399 Chapter 19
"However, if you dare to play tricks and lie to me, I will definitely make you regret coming to this world." Mo Lingyue added lightly.

Zou Jinlan lowered his head, smiled with barely audible lips, and did not answer.

Yubai's slender palm covered the wall, and a raised, compass-like mechanism was pushed with spiritual power, and he looked sideways slightly, and looked at Fu Ronghua.

Fu Ronghua stretched out his right hand with great intentions, bit a bloodstain on his index finger, and dripped the blood from his fingertip into a groove about the size of a white wine glass at the bottom right of the compass.

After a flash of red light and a burst of dazzling, the smooth and unmarked stone wall cracked a gap, reaching the top of the cave.Then, with a "boom", the heavy pulley rotated slowly, making an old and deep grinding sound, which seemed extraordinarily heavy in this deep cave.

"Who is it?" Before the thick stone doors on both sides were fully opened, a majestic and powerful voice came from inside.

The ancient voice seems to come through the tunnel of time and space, which makes people feel awe.

There was no sound, and everyone felt the evil and strange dark atmosphere, and they couldn't help but feel vigilant.At the same time, another narrow door appeared one step away from Zou Jinlan's left. With a light tap of her toes, she was about to pull Fu Ronghua to escape.

However, Fu Ronghua's drag oil bottle was already in a daze state. With Zou Jinlan's force, he became unstable and fell to the ground. Then, in the next second, the small door that appeared on the stone wall healed quickly , and finally disappeared.

Zou Jinlan was anxious, and stepped back from the stone wall with a look of fear.

With a cold face, Mo Lingyue twisted her slender jade neck, and then raised it high.

"You really are lying to me!" His eyes were full of murderous intent, and a cold breath permeated the air.

"Uh...uh..." Zou Jinlan's eyes were red with pain, and her slender hands kept patting her wrists like Mo Lingyue's, trying to break them apart, but those hands, which were like diamond welding, could not be beaten no matter how she slapped them. to no avail.

The air was getting less and less, Zou Jinlan had more and more difficulty breathing, her pale face was as bloodless as that of the dead man.

Seeing this, everyone in Disha Palace was cold, looking at the dark inner room of the stone gate with vigilance, and Fu Ronghua saw that his lover was about to die in the next second, how could he not be in a hurry.

With a "bang", Fu Ronghua knelt down on his knees, pulled Mo Lingyue's lake blue skirt and cried, "No, please, please let Lan'er go, she didn't do it on purpose, I will take it with you." Can you go to the cave where other members of the Fu family are hiding?"

Fu Ronghua's tears were whirling, snot and tears mixed together, sticking out a long transparent liquid line, which looked very disgusting, but at this time, all the people were not looking sideways, their faces were frosty, and they were still indifferent to Fu Ronghua's pleading .

You can still live if you do evil in the sky, but you can't live if you do it yourself.

If this woman hadn't deceived them first, Palace Master Mo wouldn't have killed her.

Everything is self-inflicted!

"Bastard, when did the descendants of my Fu family get so lowly, why don't you get out of here quickly?" An angry voice came from the depths of the room, and immediately after that, a super coercion swept over.

Everyone in Disha Palace didn't change their expressions, they just glanced at the pitch-black abyss lightly with their cold eyes, evoking a faint smile.

(End of this chapter)

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