Chapter 299
When the two servants changed the sheets and went downstairs with the old sheets, the sofa in the living room was already empty.

"Huh? Where's Mr. Miao Yiheng?"

"Huh? Where's Missy?"

The two spoke at the same time, but their concerns were quite different. They hurried downstairs and saw steaming on the marble table in front of the sofa, the teacup painted with peonies and gold rim, and the rose tea in the cup was still intact.

And just when they were puzzled, a small note under the cup revealed the truth - Mr. Miao and I had a good conversation, and decided to go upstairs to the study room to enjoy the air-conditioning and read a book, and then chat.

The signature was originally Xue Sheng'er, but it was crossed out and replaced with "Jian Xi".

"What, I'm worried for nothing. Look, I'll just say it. Everyone will like a handsome guy like Miao Yiheng, not to mention that the eldest lady is just at the age to marry." The servant's words still had a strong sour taste. .

Another servant glanced at her contemptuously, and taking advantage of the fact that there was no one around, she put her mouth into the other's ear, covered her hand and whispered, "Do you think that the eldest lady has been married long ago, and the other party is from Chi's family? Zi Chi Yichen, that handsome guy, looks exactly like the manga..."

While they were whispering, Miao Yiheng's screams like killing a pig came from the study upstairs, "What are you doing? Don't come here. If you come again, I will bite my tongue and kill myself. Even if I don't choose again, I will definitely not." Will touch a married woman - ah!"

Tch, the air conditioner in the study is too cold, she just wanted to borrow a coat from him to wear, he is a ghost!

Taking off Miao Yiheng's suit jacket and putting it on her shoulders, Jian Xi lost interest in him in an instant, turned around and walked to the small refrigerator, took two cans of beer, opened a bottle, sat on the armrest of the sofa and drank it generously do.

And Miao Yiheng was still stuck on the door, fortunately there is a soundproof wall here, otherwise his cry would be really misunderstood, although he did misunderstand Jian Xi's intention just now.

Thought she gave up on herself.

Hey, why is he the target of self-destruction?He must have given up on himself if he had such thoughts.

Resentfully, he took the beer she handed over, and he opened it too, but he didn't drink it, and kept his eyes on her—seeing her dressed like a teenage loli, but with her cuffs rolled up, drinking with her face up. Beer, this sense of disobedience is no longer a problem.

Received someone's suspicious gaze, Jian Xi moved the empty bottle away from her mouth, then squeezed it flat with her hand, she laughed jokingly, "You don't think I put medicine in it, forget it, don't I drink."

As he said that, he was going to grab his bottle of beer, of course Miao Yiheng disagreed, this was his mental damage fee.

The advantage of being tall is that he raised the wine bottle so that a certain girl couldn't grab it even by jumping.

In desperation, Jian Xi had no choice but to let him go, she wiped the beer stains from the corner of her mouth, then turned around to get a few more bottles.

After making sure that the woman had no other bad intentions, he finally relaxed and leaned against the wall to drink, squinting at her, she was still like an old man, and she sat on the armrest with her legs spread apart, regardless of whether she was still wearing a skirt , with one hand on his knee.

"Hey, what's going on?" He finally couldn't bear the eager curiosity, raised his eyebrows, and asked cautiously.

Jian Xi put down the wine bottle and sighed. She took off her jacket. She had just drank beer and her whole body became much warmer. It is most comfortable to blow air-conditioning at this time.

There was a hint of laziness in her eyes, and her tone of voice was casual, with a certain kind of despair.

If it hadn't been for nothing, she wouldn't have told this kind of thing to a person who couldn't even be called a friend.

"Let me tell you the truth, I'm not Jian Xi, I'm Xue Sheng'er, the eldest granddaughter of the Xue family, you don't know that this title almost killed me, how many people want to come back from abroad to chase me down, because I robbed most of their property."

Jian Xi is not joking, even if she has never eaten pork, at least she has seen pigs running, isn't that how the fights between rich and powerful families are played in TV dramas?
She didn't believe it would be true before, but now the facts are in front of her eyes, even if she doesn't believe it, she has to force herself to believe it.

It is said that even the smallest amount of property is enough for a lifetime of prosperity and wealth, and that alone should be enough to be satisfied. I am afraid that only people who have never seen such a large amount of property, such as her, have such thoughts.

In fact, as long as there is a better pursuit, who would not be willing to grab the biggest piece of fat?
"Let's put it this way, if the Xue family lost me, the property would go to the eldest son, but if the eldest son had no children, he would still have to distribute the money to his brothers and sisters after he died. The result would still be the same, but if I were here, it would be It's different, and all the property will belong to me." Jian Xi said it simply and rudely, without embellishment.

Miao Yiheng understands these reasons, but he really doesn't understand why she is here.

And still stay here with a face of reluctance.

"Idiot, can't you see it? I was locked up here, so I said I need your help, you have to help me escape from here." Jian Xi rushed to him and held his hand , There is hope in the dark eyes.

To be honest, if she could go out, it would be fine for her to give him half of the Xue family's property.

Of course, the premise is that she can get those property alive?Just hearing that a large wave of relatives are rushing back from abroad to hunt her down is scary enough, isn't it?

Miao Yiheng finally understood.

He nodded calmly, his exquisite face rarely changed from his usual frivolity to seriousness, and he had to admit that he was indeed handsome.

But it's far worse than her Chi Yichen.

"So, you want me to take you out?" He raised his eyebrows again, with a stiff face, watching a certain woman look at him with growing expectations, and he almost wagged his tail. This look almost scared him, and he quickly leaned back against the wall.

Jian Xi nodded, and he immediately darkened his face, "I refuse."

Why?Before asking him, she pinched his hand unconsciously and increased her strength, forcing the beer bottle in her hand to deform through his two palms. It was the first time he had tasted what is called broken egg. pain.

Fuck, is this violent woman still a person?I really don't understand why Chi Yichen has his eyes on her?

"Listen, if I can't escape from here today, you will die when I get out in the future! I will guarantee you as a policeman I am proud of, and I will definitely let you know What is the true meaning of the heart and brain!"

Jian Xi let go of his hand, clasped his fists instead, pressed his knuckles, and made a clucking sound.

Originally, this method was used to deal with local hooligans, and the purpose was to let them investigate the news of the drug lord organization for her. Unexpectedly, it could be used to deal with Miao Yiheng. Jian Xi did not hesitate to equate the two.

Having said all this, Miao Yiheng also knew that if he didn't agree, his fate would definitely be worse than those young men who had no sex life for the rest of their lives, just thinking about it would send chills down the back.

"Okay, okay, I promised you, can't you? Your lord has a lot of words, so just pretend that you didn't hear what I just said. Let's start again from the beginning." The man was flexible, and he changed his words very readily.

Knowing the mistakes can make a big difference, Jianxi immediately showed a bright smile, blinked, and there was hope in his eyes, "Would you help me?"

"I am willing."

"Pa——" Jian Xi slapped his thigh directly, and smiled badly, "These thighs are quite strong. I asked you to help me just now, so I just agreed. I have to grind for so long. I wasted a lot of time."

Regarding her testimony, although he was very angry, he was speechless, and could only let her eat tofu with tears in his eyes.

When he gets out alive, he must tell Chi Yichen that what she did has completely violated women's morality. Also, is he sure that Jianxi didn't come back from Thailand?Or maybe she's not human at all!

Jian Xi didn't intend to let Miao Yiheng suffer for her. Although she usually likes to joke, she would never do such a thing as making herself happy while causing others to suffer.

All she wanted was for him to drive the car into the open-air garage in the backyard of Xue's mansion, no matter what the reason was, and then dismiss the security guards so that he could not lock the door, so that Jian Xi could escape.

In this way, he doesn't have to worry about being blamed. Even if someone suspects him, he will just apologize and say that he accidentally forgot to lock the door.

What's more, with his personal charm and the fact that the two most cunning old foxes are not at home, she thinks that this crime should not fall on him.

Even so, just in case, Jian Xi secretly went to the monitoring room, forced the security guard away with lame reasons, and then brought her into the monitoring room with a cup—no, a pot of hot water poured on the host.

After the machine crackled for a while, it started to smoke, and then all the screens went dark, so there is no need to worry about it.

Jian Xi smirked, but when she turned around, she saw the security guard standing at the door in horror, the evil on her face was swept away immediately, replaced by an innocent and bright smile, staring at him with big round eyes , "Oh, I was not careful, because this pot of water is too heavy, I just wanted to pour it into your water glass..."

As she spoke, she wanted to cry, that exaggerated acting skills actually made the security guard very useful, but of course it was useless, now besides the machine being finished, he was also finished.

But Jian Xi didn't say nothing at all, she just asked him to report her name at that time.

Anyway, she is lawless, and no one can stop her.

When he walked out of the monitoring room, Miao Yiheng had already driven the car into the open-air garage, and his reason was not much better - he was worried that the sun would make the car too hot.

Come on, isn't it hot in the open garage?
Although the security wanted him to drive into the underground parking lot, he insisted repeatedly that no one could stop him. They didn't think much about it, they just thought this young man was so polite and handsome!
While he was still driving, Jian Xi went back to the room first. She took off the sheets, quilts, curtains, and even the long skirt, tied them all together, and tied them with knots to form a thick rope.

After confirming that the thick rope was stable, she tied one end to the leg of the bed and dropped the other end through the window, but she forgot that the window was also equipped with an anti-theft net.

This was not a difficult task for Jian Xi at all, she secretly went downstairs to find tools in the warehouse, and also said hello to Xue Jinxi who was tied to a chair and couldn't move, but unfortunately she was too lazy to pay attention to Jian Xi.

Putting on pliers and everything else, Jian Xi returned to the room, and successfully opened a big hole in the anti-theft net with the technique she learned from the thief she caught back then. She grabbed the rope, passed through the big hole, and followed the rope , all the way with his legs kicking against the wall as a buffer, he reached the ground in a short while.

There was already a red Lamborghini in the garage, Miao Yiheng succeeded, and Jianxi was trembling with excitement.

She carefully pushed open the garage door, and then locked the door, so that Miao Yiheng would not be suspected.

Fortunately, because Miao Yiheng drove in the car just now, the door was still open, so she didn't have to climb the wall to get out.

It's a pity that there was too much movement, which disturbed the servant who was drying the sheets in the yard, and she immediately screamed, "Missy is going to escape!"

Damn it, what a soul!

Jian Xi rushed out of the villa in a frenzy, and rushed out before the door was closed. This was the first time in the past two days that she had tasted the taste of freedom.

Chi Yichen, wait for me.

(End of this chapter)

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