn't want to watch the blood of these two people splash on the spot and be stained with blood.

(End of this chapter)

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