Marriage with one pet: copy the chief adult

Chapter 196 I Make You Difficult Too

Chapter 196 I Make You Difficult Too

The next morning, taking advantage of the fine weather, Xue Jinxi got up and went to the bathroom to wash up. The wind outside the window blew in, making it a bit noisy.

Although the mirror was covered with mist, she could still vaguely see her own appearance in the mirror, with her flawless face and well-proportioned body, she was almost perfect.

It took half a year for all the traces of the knife to be eliminated. Even the scars on her body, she went to the hospital to remove them.

Only the ugly scar on the wrist has been searched all over the country, but there is no way to get rid of it.

Because the cut was too deep, most of the flesh on her wrist was sliced ​​off.

How desperate was it at that time to place such heavy hands on her body? To this day, Xue Jinxi still remembers that feeling, like being thrown into a confined space, watching the water flow over her neck little by little That feeling of hopelessness.

Only she can understand.

Now, even though she always thinks about the past, she never mentions the past, including her name.

"My name is only Xue Jinxi." Muttering to herself in the mirror, she showed a cold smile.

Love is a killing, destroying all her clean soul, leaving behind all the dirty parts.

After washing, she changed into a black suit and let her hair be disheveled. Sitting in front of the dressing table, Xue Jinxi put on eye bands and dark circles on her lower eyelids. Her lips should also be bloodless, but her cheeks must be filled with blush so that People thought she was trying desperately to touch up her makeup.

I thought she was so stubborn and didn't want people to sympathize with her and pity her.

She might not have said such things in the past, but now, Xue Jinxi does not have such confidence. Her self-esteem and stubbornness have long been crushed by the cruelty of reality. Of course, it must be the credit of Chi Yichen and Jian Xi.

She is willing to abandon her self-esteem for Chi Yichen, but for Jianxi, she is really not reconciled.

In a daze, the mobile phone placed on the table rang suddenly, and the caller ID - it was that annoying Ken again, if it wasn't because he had no bottom line and wouldn't interfere with what she was doing, Xue Jinxi would have called this bitch a long time ago. I changed it.

After massaging the hand cream on her hand until it was absorbed, she answered the phone calmly, "I see, I'll be coming down soon, are you waiting for me at the door? Which car?"

Today is the press conference, she is more nervous than anyone else, and of course she is more excited than anyone else.

"Really, don't hurry up. The press conference will be held at 08:30. If it's late, I don't know how those annoying reporters will make it up." His voice was still thin, but today was a little different. His voice seemed to tremble a little.

Xue Jinxi didn't care too much about it, maybe it was just because he went to the nightclub last night that he had a lot of fun, and she didn't care at all about him.

After all, Aken is a veteran manager who has been in the entertainment industry for more than ten years. What he said was not unreasonable. Xue Jinxi didn't refute, just hung up the phone, got up in a hurry, picked up her bag, turned around and walked out of the room.

Probably because of too much haste, the mobile phone was still quietly lying on the dresser, and it was not taken away.

At the same time that Xue Jinxi was going downstairs, a silver Changan van was parked in front of the gate of the high-end apartment downstairs. Ken, who was wearing a floral shirt, put down his phone, trembling all over, and looked at the man sitting opposite him with tears in his eyes. Everyone, the tone is pleading.

"I've said everything I need to say, now you can let me go."

Although his hands were untied, but based on the aggressive posture of the enemy, he must be no match for a bitch.

I'm sorry, Xue Jinxi, he had no choice but to betray her.

Mu Shaogong, the man who came to ask him for Xue Jinxi's address and phone number yesterday under the name "Jian Xi", was sitting directly opposite him, with a gentle smile on his face, but deep black pupils with a lingering smile. Chilling indifference.

Sitting next to him was a group of bodyguards in neat suits, one in the front seat was in charge of driving, and the other was sitting in the passenger seat, eating potato chips from beginning to end, "Kaz Kaz" The sound made him nervous.

I wanted to look back at the man's appearance, but just as I turned my head, the back of his head was blocked by something hard like metal. There is no doubt that it was a real gun .

Terrified, Ken turned his head obediently, and was pushed to the car door by the bodyguards. As soon as the door opened, he rolled straight down. Fortunately, the car didn't open, otherwise he might have died.

"Before Xue Jinxi comes down, roll as far as you can, don't let her see it, and don't let me see it, or—" Mu Shaogong paused, and directly raised the gun to his forehead, silver The muzzle of the gun shone with cold light.

Even though his legs were weak from fright, the agent still struggled to get up from the ground and ran all the way until he turned a corner and entered another street.

Those people didn't wear sunglasses or hoods. Although they didn't reveal their names, they didn't worry about their faces being exposed. Obviously, they were either rich and powerful families who were not afraid of police harassment, or they were brothers in the underworld, and even the police were afraid of them. three points.

Thinking about it this way, Ken didn't even have the courage to call the police. He only dared to call Xue Jinxi before the car started.

However, it has not been opened for a long time...

After Aken escaped, Jian Xi couldn't help laughing. She lifted the hoodie hat covering her head, straightened her messy hair, and the corners of her mouth were full of potato chip crumbs.

She smacked her lips regardless of her image, turned her head to look at Mu Shaogong, with an excited look on her face and admiration in her eyes, "Oh my god, you are so handsome, no wonder when you were an undercover agent in the organization , has never been discovered.”

This is simply acting in his true colors!

Mu Shaogong raised his forehead helplessly, his well-defined face was full of affection, and the corners of his mouth curled up helplessly, he was completely different from the indifferent and terrifying him just now.

Although it was nice to be praised by her, the compliment sounded a bit weird.

Because she disappeared for many days inexplicably, she couldn't get in touch with him no matter how much she contacted. As compensation for her spirit, he had to play a play with her, preferably with the kind of ruthlessness he used to do when he was an undercover organization. .

The drug lord group is always linked with the gangster organization, and sometimes they are almost assimilated, so it is not difficult for him to play that role.

"But let me say, as a people's policeman, is it really okay for you to kidnap people?" Mu Shaogong looked up at her. He didn't see an innocent face, but he could see the potato chip crumbs at the corner of her mouth at a glance.

What's funny is that a certain woman unknowingly put potato chips into her mouth, and the serious bodyguard couldn't help laughing, but because of her status as Mrs. Chi, she had to hold back.

Smiling lightly, he stretched out his hand to wipe the corners of her mouth, and there were many fine particles on his slender fingers. Mu Shaogong's tone was soft, as if he was blaming her, "Look, it's all because of you, my hands are dirty. .”

Glancing at him, Jian Xi was still careless, not knowing that she was going to blush.

He is really not generous at all, isn't it just a little potato chip crumbs, at worst she eats it for him.

Maybe her head was really funny, and she still followed the magical brain circuit-sticking out her tongue to lick the potato chip crumbs off his fingers.

The soft touch is a bit subtle, Mu Shaogong didn't expect her to do this for a while, and suddenly he was stunned, looking at her in a daze.

And Jian Xi blushed a long time ago, pretending to be nonchalant, turned his head away from him, and continued to reach into the food bag to fish for things.

Fortunately, the bodyguards didn't see this scene, otherwise, where would she put her face of bluffing around with the name of Mrs. Chi?
Withdrawing his hand, Mu Shaogong only felt his mouth dry, and there was a hot current boiling in his heart, which not only made him feel depressed, but also made him feel happy.

Probably Jianxi will never know in her life that there is a man who is moved by her every move.

While laughing and laughing, there was a sudden "da da" sound of high heels stepping on the concrete floor outside the door, and everyone immediately reacted.Be vigilant and have your rope and tape ready.

That sissy manager was timid and probably wouldn't dare to call the police, so Mu Shaogong didn't pretend.

But Xue Jinxi is different. For a person as courageous as her, let alone call the police, if she finds out his location, she will probably have to deal with him with an eye for an eye.

In order to prevent troubles in the future, Mu Shaogong still made a disguise - put on a light gray wig, a peaked cap and mask, and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses.

And Jian Xi turned the black hat on the back of the hoodie upside down and put it on, covering more than half of her face, and the disguise was successful.

After all, she had long been prepared to be recognized, and she deliberately wore a black suit just to look handsome.

"It's because I'm the people's police that I can guarantee that I will never harm her personal safety. At most, I cut off her hands and feet and gouged out her eyes." Responding to Mu Shaogong's words pretending to be relaxed, revealing There was a wicked smile on Lai's face.

The sound of "da da" footsteps was getting closer, and when they were less than ten centimeters away, the car door was pulled open.

"Now it should be--ah--" Xue Jinxi stood in front of the door with her head lowered, a little absent-minded. She was concerned about her shoes, which seemed too bright, and she should have changed them to black ones.

As soon as Xue Jinxi was about to raise his head, he was pulled in by them directly, his hands were pulled behind his back and tied with ropes, and thick ropes were wrapped around his struggling legs.

In the end, Xue Jinxi's screams stopped abruptly as her mouth was taped.

No matter how hard she struggled, she was tied up tightly, then forced into the rear compartment, covered with paper, and the door was pulled and locked.

Then the car started slowly...

The sound of "Kaz Kaz" made people feel nervous, Xue Jinxi tensed up and struggled desperately, trying to see the appearance of those people clearly, but before that, she heard a familiar voice, "Scared!" ?"

Accompanied by the crisp sound of "Kaz Kaz", that voice was amplified several times, and it sounded extraordinarily loud.

Also extraordinarily terrifying.

Xue Jinxi's eyes widened, and she wanted to yell, but she couldn't speak because the tape stuck her mouth. She could only let the tears slide down the corners of her eyes, and her heart sank into fear without warning.

It's over, if she guessed correctly, the owner of this voice will definitely not make her feel better.

Because she just made her feel bad too.

(End of this chapter)

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