Chapter 162 Prepare to flee

Zhang Hao looked at the group of people in front of him with contempt, and the contempt in his eyes was concealed.

"A coward who is incompetent with one punch wants to sacrifice an old man in exchange for his own survival. Using trash to describe you is an insult to trash!" Zhang Hao said coldly.

Everyone who heard this blushed and lowered their heads in shame. When they heard that Professor Li wanted to go out to die, their hearts were also extremely entangled.

Now hearing Zhang Hao's reprimand, everyone felt ashamed to face others.

"Shut up, Professor Li couldn't survive. What's wrong with us wanting him to die? Isn't it a better way to kill him in exchange for more people to live?"

One of them stood up angrily and pointed at Zhang Hao and shouted loudly, his words were full of anger.

"Such shameless words can be taken for granted. Since you think you can sacrifice one person in exchange for everyone's safety, then you go to hell. As long as you attract the black bears outside, I will definitely take others away." Zhang Hao Said coldly.

" fart, I'm still young, why should I die? If I die, I'll die when I'm old." The man yelled.


Before he finished speaking, Zhang Hao kicked the opponent in the stomach and kicked him flying.


With a scream, this man fell beside Zhou Qiang. The two brothers held their stomachs in pain and looked at Zhang Hao angrily.

"You are a man of benevolence, righteousness and morality, full of thieves and prostitutes, and people like you are the ones you look down on the most." Zhang Hao said with a sneer.


This angrily stretched out his hand and pointed at Zhang Hao, wanting to yell at him, thinking that his small body would definitely not be able to beat Zhang Hao, so he extinguished the thought in his heart.

Seeing that the other party was afraid to speak, Zhang Hao waved to Lin Wan.

"Brother Hao, what do you want me to do?" Lin Wan ran over and asked.

"You carry Professor Li on your back, and we are going to rush out together." Zhang Hao said.

"Okay." Lin Wan nodded solemnly.

Zhang Hao made a cheering gesture to Lin Wanbi.

The reason why Lin Wan was asked to carry Professor Li on his back was because of Xianlu's relationship. Lin Wan's physical strength far surpassed that of other people present.

The members of this expedition team were obviously academics, and their physical strength was obviously not up to the mark. They were already disgraced after entering the mountain for more than half a day, and they had already finished their lunch and hadn't eaten anything at night.

The members of the expedition team were physically weak, and they were tired and hungry, so they couldn't carry Professor Li on their backs.

"Professor Li, I'll carry you behind my back." Lin Wan walked over and said.

"Little girl, no need, just leave me here. If I'm lucky, if these black bears don't come in, I might be able to survive until the rescue team arrives, but if you carry me behind your back, I'm afraid none of us will be able to leave Get out." Professor Li said quickly.

"Don't underestimate me, even a man is not as good as me, I will carry you." Lin Wan said firmly.

Lin Wan admires this old professor who is self-sacrificing and caring for others. Not everyone has the courage to die at a critical moment.

Lin Wan, who was stronger than ordinary men, helped the old professor slowly onto her back, and lifted the old man up.

"I can't, I can't."

Professor Li quickly refused, but he was already seriously injured and couldn't resist Lin Wan at all.

"Little girl, if you are in danger, remember to put me down as soon as possible and let me attract the black bear. You must remember." The old professor said in earnest.

"Old professor, don't worry, with Brother Hao here, nothing will happen to us." Lin Wan said confidently.

Lin Wan's self-confidence surprised the old professor, and he couldn't figure out what skills Zhang Hao had to save them from the group of violent black bears.

The fire outside the cave has begun to gradually shrink. Feeling the change in the fire, the black bears outside have become extremely irritable, and they seem to form a group to rush in at any time.

"Everyone is ready to rush out with Lin Wan."

Zhang Hao said to Lin Wan: "You take the old professor out in a while, and I will help you stop the black bear."

Lin Wan nodded and said, "Brother Hao, be careful."

After such a long period of training, Lin Wan is no longer what she used to be, and more importantly, she knows that with Zhang Hao around, she will never be in danger.

Zhang Hao took a deep breath and lifted the longbow in his left hand.

"I'll go out first to attract the attention of the black bears, Lin Wan, take this opportunity to take everyone out," Zhang Hao confessed.

"Brother Hao, you must be careful." Lin Wan said with concern.

"Don't worry, I'm not a vegetarian."

After Zhang Hao finished speaking, he walked out of the cave with a longbow in his hand, kicked directly on the fire in front of him, and saw the flames falling down like raindrops all over the sky.


The burning flames fell to the ground, illuminating the whole ground, and three fierce big guys were roaring towards Zhang Hao.

"You three, come and chase me!"

Zhang Hao picked up three stones from the ground, and with a wave of his hand, the three stones were thrown towards the three big black bears in front of him.

"Da da da……"

These three stones hit the nose tips of the three black bears fiercely.


The power of this stone is not small, and the three black bears that hit it screamed while holding their noses.


As the overlord in the forest, when had the black bear been provoked like this before, they all became furious and rushed towards Zhang Hao while roaring.

Zhang Hao watched the group of black bears rushing towards them. The moonlight at night was so bright that Zhang Hao could even see the sharp teeth and drooling of these three big guys.

Without further ado, Zhang Hao turned around and ran towards the distance with the black bear, leading the group of big guys away from the entrance of the cave.

"Hero, lead away the black bear alone."

"From now on, Master Hao, the fan of Lao Tzu, is alone, and the tiger shark will not fall, and he will accompany Hao until he grows old."

"Master Hao, be careful, you must come back safely."

It was already midnight, but there were still many people watching Zhang Hao's rescue, and silently praying for Zhang Hao.

Seeing the black bear at the entrance of the cave being lured away, Lin Wan stomped her feet and rushed out with Professor Li on her back.

"Hurry up and catch up, everyone, don't waste the time Brother Hao bought for us." Lin Wan said.

At that moment, Lin Wan carried the old man on her back and rushed out of the cave, and the members of the expedition team followed behind her.

"Wait for us, don't leave us behind!"

"Woo, take us, please take us."

Zhou Qiang and the other person who was kicked away by Zhang Hao quickly got up and chased after them. If they still stayed in the cave, they really had only a dead end.

In the face of death, the face is a fart, and they want to live.

(End of this chapter)

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