Chapter 163


Zhang Hao kept running in the forest, and the roar of the black bear kept coming from behind him.

"Damn it, these beasts are really persistent." Zhang Hao cursed inwardly.

But this is just as Zhang Hao thought in his heart, the only thing he has to do now is to leave with the three big guys, and buy enough time for Lin Wan and others to escape.

The running speed of black bears is 48 kilometers per hour, twice faster than humans, and their endurance is extremely amazing.

Fortunately, Zhang Hao's speed far exceeded ordinary people, coupled with his dexterous turning, he was not overtaken by the group of big guys behind him.

Running at high speed, Zhang Hao saw big trees passing by his side.

Don't look at this group of big black bears looking clumsy, but these big guys are all good at climbing trees. Under hunger, these big guys can climb trees to dig out beehives and bird eggs.

"It's almost there, Lin Wan and the others should be safe." Zhang Hao thought to himself.

Seeing the black bear getting closer behind him, Zhang Hao knew it was time to fight back.

Zhang Hao, who was running, held the bow in his left hand, and drew two arrows from the quiver on his back with his right hand, then turned around quickly, and shot the arrow with the bow in one go.


The two arrows carried the sound of piercing the sky and headed towards the two black bears at the front.


In an instant, two blood flowers bloomed on the black bear's thigh.


There were two screams.

With their legs injured, the two running black bears fell to the ground, just like two high-speed cars. After they rolled over, the huge inertia caused them to roll several times on top.

In a blink of an eye, the remaining black bear had already rushed in front of Zhang Hao.

"That's too late!"

With such a close distance, Zhang Hao didn't have time to draw the arrow on his back again.

The running black bear was like a rampaging tank, charging towards Zhang Hao with terrifying force.

This kind of terrifying power is more than a thousand catties, even if you perform Taijiquan with four or two strokes of a thousand catties, you may not be able to move it.

Zhang Hao reacted very quickly, and he didn't care about his own image. In an instant, he rolled over and rolled to the side.


The big black bear that didn't have time to stop hit the big tree behind Zhang Hao. The huge force made the big tree shake, and many leaves were violently shaken off.


The big black bear shook his head to wake himself up from the dizziness of the impact, and then saw Zhang Hao who was shooting an arrow with a bow, and rushed towards him again.


As soon as he came in front of Zhang Hao, the arrows from the longbow came with terrifying spiral power.


This arrow directly pierced the black bear's shoulder, and the huge force carried by the long arrow directly flew this gigantic object over two meters high, before it hit the ground hard with a "bang".

After the arrow penetrated the black bear's body, it continued to nail the big tree behind Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao walked towards the black bear with resentment: "Smile secretly, it is the identity of animal protection that saved you, otherwise I really don't mind having four more bear paws on my dining table."

Black bears already belong to the second-level national protected animals, and both the first and second-level protections are key protections. Even if Zhang Hao has a hunting license, he can't hunt these things.

Otherwise, Zhang Hao really doesn't mind chopping off the bear paws of the three of them, and bear bile is also a good medicinal material.

Zhang Hao came behind the black bear and pulled out the arrow from the big tree.

"Half of the arrow pierced into the big tree. Such a strong arrow only seriously injured this big black bear. The physical strength of these big guys is really strong." Zhang Hao put the arrow back on his back In the quiver.

Seeing the big black bear rolling on the ground in pain, Zhang Hao felt emotional. If a person's shoulder was hit by this arrow, the powerful spiral force would be enough to tear the flesh of the shoulder, and the whole arm would fly out.

But this arrow only pierced through the black bear's shoulder. Although the injury was serious, it was far from fatal, and the arm could still move slightly, which shows how terrifying these big guys are.

"Go to the other members of the expedition team, and hope that they are not in danger." Zhang Hao thought to himself.

Just when Zhang Hao was about to leave, he heard a gust of wind blowing from behind.

He hurriedly took a side step to dodge, and saw a huge bear paw slapping the place where he was just now.

If he hadn't evaded in time, the huge bear claw just now could easily cut through the flesh and blood on Zhang Hao's back. Even Zhang Hao would lose his fighting power with this kind of injury.

Zhang Hao, who is covered in blood, will become the target of all the beasts in the forest. At that time, the entire forest will be a hell on earth for Zhang Hao, and it will be extremely difficult to get out alive.

Zhang Hao's eyes narrowed gradually, and a dangerous light shone through the gaps in his eyelids.


With a roar of fury, the huge black bear swung its only remaining intact giant claw again, it wanted to tear the bastard in front of him to pieces!

On guard, Zhang Hao easily dodged the opponent's giant claw, and then swung a longbow that weighed tens of kilograms and slammed it on the black bear's head.


The longbow was so powerful that it directly sent the black bear flying, and the black bear in the air spat out a mouthful of blood when it screamed.


The huge body hit the ground, kicking up countless dust.

The big guy was motionless, already knocked unconscious by the terrifying bow.

Thinking of Lin Wan's safety, Zhang Hao suppressed his killing intent, and chased in the direction of Lin Wan and the others with a long bow on his back.


After running for a long time, I heard the roar of beasts coming from the distant forest.

"Not good!" Zhang Hao's face changed: "It's Lin Wan's side."

Without daring to delay at all, Zhang Hao rushed towards Lin Wan at full speed, regardless of his exhaustion, as fast as a ghost in the forest.

At this moment, in the forest on the other side, when Lin Wan and the others were about to run out of the range of Old Bear Ridge, two huge black bears appeared.

"There's a black bear ahead!"

"On the left... there are also on the left!"

Lin Wan was startled at this moment, she did not expect to encounter such a situation.

"Backing back to Laoxiong Ridge is courting death, let's... let's run to the left, that's the only way out!" Lin Wan said hastily.

At that moment, Lin Wan led the crowd and ran towards the left. In her heart, she hoped that she could get rid of the black bear behind her.

Brother Hao was not there, and neither was Dabai. Lin Wan forced herself to calm down, and now she was the only one she could rely on.

"A dead end! There is no way ahead!"

With an exclamation, everyone saw that there was a steep cliff in front of them, and there was no way to escape.


Following the roar from behind, the figures of two black bears appeared, opened their bloody mouths, and walked slowly towards them step by step.

Facing the two ferocious black bears, everyone in the expedition team was trembling with fear.

"Made, you stinky bitch just wanted to kill us on purpose. You brought us here. If you die, you should die. You go and feed this old guy behind your back."

Zhou Qiang walked out of the crowd and shouted angrily: "You must take the initiative to die, as long as they are full, we can survive."

While speaking, Zhou Qiang had already stretched out his hand to push Lin Wan, wanting to push her to the black bear in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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