Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 402 The Tomb of Death 2

Chapter 402 The Tomb of Death 2
"No, the Fu family is just an aristocratic family in the Donghui Kingdom. You can imagine a master of any level with your toes, but he has such a great ability to imprison a strong soul and prevent him from blowing himself up." Qiu Xin said in surprise.No strong person likes to be bound by irrelevant people. Unless you have enough ability to control him, otherwise, he would rather blow himself up than become someone else's puppet prisoner.

"Hehe, of course the Fu family doesn't have that ability, but what about the Heisha Tower?" Zou Jinlan sneered.A long time ago, the Fu family had been entangled with Heisha Building, so even if the Fu family could imprison the soul of a strong man, she didn't think it was strange.

"Tsk tsk, your Fu family is really strange. In order to protect a strong man who is not willing to inherit, you actually imprisoned your ancestor in it." Qiu Xin slammed her mouth, showing disapproval.After all, he was also a relative of the same blood, so how could he be so cruelly imprisoned in this darkened secret room?
"Now you have to ask the ancestor's son, this secret room, but he personally sent someone to dig it out," Zou Jinlan said with no surprise.She has long been used to the filth of big families.Even if others think it is immoral and unreasonable to say it, as an outsider, what qualifications do they have to judge other people's family affairs.

"Then what is the cultivation level of the ancestor?" Huameinan asked with concern.He doesn't care whether he is strong or not, and he doesn't care why the first ancestor of the Fu family was imprisoned here. Now the only thing he cares about is when he can finish work and go home to sleep.

"If you want to know, come in." The old and deep voice came from the dark secret room again, full of anticipation and temptation.

But for this expectation and temptation, everyone felt very speechless.

Is it too lonely and desperate for a chance to relax?
Zou Jinlan glanced at the pitch-black depths, and said with a lot of emotion, "Lingzun above, but I heard from the old man in the mansion that he has reached the strength to ascend to the upper realm, but something went wrong in his mind when he ascended." , that’s why he was imprisoned here by his son.”

"That sounds pitiful!" Qiu Xin curled her lips and said sympathetically.

"Yes, little girl, I am indeed very pitiful, why don't you come in and accompany me!"

"..." Everyone was speechless for a while!
That pitiful tone, coupled with that vicissitudes of life and rough voice, is just as disgusting as that seventy-year-old 80-year-old man who shamelessly pretends to be cute and cute.

Everyone was sweating on their foreheads, and one of them asked, "Isn't he coming out?"

"I was imprisoned inside, even if I wanted to, I couldn't get out, but none of the people who went in survived. So, he is inside, we can't get out, we can only stay outside, or you have the strength to go in and kill him" Zou Jinlan frowned and said coldly.

Come to think of it, this is all due to Fu Ronghua, who is holding back.If it wasn't for his stupidity, she would have escaped with him the moment the organ was opened, so why would she have stayed and been imprisoned here with them.

"How did you put the strong Yuanshen in there?" Huameinan asked.If only allowed to go in and not allowed to come out, then how did the person who was put into the primordial spirit do it?

Or, before the old antique inside was imprisoned, the strong Yuanshen was imprisoned here?
(End of this chapter)

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