Marriage with one pet: copy the chief adult

Chapter 206 Don't Make Me Worry About You Anymore

Chapter 206 Don't Make Me Worry About You Anymore
The glare of the light forced Jian Xi to close her eyes and raise her hands to block her sight. Her mind went blank, her red lips parted slightly in surprise, and the dust was blown into her mouth along with the cold wind.

There was whirring in her ears, and Jian Xi could vaguely hear the metallic sound of the stick rubbing against the knife coming from the left side. She was terrified to the extreme, but she was helpless with the status quo.

It's like falling into the water, sinking little by little, even if you stretch out your hand, you still can't grab the last straw.

Chi Yichen, she thought that she might not be able to spend the rest of her long life with him.

"Thrilling--" The piercing sound of brakes pierced the sky, the green trees rustled, and the chaotic footsteps stopped.

Everything returned to calm, there was no pain, and there was no feeling of blood flowing from the wound. Jian Xi was stunned, her closed eyes gradually loosened, and her raised arms gradually became sore.

Could it be that she has reached the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss now, so there is no pain?

Jian Xi put down her hand suspiciously, even with her eyes closed, she could still feel the glare of the oncoming light, but she still opened a gap slowly and looked ahead.

Under the bright lights, the dust is flying, and the Maybach logo is particularly eye-catching.

"Pa" the car door was opened, the driver got out of the car first, and saw Jian Xi sitting on the ground at a glance, his face was full of astonishment, "Mrs. Chi? Why are you here?"

As soon as the voice fell, the rear door was quickly opened, and a tall figure appeared in sight.

Chi... Chi Yichen, why is he here?

Jian Xi's first reaction was not to rush up, but to retreat, but she really didn't have the strength to support it anymore, sitting on the ground unable to move.

"What, so it's someone I know." The sudden voice shifted everyone's attention to the group of men who were still standing at the intersection. They were dressed in black, and their sticks and knives were scattered There was a faint cold light.

And the man who took the lead, still smiling frivolously, looked at Jian Xi, and clapped his palms with a stick, making a muffled sound.

Damn, she almost forgot about them!

Jian Xi was so scared that her face turned pale, she put her hands behind her and tried to drag her body back. She was so weak that her whole body couldn't stop shaking, and her trembling thin lips parted slightly, "Chi Yichen, hurry up, they all It's not kind."

If she doesn't leave, Chi Yichen will also suffer. She doesn't want to badmouth him because of her bad luck.

However, what Jian Xi was worried about didn't happen. Chi Yichen walked out of the shadow calmly, but only glanced at the group of men lightly, and stretched out his hand in front of the driver, "Bring it here."

"Don't get your hands dirty, I'll just do it." The driver behind him nodded respectfully, then turned and opened the front door, and suddenly took out a silver pistol, the muzzle of which was shining brightly under the headlights. Bright.

The gun was aimed at the leader of the group of men, and the driver pulled the safety catch.

Fuck, what kind of society is this?Why do people use guns at every turn these days?
I don't know if it's because of Chi Yichen's identity or because of the pistol, but the group of men started to panic, and they took a few steps back, looking panicked, "Nimma, this guy is not easy to mess with, let's go quickly, don't I lost my life because of a little money."

Sure enough, it was because of Chi Yichen's own aura.

The chaotic footsteps sounded again, but this time they were not coming towards her. Hearing the sound getting farther and farther away, Jian Xi's heart hanging in his throat finally fell.

Even so, the fear still didn't leave her body. Jian Xi panted heavily, clutched her chest and fell back, lying on the road. If it wasn't for the sparsely populated place, she would have been crushed to pieces by now the end.

"Da da" The sound of leather shoes stepping on the concrete floor was heavy, Chi Yichen walked up to her quickly, pulled her up from the ground, held her in his arms, and gently stroked her back with his hands.

"Why are you here? And what happened to that group of people? Do you know how dangerous it is for you to rush out just now? If the driver didn't stop the car, you would be finished, don't you know?" His tone Very heavy, every sentence is full of worry.

On the face like white jade, the expression is serious, the brows are furrowed, and the deep starry eyes are shining, hiding the flustered mood under the eyes.

If the driver didn't stop the car in time -- Chi Yichen didn't even dare to think about it, he had already missed her for ten years because of the car accident ten years ago, if he missed her life this time, what would she want him to do in the future? For the future life.

Did she know that he couldn't live without her.

Jian Xi adjusted her breathing, but she was still unable to speak, her throat was stinging because of the wind pouring in, her mouth was dry, and she was trembling all over as if she had placed herself in a world of ice and snow.

After a moment of silence, what was waiting was her silent sobs, and she buried her head in his shoulder socket. She cried carefully, but it was even more heartbreaking.

This is not the same as before, her life is no longer hers alone.

There are two souls, Jian Xi and Sheng'er, living in the body, and these two souls live for Chi Yichen without exception.

When she thought she was going to die, she was so frightened that her heart almost stopped beating.

As soon as Jianxi cried, Chi Yichen's heart became so soft that he didn't dare to scold her anymore, but he gently stroked her soft black hair, with a gentle expression, "Okay, I'm sorry, I shouldn't hurt you, don't cry Okay? Let's go home now."

He is also different from before, this is no longer a simple love.

I hope she will always look at him, cry in his arms forever, not allow her to be hurt a little, and lose her mind because of her.

Jian Xi could no longer exist in his life.

Carefully picked up Jian Xi from the ground, turned around and walked towards the car. The driver had already opened the door for them, and the driver didn't follow until they got into the car.A black Maybach gallops down the cold street.

When getting out of the car, Jian Xi was still hanging on Chi Yichen's body, embracing his neck and not letting go, her slender legs directly wrapped around him, leaning on him like a koala.

One must know that she cried very ugly, if the servants saw her, she would not have to hang on to her title as young mistress.

This is a woman's dignity and must not be underestimated.

Fortunately, Chi Yichen didn't mind, he carried her across the courtyard as if no one else was there, and went upstairs as soon as he entered the door, ignoring the servants behind him.

Under such circumstances, the servants naturally did not dare to show their air, and watched them go upstairs in a daze.

"Tell me, why did you appear there? And who are those people?" After returning to the room, Chi Yichen sat on the sofa, let Jian Xi sit on his lap, and hugged each other face to face. Forcibly pulling her away, looking at her flushed face, he couldn't help chuckling.

However, he was just pretending to be relaxed.

Jian Xi wanted to cover her face, but he grabbed her wrist and raised it to her shoulder first, so as not to let her hide.

She blushed immediately, unable to laugh or cry, with a distressed expression on her pretty face and slightly frowned eyebrows.

Facing his eyes, the eyes full of tenderness were burning, she wanted to look away, but felt reluctant.

Although her gaze was soft, her thousand-year-old ice face still remained unchanged. Sure enough, the gentleness just now was just a flash in the pan, so she shouldn't expect too much.

"I haven't asked you why you are there, I just wanted to take a shortcut to go home." Mumbling with puffed cheeks, thinking of sitting on the ground like a fool just now, she wished she could find someone Hole drilled in.

However, no matter what the reason was, she felt very relieved that he was there.

Thanks to him, she can stay with him for decades more.

Cutting corners?Chi Yichen narrowed his eyes and looked at her strangely.

No matter which intersection you take on that street, it leads to the industrial area and the business area, so it is so deserted at night.

How idiot is she to live in S city for so many years and still get lost!
Holding his forehead helplessly, Chi Yichen shook his head. He really didn't know whether to say she was lucky or stupid. If she hadn't taken the wrong path back then, he probably wouldn't have been able to appear by her side in time.

He didn't dare to think about what happened next.

"I passed that street because of work needs, and you didn't know that you went the wrong way?" Chi Yichen patted her on the head. Although the strength was not strong, the certain woman still exaggerated Covering his head, he pouted and stared at him.

Xiami, why didn't she know?
With an expression of lovelessness, she turned her eyes away, and secretly clenched her lowered hand into a fist, she still hesitated.

If you tell him the truth, he will definitely worry about himself. Now she can't help him with anything, but she always makes trouble for him everywhere. Even if he doesn't mind, she feels embarrassed.

But now she couldn't hold it anymore, if she couldn't tell him, she would die of depression sooner or later.

So, let her be willful again.

"Let me tell you, I almost killed someone with a potted plant the night before yesterday. I don't know who did it. I didn't want to worry you, so I didn't tell you. What happened today is also inexplicable." , I don't know them at all."

Her voice is very low, like a mosquito, but Chi Yichen can still hear it clearly.

What, was it because of that kind of thing that night that he was absent-minded?Then she can tell him directly, it's not like he can't protect her.

All the suspicion and unhappiness before were like the wind blowing in an instant, fleeting.

He only felt guilty now, but he didn't see that she was afraid. If it hadn't just happened to happen today, maybe she would continue to hide it from him.

To put it bluntly, they were simply deceiving each other, and the result was just to prevent each other from worrying.

Wrapping the woman in his arms, Chi Yichen sighed, with doting eyes in his eyes, and helplessness, he really has nothing to do with her, even he himself finds it incredible.

Chi Yichen's tense nerves did not relax until he was sure that she was in his arms and not going anywhere.

"Stop it, let me worry about you."

Does she know that he loves her so much that he almost forgets reason.

This is no longer simple love.

(End of this chapter)

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