Chapter 247 Alone
It only took half an hour to reach the police station from the wealthy district in the eastern suburbs, but it took more than half of Jianxi's energy.

Because if she walks out from there this time, maybe she won't come back again.

Carrying a black cloth bag into the police station, Jianxi was uncharacteristically today, and didn't open the door and shout at the door first. You must know that those colleagues have covered their ears, but who knows that it is Gentle footsteps.

I don't see how much they care about her, but today she is so abnormal, and she came to work with a black cloth bag, and the police immediately followed and stopped Jian Xi, "What's wrong with you today?"

Don't tell them that she suddenly figured it out overnight, realizing that she was like a lunatic in the past, and now she finally has the idea of ​​wanting to be a human again, to be a qualified girl.

If it is placed on others, they may still believe it, but if it is placed on Jian Xi.

Pull it down, no one can change her.

"What's the matter? You're not happy when I'm normal once in a while." Turning her head, Jian Xi responded to him pretending to be nonchalant, with a natural attitude and a calm expression, and even her eyes showed no emotion.

Everything is as calm as water.

It's just that the eyelids are still a little swollen. After all, she cried so much yesterday, it's strange that her eyelids aren't swollen into walnuts. Fortunately, the police officers in the police station are all men except for her and Tang Qishan. Weirdness.

Because she acted so naturally, the policeman didn't ask any more questions, and looked at her sullenly, as if he wanted to say something, but had to hold back.

She is so calm, but it makes people feel very strange.

Jian Xi turned her head and was about to turn a corner to knock on the door of the police office, but she was blocked at the end of the corridor by Tang Qishan who came out of the photocopying room first, and she didn't seem to want to get out of the way immediately.

Jian Xi frowned impatiently, suppressed her temper, raised her head suddenly, and met Tang Qishan's eyes.

After all, those police officers are men, careless, and it's normal not to notice her abnormality, but Tang Qishan is not as careless as they are, she can scan Jianxi's whole body with just one look.

It's just that today, she is also a little strange.

The eyelids of both of them were swollen, and the eye sockets were even a little red. If it wasn't for their bad relationship, people who didn't know would think they were hugging each other and crying.

"What a coincidence, I saw your unlucky face early in the morning." Tang Qishan still sarcasticly sarcastic at her, but it can be seen that she is not in this mood today, but she just doesn't want Jianxi to find out that she is swollen eyelid.

Even a fool can see that she just cried yesterday.

Tang Qishan turned her head and deliberately put on an arrogant posture. In fact, she just didn't want Jianxi to stare at her all the time—in fact, she was thinking too much, and Jianxi was not in that mood at all.

No one knew that she had just experienced a storm last night, and after making herself miserable, she fled in a hurry.

But she didn't expect that leaving would be such a simple matter.

Her calmness surprised even herself.

Perhaps this is, there is nothing more sad than death.

Not in the mood to quarrel with her, Jian Xi gave an indistinct "hm", and was about to turn around her, she walked very fast, as if she was afraid that Tang Qishan would catch up, she had had enough of interrogation today.

Fortunately, Tang Qishan did not do this, and her condition was no better than Jianxi's.

After all, that person didn't like her, which had been made public long ago, and she made a foolish attempt last night to verify this fact again, she was simply humiliating herself.

For many years, she failed to make him fall in love with her. It was her failure after all.

Because she came early, the boss's office was not very busy, so she knocked on the door rarely, and asked politely before opening the door, "I'm Jian Xi, may I come in?"

It's unusual, no, it's too abnormal—I didn't expect the boss to react like this. When she was asked to come in, her voice trembled.

How wild and unruly she was before to scare them like this?
The boss was sitting on the sofa smoking a cigarette. As soon as he saw her, he crushed the cigarette butts in the ashtray, then got up and took the luggage bag she handed over, as well as a delicate handbag that seriously didn't match her simple dress.

"Prada classic, it seems that Chi Yichen treats you well, and knows how to enjoy life." The boss looked at the bag and couldn't help teasing. It wasn't that he wanted to know about these famous brands, but the result of long-term edification .

After all, the grown-up daughter in the family talked about these famous brands every day, so it was hard for him not to know.

Jian Xi ignored his teasing, but pulled the corner of his mouth reluctantly, treating it as a friendly smile.

Hey, can this smile be called friendly?It can't even be called a fake smile at all, can it?And why did he feel the chill behind his back?
Although he was put on face, but as a man, the boss was able to bend and stretch, and he still smiled honestly, without any neglect, but frowned slightly, with doubts in his tone.

"By the way, do you really want to come and live in my house? There are a lot of people in my family. Are you sure you can get used to it? What's more, compared to your big villa, my house is simply a rat's nest."

It's not that he doesn't want her to live in it, but that it's so strange - Jianxi called him early in the morning and asked if he could stay at his house for a while until she found a house.

She couldn't live in the big ready-made villa, but she came to share a nest with an old man like him. If it wasn't for her brain being broken, it would be because she had a quarrel with Chi Yichen that she ran away from home.

However, unlike before, Jian Xi was not lifeless, nor forced to smile, she was beyond normal.

It was the first time he had seen such a mature Jian Xi.

Because of Jian Xi's indifferent eyes, the words that the boss was about to blurt were swallowed back abruptly.

"It doesn't matter to me, as long as you don't mind, I don't have much, just let me sleep on the sofa, and I won't eat at your house, I will try not to cause trouble." Her tone was still light Yes, as if talking about something that has nothing to do with me.

She had a calm expression on her unsmiling pretty face, and her dark eyes no longer radiated light as before, but began to be stained with gloom like a pool of stagnant water.

She was terribly calm, not like her at all.

Now that she has said that, the boss can't say anything more. After all, he and her father Jian Ce are sworn brothers, and they regard Jian Xi as a goddaughter. The old woman in the family also likes her very much, so it shouldn't be a problem.

Pretending to smile relaxedly, he shook his head, "You don't need to sleep on the sofa, you can sleep with my daughter, anyway, she is only one year younger than you, so there shouldn't be a big generation gap, and she has a good personality .”

I just hope that you will always be merciful and don't drive his good daughter crazy.

The teasing is all teasing, the boss can still tell that with Jianxi's state, he should be more worried about his daughter not asking questions that shouldn't be asked, so as not to poke her sore spots.

After all, her father didn't dare to mention a single word!
"Your daughter? Oh, I remembered, your daughter is quite obedient." Jian Xi turned around and was about to leave the office after speaking perfunctory words. She was really worried that the boss would not be able to help asking her what was wrong.

In fact, she really has nothing to do with it, she just suddenly discovered that it is so easy to be single.

There is no need to work hard for anyone, let alone worry about burdening anyone, she can finally live freely.

It's a kite of freedom, isn't it?
Being in a downtown area, the police station is busy almost every day, and the higher-ups are putting more pressure on them, so they must solve the drug lord organization's affairs this year, otherwise they will demote the police officers including the police force.

It's so inhumane, do those leaders think that the people in the drug lord organization are their middle-aged uncles who know how to sit in the office and drink tea all day long?
But it's also good, so she doesn't have to worry that she will have free time to think about some messy things.

She didn't get off work until nightfall, and Jianxi's work was on the right track. In short, it wasn't enough for her to fix some water pipes, and she would not refuse anything else.

The police force still has things to deal with, so Jian Xi had to wait for him in the hall.

Sitting on the sofa, with her back leaning against the back of the sofa, her sluggish look doesn't look like her at all, but she quite enjoys this feeling.

Tang Qishan came out of the police office, and it looked like she was about to leave work. She didn't wear that kind of punk outfit today, but a light pink suit, which made her delicate face more pure.

Hehehe, Jian Xi has not forgotten her red lips, they are almost as red as her aunt.

Taking a sideways look at Jian Xi's stretched legs, Tang Qishan had a disgusted expression on her face, and she still spoke unforgivingly, "Although you can't tell, they are all girls, so you have to look good when you sit."

"I want you to take care of it." The calm tone didn't seem angry, she just didn't want to quarrel with her.

Anyway, you don't have to worry about wearing trousers, she is not a famous lady, so there is no need to care about her image so much--Jian Xi pulled her legs apart again, with her hands on her knees, looking like an old man.

With a sneer, Tang Qishan stopped paying attention to her, turned around and opened the door and walked out, walking gracefully, humming along the way.

The eyelids were still red and swollen in the morning, but they suddenly changed at night.

The style of painting turned so fast that Jian Xi didn't even react.

As soon as Tang Qishan left, the boss walked out of the office. He had dealt with an important case today. He was just giving a work report to the upper-level leaders. Judging by his cheerful appearance, it seemed that the leaders praised him a lot.

What a gullible old man.

"Are you ready? I'm almost starving to death, you take me to the night market first, I'll pack dinner and go back with you." Jianxi stood up, and picked up the cloth bag and handbag by the way.

She packed the cloth bag bulgingly. Except for clothes, shoes and daily necessities, the rest are gifts for the police family. Of course, his lovely daughter must have a share.

"Come on, I don't have time to accompany you, so you can come to my house to eat. The old lady heard that you are coming to live at home, and she specially made the sweet and sour pork ribs that you loved when you were young."

He said so, and Jian Xi didn't object.

Pushing open the door, the wind outside is very noisy, but it is not cold, after all, summer is coming.

But Jianxi's heart was like a pool of stagnant water, cold to the bone.

(End of this chapter)

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