Chapter 238
In the dim room, there were only a few sparks, and the smoke curled up. In the dimness, someone coughed softly.

In the past two days, Mu Shaogong hardly slept even for a moment.

All she could think about was Jian Xi lying on the ground, her skirt was stained red with blood, her face was pale, even though she lost consciousness, she still clenched her hands tightly, stubborn to the end.

At that moment, his heart almost stopped beating, and thinking about it now, it still makes people suffocate.

It was as if the air was thinning, he couldn't breathe, even if he raised his face, he couldn't feel the air flow from above, there was nowhere for him to escape temporarily, he had nowhere to hide.

"Pa-ta" Mu Shaogong got up and turned on the light. There was light in the room. The cozy home couldn't make him feel a little warm. He put the cigarette butt in his hand in the ashtray and crushed it out. He couldn't help squinting his eyes.

In fact, he is not used to smoking, only occasionally when he is really bored and uncomfortable, he will light the cigarette and watch it burn out.

He used this method to numb his nerves, otherwise he would go crazy sooner or later if he continued like this.

"Who made me a sinner? I don't even have the qualifications to go to the hospital." He muttered to himself, with a distressed smile on his sharp-edged face. He shook his head, walked around the marble table, walked to the balcony, and closed the curtains. jerked away.

A prosperous night outside the window came into view, the lights were on, and the street corners were noisy, everything was as usual.

As if nothing had happened.

The floor-to-ceiling windows reflected his appearance--haggard and unbearable, even if he felt guilty to death, he still couldn't change anything, just as Jian Xi often said, if an apology is useful, then why do we need the police?

Guilt is just to prove that he still has a conscience, how ridiculous.

With a bitter face, Mu Shaogong turned around and walked through the living room towards the bathroom. He was the only one in the apartment anyway, so he simply took off his shirt, walked into the bathroom, and closed the door.

The heat lingered in the limited space, the mirror was blurred by water vapor, he couldn't see himself clearly, the water flowed down from his face, he looked down at his skinny instep, and there was a drainage hole beside him within sight.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but he actually saw the water flowing over his body, and when it flowed into the drainage hole along the curve of his body, it turned out to be light red, as if washing away the dirty blood on his body.

Crashed, irritable, terrified—he lived in fear like a fugitive who had murdered someone but hadn't pleaded guilty.

"Ah—" shouted uncontrollably, Mu Shaogong raised his fist and hit the mirror attached to the opposite wall heavily. In an instant, the mirror shattered to the ground, his knuckles were scratched, and blood flowed from the wound. It dripped out, and along with the water that slid down, they were dyed red together.

Now what flows into the drain hole is really blood mixed with blood.

Turning off the faucet, Mu Shaogong blew on his sore knuckles, turned around and left the shower room, pulled off the dry towel on the tripod, surrounded his lower body, and walked out of the bathroom quickly with an indifferent attitude.

Before opening the door of the room, a mobile phone rang suddenly from the living room, "youaremysunshine..."

The hand holding the doorknob stopped, and his expression was dull.

Walking slowly to the living room, the phone ringing is still ringing, but he can't remember where he put his phone, what's more, the phone ringtone is not his at all, it's Jianxi's phone ringtone.

As soon as I walked into the living room, someone opened the balcony door, and the cold wind kept pouring in, blowing the curtains open, and the pattering rain followed the direction of the wind, wet the curtains.

However, in Mu Shaogong's eyes, the so-called storm does not exist, and there is only tranquility in his eyes.

In a daze, Jian Xi's figure suddenly appeared in front of him, she was wearing a long white dress, her soft hair was flying in the air, her smile was bright, just like Sheng'er ten years ago, ten years had not changed her heart.

She stretched out her hand towards him, her laughter was as melodious as Ding Ling's, with a kind of bewitching, "Brother, why don't you come here? Grab me, then I will be yours, and become your property forever , come here, bro."

The surroundings of Jianxi were emitting light, but Mu Shaogong actually took it for granted.

Just as he was about to reach out his hand, she twisted her face before she knew it, and started to laugh grinningly. A puddle of blood appeared on the ground at some point, crawling up her skirt, staining the hem of her skirt red, intertwining white and red. ,shocking.

"Mu Shaogong, it was you who killed my child. I will never forgive you for the rest of my life. Go to hell, go to hell!" Jian Xi became agitated again, and blurted out vicious words.

Mu Shaogong withdrew his hand, took a few steps back, and shook his head, eyes full of astonishment.

"Sheng'er, listen to me. I really didn't intend to do that. I didn't know that the medicine had side effects, and I didn't know that you had fallen at the door. I just simply—" After finishing speaking, Mu Shaogong woke up.

The living room was still in front of him, with the lights turned on, he could clearly see everything in the room, as well as his current situation—lying on the sofa, the cigarette in his hands had burned to the end, and the carpet was full of soot.

The balcony door has been opened, the cold wind blows outside the window, the rain is pattering, and the curtains blown open by the wind move with the wind.

Could it be that what just happened was just a nightmare?
A burst of mobile phone ringing broke the tranquility, and Mu Shaogong's nerves tensed immediately. He turned his head to look at the vibrating mobile phone on the marble table. It was not Jian Xi's mobile phone ringing, but violin music, which belonged to him.

He finally breathed a sigh of relief, his back was covered in cold sweat, sticky and uncomfortable.

Gathering his mind, Mu Shaogong picked up the phone. His breathing was short, but a steady voice came from the other end, "If you come out now, I will give you an hour to go to Room 606 of the International Hotel."

If he could not refuse, the other party had already hung up the phone.

Mu Shaogong stared blankly at the phone that had been turned off for a few seconds before his eyes widened suddenly, realizing the irony of those words.

Room 606 was the room he booked that day to confess to Jian Xi.

Whether intentional or not, it was a terror to him.

In any case, Mu Shaogong was at the wrong side, no matter how unwilling he was, he had no choice but to brace himself, wash up in a hurry, and took a black umbrella from the shelf at the entrance, rushed out.

His heart is dead, he has nothing to be afraid of, no matter how Chi Yichen handles him, he will not resist.

Anyway, from the moment he was hated by Jian Xi, he had already made plans to end this endless relationship with his own hands. If Chi Yichen could make Jian Xi feel better, then Mu Shaogong could do whatever he wanted. .

His dignity is so cheap, he admits it.

From the apartment to the Versailles International Hotel, he was a little unaccustomed to the bright neon lights along the way, but the cold wind made him more awake. Even though the rain was pouring in, he still opened the car window without hesitation.

After driving the car into the underground parking lot, Mu Shaogong took the elevator in the parking lot without an umbrella and went upstairs. After being guided by the front desk lady, he arrived at the destination. Still a little out of breath.

Taking a deep breath, Mu Shaogong tried his best to calm down, raised his trembling hand, and gently knocked on the door.

Just like the scene where he asked Jian Xi to meet that day, I don't know how she was feeling at that time, was she worried about the fetus in her womb?Still worried about him?
Maybe both, but she didn't turn around and leave.

He didn't even know that his love was so heavy that he could hurt the person he loved, and he just wanted to stop thinking about it.

The door was opened, and the person standing in front of Mu Shaogong was not Chi Yichen, but a tall man in a black suit, he thought it should be a bodyguard.

With the lights turned on in the room, one could see Chi Yichen sitting on the sofa, drinking coffee slowly, with a newspaper on his lap, but his eyes were all on the cup of coffee.

In the open space in front of the window, a man in a flowered shirt was tied to a chair. He was covered in blood, with his head hanging down, and he was dying.

There is no doubt that it is the friend who provided Mu Shaogong with the pills—no, they are not friends, they just take what they need.

On the day when the accident happened, Mu Shaogong had already called him to question him, but who knew that this irresponsible man would actually speak in a nonchalant tone, "Since you don't want me to give you fast-acting drugs, then I have no choice but to give you the fast-acting drugs." You take strong medicine, how about I do it for you too? Have a good time tonight."

He was so angry that he almost dropped his phone.

Still thinking about when to deal with him, who knew that Chi Yichen would take the first step. Mu Shaogong was not surprised, but just smiled with a low eyebrow, and his tone was very calm, "I didn't expect you to even investigate this. Actually, you can Don't get your hands dirty, I can do it myself."

As he spoke, Mu Shaogong took out a silver pistol from the inside pocket of the suit, and then took out a silencer from the outside pocket and installed it on the muzzle.

He was originally planning to use it for Chi Yichen to deal with him, who knew it would come in handy here.

After installing the silencer, he quickly pulled the safety catch, then raised his hand, pointed the muzzle of the gun at the ankle of the left leg of the person tied to the chair, and pulled the trigger without blinking an eye.

The man immediately raised his face and screamed, his eyeballs popped out.

"It's okay, I have five bullets, and I can slowly finish you off." There was no pity in his indifferent tone, he didn't sympathize with him so he didn't hit the vital parts directly, but wanted him to taste the pain before dying .

He is not a cruel person, as long as it is irrelevant, he will try his best to help him escape.

But if Jian Xi is involved, that's another matter.

Chi Yichen remained silent, with a calm expression, took a sip of coffee, read the last page of the newspaper, then put down the coffee cup, stood up, and glanced at Mu Shaogong, his eyes were as indifferent as ice.

"I can get my hands to deal with this kind of rubbish. You don't need to be hypocritical at this time. What I want you to do is more important than this." There was no emotion in his voice, and there was no emotion.

The delicate face is like a carved work of art, exuding an atmosphere that strangers should not get close to.

Without winking, the bodyguards already understood what Chi Yichen meant, and they did it directly - untied the man, opened the suitcase prepared in advance, stuffed him into it, covered it with a plastic bag, and then closed the suitcase.

Everything was back to normal except for the blood on the chairs and the carpet and the walls.

And Mu Shaogong also didn't even look at the situation behind him, staring at Chi Yichen, his eyes were gentle, and his smile was soft.

"Okay, as long as you can feel better, I don't care."

Yichen, I'm sorry, it was because he was infatuated for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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