Marriage with one pet: copy the chief adult

Chapter 298 Only You Can Help Me

Chapter 298 Only You Can Help Me
Jian Xi spent the first day here, but she couldn't stand it in just one day.

"I want to go home." Muttering to the servant standing behind her in the mirror, Jian Xi's face was expressionless, her eyelids were half raised, and she looked unloved in life. To be honest, she really has nothing to attach to .

Although living here is like a little princess, she doesn't enjoy it at all.

Xue Qi and Xue Yuepeng were also very kind to her. It can be said that they cared for her in every possible way. Afraid that she would be bored, they even found all kinds of interesting things to attract her to do, and even tempted her with jewelry and money.

These were quite attractive at first, but no matter how greedy she was, she couldn't be so happy to leave.

Chi Yichen's indifferent face is all in her mind -- even if she can't hear his voice or see his expression when he speaks, she can still roughly guess his appearance when he speaks. As if her business didn't matter.

It's not that she doesn't understand that this is his character, but she can't be big enough to leave his wife in someone else's house, and she doesn't know where he is happy now.

It is said that when a man doesn't love a woman, he is not interested in everything about her, so if he doesn't care about her, doesn't that mean he doesn't like her?
No, she has to go back!
No matter how the servant tried to comfort her, she still refused to relax. Before her hair was dried, she jumped up and rushed out of the room, heading downstairs.

However, the result can be imagined, she was blocked by the bodyguards who came up to the stairs before she reached the stairs.

Then she was carried all the way back, and returned to the dressing table again, sitting there intact, the servant was still calmly blowing her hair with the hair dryer, and she was still expressionless.

May I ask what happened to her just now?
After finally passing through the boring time, when I got downstairs, I met Xue Qi blocking the stairs. Jianxi looked away directly, still saying unforgivingly, "People who don't know think you are a kidnapper. How can you shut up your daughter like this?" Is it?"

She really didn't want to admit that she was his daughter, but if she didn't say that, he would definitely not let her go.

Sure enough, as soon as the voice fell, Xue Qi couldn't help but smile, and took the initiative to make a way out, and at the same time stretched out his hand to hold her, and straightened her rolled up cuffs, "The servant is really, I can't even do this it is good."

He ignored her words again, not for the first time.

Jian Xi sighed helplessly, and looked down at her attire—a person of almost her age is still wearing this kind of Lolita-style attire. I really want to let her go out. She doesn't have the face to go out when she is dressed like this .

However, it can also be seen from this that the Xue family's impression of her has always been ten years ago, when she was still 15 years old.

Back then, she was like Hua'er, but now she is almost like tofu dregs.

In the end, they still stubbornly wanted her to go back to the past.

"It's impossible, uncle, let me go home, I promise I will come back to see you and the old man in the future." Jian Xi begged, with a bitter face, this was already the biggest concession she could make.

But this was not the biggest concession that Xue Qi wanted. He withdrew his smile, coughed twice, unfolded the lace of her cuffs for her, and stretched his hands to the top of her head to adjust the hair band for her, and brushed her hair to the top of her head. Take the back.

He was always concentrating on it until the servants came to ask them to have breakfast, then he withdrew his hand and said softly, "This is your home, you were going to come back here, forgive me for doing this, I have already lost your mother, I can't lose you anymore."

Please, can a lover and a daughter draw an equal sign?

Jian Xi knew that it was useless to say anything now, she would not give up, but she also did not want to reason with a stubborn person, it was a waste of time.

Turning around angrily and walking towards the dining hall, Jian Xi never looked back.

She has no feelings for Xue Qi, even if he shows 100% fatherly love, she still can't feel anything, what's more, what she needs is not fatherly love, but a little charity from her poor mother.

It's a pity that even these, he couldn't do it for her.

Although Xue Yuepeng and Xue Qi wanted to stay at home with Jianxi all day, they had jobs after all, and Jianxi might not be happy to have them by their side.

As soon as they left, the whole house was deserted in an instant, after all, they were always looking for her everywhere "Sheng'er Sheng'er".

Jian Xi was bored, and originally wanted to tease Mrs. Xue, but the servant said that she had recently contracted a skin disease, which was contagious, so don't take the risk if you're fine.

Of course she wouldn't do such impulsive things, but it meant that she would have to stay in her Mary Sue's room and play with those jewelry, which couldn't be eaten, and she didn't care about them long ago.

"Then go upstairs and rest." The servant's words still pushed Jian Xi back to the room. She lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling in a daze. All electronic equipment was isolated here, and even a tape recorder was not left for her.

Simply insane.

The high-necked suit made her a little breathless, and she started to untie the bow, but before she could untie the knot, her hands stopped first, and she listened intently to the whispers coming from outside the door.

"Who is that gentleman who just came? He looks so handsome. I don't know which one he likes? But the old man is not at home, so there is no way to keep him for too long."

As soon as the nympho's voice fell, another person responded, "You don't know yet, Sun Miao Yiheng, Miao's parent, is said to be very capable, but cynical, so he doesn't get favored very much at home, no matter which one he likes. , you won’t even look at us, so don’t dream.”

Originally, Jian Xi only listened to it as gossip, but she didn't know that she could still hear the three words "Miao Yiheng", she immediately sat up, her face couldn't restrain her joy.

But in the next second, he lay down again, closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep—wasn't it because the two talking servants pushed open the door of the room, they came to change Jianxi's bed sheets, but found that a certain woman was still there There was a dead body on the bed.

"Miss, it's very uncomfortable for you to sleep dressed like this. Why don't you go downstairs and sit down. It happens that Mr. Miao Yiheng is also there. You can chat with him. Anyway, you are so beautiful, and it will be a matter of time before people take a fancy to you."

The servant's words obviously had a sour smell, and anyone could smell it. As soon as she finished speaking, the colleague next to her immediately gave her a slap.

Jian Xi pretended to just wake up, rubbed her sleepy eyes, obediently got off the bed, walked out of the room with her shoulders slumped, until she walked out of the room, closed the door, and rushed towards the stairs like crazy.

Nima, God help me, for Miao Yiheng to come here, Chi Yichen must have sent him here, she knew he would not abandon her.

To be honest, when Jian Xi appeared in front of Miao Yiheng, he was really taken aback. This is the Xue family, not the Chi family or the Jian family!
"How will you be here?"

"How will you be here?"

The two looked at each other, and said in unison, Miao Yiheng's face was stiff, and Jian Xi was not much better, she almost didn't tense up, if you really gave her a hearty smile, she would crack her face.

"Let me tell you first, I came to see Mr. Xue. My father asked me to personally invite him to sit at the house, but now that he is not at home, I thought about sitting for a while before leaving. It's as simple as that." He said He said, shrugging his shoulders, with an indifferent attitude.

Looking at Jian Xi again, she was dressed in pink, but he didn't think it was against harmony, but rather cute.

no!His aesthetics are not like this. What he likes are beauties with good figure, gentleness and femininity, not this kind of violent loli.

But to be honest, Jianxi is really beautiful, not an empty doll, but a beauty that combines hardness and softness.

Of course, he would not bring this kind of praise to the surface, and he would never admit that he was suddenly infatuated for a moment just now.

What Miao Yiheng was thinking, Jian Xi didn't know, she only cared about Chi Yichen now, "Did Chi Yichen ask you to come here? How is he doing recently? No, I mean yesterday, actually I just stayed here for a day .”

One day seemed like a century had passed, and she still had the illusion that she had returned to the Middle Ages.

What Chi Yichen?They said that his father asked him to come here. Is Chi Yichen his father?If you think about it with your brain, you will know, and he insists on making it so clear.

Miao Yiheng sat on the sofa again, drinking rose tea calmly, while squinting at her, "You want me to tell you about him? I know, but you have to give me some benefits."

Here it is again, he shows this kind of face of a prostitute again, no wonder he is said to be a "cynical prodigal son in love" by the outside world.

But it was his bad luck to meet her.

Not only did Jian Xi not give in, but she sneered, raised her fist and pressed her knuckles, making a "cluck" sound. She approached him with a smirk, "What did you just say? Tell me again." .”

Seeing her posture, Miao Yiheng thought of the tragic experience of the three teenagers on that dark and stormy night. He was one of the victims who witnessed the tragedy with his own eyes.

Swallowing unconsciously, Miao Yiheng immediately raised his hands in surrender, and gave her an apologetic smile, "Haha, what I just said is that Chi Yichen's life is not very good, at least he doesn't look in a good mood, as if he is troubled by memories .”

I went to the bar early yesterday morning to look for him, and after drinking a few glasses of wine, I fell into a daze, no matter what he called him, and when I came back to my senses, the murderous look in his eyes almost didn't scare me to death.

Who knows what happened to him recently, and he left his wife here, who can tell him what happened these days?

When she heard that Chi Yichen was not doing well, Jian Xi felt a little bit more comforted. Although it sounded heartless, it at least proved that he did not abandon her and was happy alone.

Then it should be too late for her to rush back now.

"By the way, why are you here, and you're still dressed so childishly... Ah——what are you doing!" Before Miao Yiheng finished speaking, he watched Jian Xi suddenly walk up to him, and pressed him up little by little until Their noses were about to touch each other.

She stroked his cheek with a hand wearing a hollow lace glove, looked down at him, and stared fixedly at him with twinkling starry eyes, "Only you can help me, now you are the only one left for me."

Say something inexplicable?Also, why did he inexplicably feel a tightness in his lower abdomen and a heat in his heart!

(End of this chapter)

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