Marriage with one pet: copy the chief adult

Chapter 207Chapter 214=2 Who the hell are you?

Chapter 207 Chapter 210 [-]=Chapter [-] Who are you?
Jian Xi also knew that she couldn't hide her thoughts, so once she had something in her heart, she would definitely suffocate herself, even to the point of insomnia.

And after telling Chi Yichen everything she had concealed last night, Jian Xi felt light all over.

Woke up later than a pig, hanging on Chi Yichen's body, drooling almost onto his chest.

What's funny is that he didn't mind, otherwise, with his cleanliness, he would definitely push this woman away from him.

Tolerating it to such an extent, he is also seriously ill.

When Jian Xi woke up, the side was empty, but it was still warm. When he stretched out his hand, he could still feel traces of his past existence. Jian Xi buried his face in the bed and couldn't help laughing.

What is this sense of happiness that fills my heart?Even though she almost lost her life yesterday and was crying without image, and now her eyelids are still swollen like walnuts, and her mouth is dry, but she is very happy.

The feeling of peace of mind is almost overflowing from my heart, which has never happened before.

It turned out that being honest and honest would make people so relaxed. Before, because she was afraid that he would worry and didn't want to cause trouble to him, she was terribly afraid, so she never dared to say anything.

Knowing that he would also worry about her now, all of Jianxi's worries disappeared in an instant.

She would not be a burden to him, never would.

"'s still so fun!" Jian Xi rolled on the bed hugging the quilt, and Jian Xi kept giggling, almost cracking her face.

Rolled around on the bed for a while, until the servant called her down for breakfast outside the door, and specifically explained that it was Chi Yichen's order. If she didn't eat, she would have no pocket money, so Jianxi had no choice but to jump out of bed, Get out of bed sullenly.

Nima, threaten her with her meager pocket money every now and then, do you really think she has no dignity and no temper?

Don't tell me, she really didn't.

Walking into the bathroom quickly, Jian Xi hummed a song, and the milky yellow sunlight crept in from the window, leaving a warm feeling on the floor.

I just went to the police station for a day, and today it happened that she was resting again. Jian Xi had to start to wonder, could it be Tang Qishan's fault again?
However, she did have something to do today, and she had to deal with it herself.

You can't let people hold your life in your hands at will, and plan to kill her every now and then.

You must know that her life is priceless, Jian Xi smiled lightly, turned off the faucet, and watched the mist on the mirror dissipate little by little, reflecting her graceful figure and her sinister expression.

She can't be a white lotus when dealing with sluts.

After hastily eating breakfast, Jianxi was about to run out again, and stopped a taxi on the side of the road, all the way to a nursing home in the suburbs, where she was going to meet someone.

Perhaps only she can answer Jianxi's doubts.

I don't know how long it took, the car gradually drove into a green forest, and the small path in the middle could only accommodate a car. Fortunately, there were no people at this time, so they could pass unimpeded.

There is a European-style building not far away. The Gothic design style is quite eye-catching. On the big clock at the top, the hour hand points to twelve o'clock at noon.
"Tick-tock-boom" the bell rang, and the red fluttered.Just like the singing of mountains, the ethereal voice makes people forget everything, and also makes people's nerves tense up.

As the car gradually slowed down, Jian Xi slowly closed her eyes. She had to be ruthless than anyone else to protect herself from harm.

There's no need to feel guilty, if she wants to stay by Chi Yichen's side safely, she has to make sacrifices.

People always change, don't they?
After getting out of the car, Jianxi couldn't go in right away, because around the sanatorium, there was a hollowed-out wall and an electric grid. I don't know if it was used to prevent outside invaders or to prevent people inside from escaping. go.

Before she came, she had already done her homework - dressed in fancy clothes, put on the deep purple gemstone ring that Xue Qi gave her, put on heavy makeup, and her red lips were stunning, she was like a rose, the ultimate Elegant, but also barbed.

Although she doesn't have a good opinion of Xue's family members, after all, it was given by her biological father, so let's regard it as Jianxi borrowing some luck from him.

"Wish me good luck." Taking a deep breath, Jian Xi walked to the reception room, applied to the receptionist to see the patient inside, and claimed that she had already made an appointment with her.

The receptionist scanned her outfit up and down, nodded with satisfaction, and said in a friendly manner, "Who are you looking for?"

"Xue Jinxi, the name here should be Ann." Quickly giving the answer, Jian Xi raised his hand to cover the corner of his smiling mouth, and the deep purple gem and diamond ring on the black velvet gloves exuded a dazzling light.

In order to surprise Xue Jinxi, she specially wore a hat with a wide brim, and pulled the hat down to cover most of her face. Only her red lips could be seen, soft but dignified.

Jian Xi looks like a noble lady, making it impossible to take your eyes off her.

"Excuse me, what should I call you?" The receptionist was a little dazed for a while, looking at her with infatuation.

She almost blurted out that it was "Mrs. Chi", but Jian Xi had already said that she wanted to surprise Xue Jinxi, so she couldn't reveal her truth so easily.

Putting down his hand, and tightening his grip on the strap, Jianxi raised the corner of his mouth again, and said a few words lightly, "Just call me Mrs. Xue."

I don't know if Xue Jinxi will be happy when she hears this name.

After getting the consent, the door slowly opened from both sides, and the dust rose up gently, which made Jianxi couldn't help but raise her hand to cover her nose, her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and her movements were extremely elegant, making people see at a glance that she came from the upper class. Society, honorable status.

However, a certain woman's psychological activities are completely different from her appearance.

Secretly rejoicing, Jian Xi lowered the brim of her hat a little more, making sure that Xue Jinxi couldn't see her appearance at a glance, so she followed the receptionist's footsteps in small steps, walked through the garden full of flowers and plants, and through the white jade corridors , Entering a heavily guarded building with a heavy atmosphere.

Turning the corner and walking into another corridor, until it reached the end, there was Xue Jinxi's room, and the number plate hanging on the door - "Ann" was quite eye-catching.

Jian Xi waited by the door, and the receptionist went in first to inform Xue Jinxi, "Madam Xue is here to see you, would you like to see her?"

In fact, whether he wants to or not, the receptionist will lead Jianxi in, because here, there is no so-called human rights, and there is no so-called hope.

This nursing home is purely for people to avoid all disturbances from the outside world.

After a while, Xue Jinxi answered indifferently, "Let her in."

Jian Xi's heart suddenly reached his throat.

The receptionist came out of the ward, made room for her to go in, and even closed the door for Jianxi, leaving them absolute space for the two of them.

"You're finally here. You thought that after you sent me here, you didn't plan to let me go out again." Xue Jinxi lowered her head, and she could only see the opponent's hand in her line of sight. With the purple gemstone ring, she knew she was Mrs. Xue.

If it wasn't for Mrs. Xue, she wouldn't need to stay here and suffer now.

After being kidnapped by Jianxi, she missed the press conference, and all the public opinion pointed at her for a while. In order to restore her image, she had to follow Mrs. Xue's advice to enter the nursing home and release the news to the news media.

Now the incident has calmed down, and the outside world has begun to whitewash her, but Mrs. Xue just didn't take her out from here.

Could it be that she intends to imprison her for the rest of her life?
Jian Xi coughed twice, pretending to have a sore throat, while secretly watching Xue Jinxi from the corner of her eye - she was sitting on the recliner in front of the window, her blue and white hospital clothes made her look very pale, and her hair was also Scattered, a strand of long hair hangs in front of her eyes.

She was really emaciated a lot.

But Jian Xi had already reminded herself early in the morning that everything happens for a reason, poor people must have something to hate, and she has nothing to feel guilty about.

Keeping her voice down as much as possible, Jian Xi didn't want to reveal her secrets, "How could it be? Am I here now?"

It's not difficult to imitate Mrs. Xue's speech, in short, she is extremely soft, but she hides cold arrows everywhere.

As for why Mrs. Xue appeared in Xue's house, Jianxi still hasn't figured it out, but she is absolutely sure that Mrs. Xue will not be her biological mother.

It is impossible for a biological mother to do such a crazy thing to her daughter.

Xue Jinxi sneered, mockingly, as if Jian Xi had told a big joke, but it was indeed the truth.

People like Mrs. Xue have fully utilized the value of the chess pieces, and they will definitely discard her without hesitation. Even if they have not discarded her now, no one can guarantee what will happen in the future.

She looked up to the sky and smiled, the sun shone on her pale face, casting a faint halo, her eyes were dull, and the corners of her mouth curled up with sarcasm.

In the end, I heard her continue, but her tone became more and more indifferent, like ice.

"Speaking of which, you were the one who sent me out back then, but my name wasn't Xue Jinxi back then, and I didn't look like this. You saved me, but now you're going to destroy me, right?"

Calmly squinting at the deep purple gemstone ring on Jian Xi's hand, Mrs. Xue was wearing this ring when she came to find her for the first time.

However, after she was discharged from the hospital, the ring disappeared.

Xue Jinxi didn't think there was anything wrong with what she said, but Jian Xi's eyes widened. She almost screamed out, but luckily raised her hand to cover her mouth in time.

Wait, this amount of information is a bit too much, she began to not understand.

Could it be that Xue Jinxi's identity is also fake, then she was originally...

Lowering her voice, Jian Xi's voice became deeper and deeper, "Why? I said that I am here now, whether it is you before or you now, Xue Jinxi, tell me your past name, and then forget her from now on. Erase your past like you would erase a dirty thing."

Even though she tried to round out her words as naturally as possible, Xue Jinxi still saw the clues.

Xue Jinxi suddenly yelled, stretched out his hand towards her, and lifted Jian Xi's hat, revealing her true face.

"You're not Mrs. Xue, she will never remind me of the past--" Before she finished speaking, she had to stop because of surprise.

Just because the face under the hat is what she hates the most, but also what she fears the most.

And Jian Xi walked towards her step by step with a meaningful smile...

"Tell me clearly, who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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