Marriage with one pet: copy the chief adult

Chapter 197 Don't Challenge My Patience

Chapter 197 Don't Challenge My Patience

The car galloped on the boulevard, heading towards more and more remote areas, passing through the blocks, and driving into the industrial wasteland.

Although this area has been planned, it has not been built yet, leaving a large number of warehouses and open spaces, sparsely populated.

This is also the reason why Jianxi chose this place.

The van stopped in front of a large warehouse. Jian Xi and Mu Shaogong got out of the van first, while the bodyguards in the van were in charge of keeping an eye on Xue Jinxi, and put cloth strips on her eyes to avoid future troubles.

Looking around, Jian Xi made sure there was no one around, then turned around and knocked on the car window, asking the bodyguards to carry Xue Jinxi out.

Although there was still some guilt in my heart, when I thought of Xue Jinxi daring to plot against Chi Yichen, any guilt suddenly became a cloud.

"I've come to this place too often, I want you to try this sour taste too." Picking up her thin chin, Jian Xi chuckled lightly at herself, looking like a ruffian, showing her domineering sideways.

It's just that the trembling hands are not suitable for the occasion.

Xue Jinxi unceremoniously turned her head and shook off her hand, even in such a situation, she was still unwilling to give in to her.

She spoke easily, but Mu Shaogong felt a little distressed when he heard it. He rubbed Jian Xi's hair that was disheveled in the wind, his movements were gentle, and the corners of his tightly pursed mouth slightly raised.

"Woo—" Xue Jinxi still wanted to try to speak, but any struggle was pointless.

The body suddenly lightened, and the whole person rose into the air and was carried all the way into the warehouse.

What's funny is that at this time, Jianxi didn't forget to play tricks, and sang "Communism is good" all the way. Even the unsmiling bodyguards couldn't help laughing, but the hostages still had a sad face.

Thousands of calculations have never counted that a woman can be so shameless as to kidnap a rival in love. Compared with what she did to Chi Yichen, Jian Xi is far too much.

It's also my fault that she didn't expect a crazy woman like Jian Xi to be unable to do anything.

Now I can only hope that this lunatic will not do anything crazy.

In the cold and damp warehouse, the smell of mold and rotting came to the nostrils, the sunlight came in through the exhaust fan on the ceiling, and the dust was flying in the air. Jian Xi rubbed his nose, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Put a chair in front of a pile of oil drums, tie Xue Jinxi to the chair, and the bodyguard handed Jian Xi a realistic toy pistol.

Taking the pistol with a smile, Jian Xi patted the bodyguard's shoulder boldly, smiling smugly, "It's really thoughtful, I'll ask Chi Yichen to raise your salary when I go back."

As she said that, she had already placed the muzzle of the gun on Xue Jinxi's forehead.

He knew it was a fake gun, but the hand holding the trigger kept shaking, for fear of losing his hand.

Xue Jinxi began to twist and struggle, desperately trying to open her mouth to speak, but she was restrained by the tape. After all, she was a girl. At this time, it would be a lie to say that she was not afraid. Her nose felt sore and tears were about to fall.

Tears rolled down the cloth, and her wrists, which were tied to the chair, were red.

Knowing that it was useless, Xue Jinxi suddenly stopped moving.

"Tear off the tape." She said in a low voice, her expression indifferent, she was completely different from the one who had been fooling around just now.

She knows better than anyone else the feeling of being put on the head with a gun. The feeling of despair cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

Doing this to Xue Jinxi now is just to let her know that if she dares to think unreasonably about Chi Yichen, then don't blame her for treating her cruelly.

With a "stab", a circle of red marks immediately appeared on Xue Jinxi's flawless face, which looked quite funny.

Then the immoral girl smiled unceremoniously, clutching her stomach until her hat fell off, revealing her real face with messy long hair.

Xue Jinxi stared at her with a livid face, gritted his teeth, his eyes were about to be cremated, "You bitch, why don't you let me go quickly, I've never seen a woman like you, are you crazy?"

She is really an unintelligent woman, and she is still stubborn at such a time.

Isn't the normal plot supposed to cry and beg for mercy?Not only was Jian Xi not angry, but she smiled lightly, her red lips were raised with a hint of sarcasm, and her slender fingers gently caressed her cheeks, the silky touch was very subtle.

"What a pretty face, why do you want to fall in love with a married man? And his wife is a lunatic." Jian Xi spoke softly, as if talking to herself.

However, the more she behaved like this, the worse Xue Jinxi's complexion became. She didn't believe that Jian Xi really dared to do anything to her.

So there is no need for her to be afraid, and she must not succumb to this crazy woman.

But even so, the place she touched still couldn't help trembling, as if her fingertips were sharp swords, and the place touched would be cut open, and blood flowed out from it.

Fingers are floating on her shoulders, and her thinness can be felt through the clothes.

The brighter Jian Xi's smile was, the colder his eyes became, wishing he could drag her to hell.

Xue Jinxi kept silent, it didn't matter, anyway, her purpose was just to teach her a lesson, to let her manage her morals, and don't try to be clever at every turn.

With a cold snort, she inserted her fingers into her neckline without hesitation, touched her collarbone, and slowly moved down.

Mu Shaogong who was standing behind couldn't bear to look directly at him, turned his back and shook his head helplessly.

This is the result of loving too deeply?

"You bastard! What are you going to do? I'm not interested in women, you better give me—" Seeing the muzzle of the pistol pointed at her head again, the cursing stopped abruptly.

The silver gun muzzle exuded a faint cold light, there was wind blowing outside the warehouse, the exhaust fan on the ceiling was turning, the sunlight was flickering, the shadow on Jian Xi's face turned and turned, it was as cold as that gun.

Terrible woman.

When I saw Jianxi before, I just thought she was stupid and impulsive, and she could fall into a trap with just a little trick.

I didn't expect it to become so scary now. What happened to her these days?
There was deathly silence, only the rustling sound of the gun muzzle rubbing against the broken hair on his forehead. Jian Xi pulled the safety catch, and Xue Jinxi tightened his nerves, and the look in her eyes turned from anger to panic.

Could it be... this crazy woman!

Swallowing her saliva, Xue Jinxi's chest heaved violently, her consciousness gradually blurred, her body trembling with fear looked very thin.

The flying dust fell on the body of the gun, Jian Xi leaned over and blew it lightly, and Xue Jinxi's hair also fluttered slightly.

"Scared? Stop talking?" With a calm tone and a calm expression, she was like an executioner, killing people without blinking an eye.

Because it was acting, Jian Xi didn't think about being a policeman at all, and tried to assimilate herself into the criminals she had hunted down. Their ferocious expressions and livid faces were as calm as water.

So deeply involved in the drama, even Mu Shaogong was a little worried. If it was a real gun, wouldn't she actually shoot it?

"How much do you want? I can give it to you, as long as you let me go, I, I..." With a flustered tone and panicked expression, she began to be afraid.

Beads of sweat slid down her forehead, all the way to her cheeks, mixed with tears, she looked in a mess.

However, Jian Xi's hand still stayed at her neckline, she opened the neckline little by little, and stretched her hand in.

money?Although she is poor now, she is not short of money at all.

After all, if you have Chi Yichen, you have everything.

"You still don't want to say that you want to give up Chi Yichen, you are really stubborn." Jian Xi murmured, with a faint smile still hanging on the corner of his mouth, "But it doesn't matter, I didn't intend to get any promise from you, I just wanted to tell you--"

She pressed the muzzle of the gun to the center of Xue Jinxi's eyebrows, the great force made Xue Jinxi gasp in pain, and she instinctively tilted her head back, but it didn't help, Jianxi still pressed firmly.

"It has nothing to do with me who you are interested in, only Chi Yichen, otherwise I really don't know what I will do." She said, retracting the pistol, turning her back to look at Mu Shaogong, He looks complicated.

Rather than being surprised by her changes, it is better to say that she is worried. It has only been a while, and Jianxi has changed too much.

Although she was strong in the past, she would never do anything wrong, but now, she has matured a lot, and she has begun to judge who is worthy of soft-heartedness and who should be ruthless.

More rational than before, but also more indifferent.

As an outsider, Mu Shaogong couldn't judge whether this was good or bad, but he felt more uncomfortable than anyone else watching it.

Ignoring Mu Shaogong's feelings, Jian Xi laughed so heartlessly that her face almost burst into tears. After all, this feeling was so good that she had never tried it before.

However, no matter how her conscience is still there, she can't really do anything.

She just vented on Xue Jinxi the torture she had suffered from others in the past, and the pain she really suffered was even ten times more painful and humiliating than this.

If he didn't treat her thoroughly, he was already moved with compassion!

With her back to Xue Jinxi, Jian Xi said in a deep voice, "Listen, this time I will teach you a lesson. If you dare to provoke Chi Yichen next time, it will definitely not be as simple as today."

Doesn't Xue Jinxi know?Taking Chi Yichen away is more uncomfortable than letting her suffer all the pain in the past.

If she knows, then it's best not to provoke Chi Yichen again.

Xue Jinxi didn't answer, but cried so hard that it seemed that she was really afraid of Jianxi.

That being the case, there was no need for Jian Xi to waste any more time on her. He ordered the bodyguards to send Xue Jinxi back to the apartment later, and then pulled Mu Shaogong out of the warehouse. She had already called a car and waited outside.

It was noon, the weather was a little hot, and the back was slowly sweating.

As soon as Jian Xi got into the car, she took off her coat and wore a short-sleeved shirt. She also yelled at the driver to turn on the air conditioner, or she would be shot—she still had the toy pistol in her hand.

The uncle was so frightened that his legs went limp in an instant, and he hurriedly obeyed. Who knew that Jianxi pulled the trigger anyway, and cold water sprayed out from the muzzle in a parabola. The scene was quite funny.

"Hahaha, uncle, don't call the police. I'm a good person, and I'm a policeman. I won't take a gun casually." Jian Xi laughed heartlessly while clutching his stomach. Fortunately, the driver uncle was honest and didn't drive her away because of this. go out.

Sitting next to him, Mu Shaogong rubbed his forehead and chuckled, his eyes full of helplessness.

In the end, he was still a child who didn't grow up, impulsive and willful, and didn't care about the consequences when he did things. Isn't this the same as before?

However, he couldn't lie to himself, as expected, there was still something different.

Jian Xi no longer needs his overprotection.

"You've changed." Mu Shaogong suddenly murmured, as if in a dream, Mu Shaogong stroked Jianxi's soft black hair, with an inexplicable melancholy in his gentleness.

She turned to look at him, puzzled.

Only then did Mu Shaogong chuckle, and leaned over to kiss her on the forehead.

"I said you have become beautiful."

(End of this chapter)

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