Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 403 The Tomb of Death 3

Chapter 403 The Tomb of Death 3
"I don't know about this. The reason why I know this is only from the ancestral home of the Fu family. There is no record in the book about the strong Yuanshen. That strong man is chosen, and he will inherit his whole body of cultivation and glorify the Fu family." Zou Jinlan said.

"Then what do you know?" Seeing that no other information could be obtained from Zou Jinlan, Mo Lingyue turned her head and asked Fu Ronghua, who was wondering what she was thinking.

"Ah... I don't know. Didn't she just say that about the first ancestor of the Fu family, only the preparatory patriarch is qualified to know about it. How can I, a concubine, know about it. The only thing I know is that this is a forbidden area, unless the Fu family At the critical moment of the disaster, otherwise, everyone except the Patriarch will not be allowed to enter without authorization." Fu Ronghua said a little sullenly.If he had known that there was such a strong Yuanshen here, he would have gone all out to get that power.

In this way, he won't be looked down upon by his elder brother, ridiculed and ridiculed by his clansmen!
Fu Ronghua thought angrily, the eyes that lowered their heads and aimed at the dark secret room revealed a gleam of brilliance and certainty.

"Then what should we do now? Shall we go in?" Fu Ronghua asked pitifully, keeping his eyes down.But he was thinking in his heart, after entering, how he could use the power of this group of people to obtain the power of the peerless powerhouse.

"Then you go in and try it. Maybe your ancestors will kindly let you out when they see that you are his descendant." The handsome man glanced at the dark secret room, stepped forward suddenly, and twisted Fu Ronghua's hand. The collar was thrown away.Fu Ronghua's body in the coat was thrown into it like a pathfinder.

Zou Jinlan stood up nervously, and sternly said, "What are you doing? You're throwing Fu Ronghua in, and you're only going to send him to death. Although the people inside are the ancestors of the Fu family, they have brain problems, and they don't remember it for a long time. .”

"Then what should we do? Why don't you go in?" The handsome man said indifferently.

Zou Jinlan remained silent, with suppressed anger on his face, but this emotion only lasted for two seconds.After all, people who know the times and affairs are a hero, and everyone has already been thrown in, so what else can she do?

Zou Jinlan regained his composure the next moment, then rolled his eyes at the handsome man, and stared nervously at the secret room where the gurgling sound came from.

3 minutes later...

Everything is quiet, the sound of the body rolling on the ground has stopped, but...

There was neither screams nor other sounds, and even the excited old antique's voice was like a stone sinking into the sea, and no sound came out at all.

Everyone looked at each other, feeling puzzled, and then looked at Zou Jinlan very puzzled.

Didn't you say that you are only allowed to go in and not come out?

Why didn't there be a scream?
Could it be that the cultivation of the first ancestor of the Fu family had reached an unfathomable level, that's why Fu Ronghua was instantly killed by Old Antique just after he entered?
"Ah..." Just as everyone was guessing, Fu Ronghua's miserable voice finally rang out.The huge echo lingered in the entire secret room, which sounded extraordinarily creepy.

Before everyone came to mourn for Fu Ronghua, they felt a blur in front of their eyes, and with a sound of "dong", a naked body with only a pair of obscene pants was thrown out.

At the same time, a righteous and disgusted voice came from the hidden room, "It's so fucking stinky, it's really degrading for such a big man to pee his pants!"

"Throw in a cleaner one next time, don't dirty my place," the old voice added.

(End of this chapter)

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