Pillow Book of Talmud Wisdom

Chapter 1 Virtue is All There Is in the World—Jews on Character

Chapter 1 Virtue is All There Is in the World—Jews on Character

In people's impression, Jews always put wealth first, but in fact Jews believe that virtue and wealth are often linked together. In life or in business.

As the "Talmud" says: Wealth, beauty, kindness, strength, honesty, and wisdom are all important, and they are all in the world.

live alone in downtown without committing crimes
Deep in the soul of the Jews, there is a valuable spirit of "cautious independence", that is, a valuable spirit of self-reflection and self-criticism.They always ask themselves what they have done, what they should do, and what they did right, but they rarely ask others what to do.

Similarly, the Jews have a tradition of starting from themselves in everything, being good at self-reflection, and being cautious and disciplined.As God's "chosen people", they are famous for keeping contracts and obeying laws.No matter what, you are required to fulfill your obligations and enjoy your rights in accordance with the contract.

They believe that only by starting with themselves and implementing the contract from their own side can they meet God's requirements for the "chosen people". .Both parties require themselves according to the contract, so that the value of the contract can be truly reflected; otherwise, if one party does not start from itself, but requires the other party, then the execution of the contract will encounter difficulties; if both parties want to use the contract to contain others, Then the contract may be bankrupt.

In business dealings with Jews, there is no such thing as a non-fulfillment of a contract by a Jew, unless there is something wrong with the contract itself.It is this kind of business spirit that starts with oneself first and strictly requires oneself to abide by the agreement, so that the Jews won the title of "the world's number one businessman".

There is a saying in the "Talmud", "There is a big difference between a person who is shy in front of others and a person who is shy in front of himself."This difference is actually the difference between the so-called "sense of guilt" and "sense of shame".

The so-called "sense of guilt" is to regard the evil of sin as determined by the nature of the sin itself.No matter when and where, everyone knows that crime is evil, and it is something that should arouse guilt.

The so-called "shame" regards the evil of sin as a certain attribute that depends on the external state. Only those who are known are evil, and those who are not known are not evil or evil.Therefore, the guilt or repentance of the criminal is not for the crime itself, but for the crime to be discovered.This kind of "regret" is to regret for the wrong timing. If there is an opportunity that no one finds out, why regret it?
Obviously, individual behaviors dominated by "sense of guilt" have greater voluntariness, self-consciousness, and self-discipline when observing norms than behaviors dominated by "shame", which is manifested in Jewish behavior. very obvious.

The door of the Jewish nation is always open, and those who cannot abide by the law of God can walk out of the sect on their own, not to mention that even the Jewish community has been in a state of "living alone" for a long time, let alone the Jewish individual.Such a nation cannot but require its members to be more "cautious about independence" and more "confessed".

In the teachings of the rabbis, "living alone in the city without committing crimes" is the reason why it can be regarded as "the three things God will praise" together with "the poor don't know what they find" and "the rich secretly donate one-tenth of their income to the poor". Things", what they have in common lies in the word "independence".The "careful independence" praised by the God of the Jews is actually the basic requirement for the continuation of the Jewish nation.

The Jewish nation promotes the "spirit of prudence and independence", but it does not necessarily mean that everything is self-centered. They never advocate the "hermit" of "being alone" but teach people to live together with ordinary people.

Honoring parents is the foundation of all virtues
The Jews attach great importance to family relations and spare no effort to coordinate family relations.In their view, maintaining a family is maintaining a nation.

From the "Talmud", we can find many moving examples and stories that respect human relations and family ties.

There was a Jew who lived in a town called Daima in ancient Israel.He owns a diamond worth 6000 ducats.A rabbi wanted to use this diamond to decorate the main hall of the temple, so he brought 6000 gold coins to his house and bought the diamond from him.

But by chance the key to the vault where the diamonds were kept lay under my father's pillow, and he happened to be fast asleep.The man said to the rabbi, "Because I can't wake up my father, I can't sell you the diamond."

The rabbi believed that this man would rather give up the opportunity to make money in order not to wake up his father. He was a filial son and deserved praise.

And the filial piety of a rabbi himself is even more amazing.He went out with his mother, and when he reached a rough place, every time his mother took a step, the rabbi stretched out his hand and placed it under her feet.

The "Talmud" highly respects filial piety to parents, so every Jew knows how to respect the old and love the young since childhood.

"Talmud" warns people like this: "Whether you are a heinous criminal or a law-abiding subject, you must regard honoring your parents as your bounden duty, even if you are a poor person with no food or clothing."

The Jews believe that the closest partners of man are God and mother.Jewish rabbis said that when people respect their parents, they also respect God, so the Jews are very filial to their parents.

The Jews believe that supporting their parents is a reward for the kindness of their parents.As long as the reverence for the Creator is not lost, there will be no end to the law of parental maintenance.

Joseph Heshiha, known as the beggar stock superman, is a representative of a successful Jewish businessman in New York. He has experienced the vicissitudes of life from hell to heaven, leaving a series of struggling footprints from a street beggar to a stock superman.

As early as when Joseph Hersheyer earned $16.8 in his early years, his first thought was not to rush to invest all the hard-earned money in his obsessed stock market trading, but took out Most of them bought a house for their mothers who depended on each other, so that mothers could get out of the low and damp slums as soon as possible.Joseph also never forgets his long-term cooperation partners who share weal and woe.He made his partner Zhu Bin fully responsible for digging the uranium mine, and gave Zhu Bin 1/10 stock priority in advance, making Zhu Bin a millionaire the moment he dug out the uranium mine with his own wisdom.Joseph not only cares about his partners who have important economic cooperation with him, but also cares about his company's subordinate employees, even for a child who drives an elevator.This poor child has a sick mother, and the meager salary can hardly support the mother's medical expenses. Joseph has long assumed the responsibility of supporting the family.

During Joseph's life from a beggar to a billionaire, he will always have an unforgettable memory of the life of a beggar who was called a "poor ghost" by others.After he became rich, he didn't think he had severed his connection with poverty.He has always regarded it as his unshirkable responsibility to donate to people who are as poor as he was in his childhood: he donated to schools so that children from poor families can get more education and explore their talents; he donated to hospitals for the blind and orphanages. Donate money to help the disabled and helpless orphans.Because of his strong interest in art, he especially likes to subsidize poor but artistically talented students, so that they can devote themselves to the kingdom of art, and through them to fulfill their unfulfilled university dreams when they were young.He often drives a black ultra-luxury Lincoln car, and constantly drives into Columbia University, Manhattan University, California Library, orphanages, hospitals for the blind, churches, etc., and spares no effort to donate sums of money to those in need. people and organizations.

This is the legendary Joseph Hersheyha. He changed his destiny by constantly fighting in the risky stock market; he demonstrated the value of life through his charity work for the salvation of all sentient beings.

Joseph is not a machine that only knows how to make money, but a kind old man full of zest for life.When he was 70 years old, he suddenly became obsessed with collecting art.He took out the energy that he was obsessed with stocks in the past, went to the library to collect materials, and sent several people to do everything possible to obtain more information.Before long, he became a connoisseur of art.He believes that all human beings have the responsibility to better protect the excellent cultural heritage of mankind.To this end, he collected 3000 sculptures and 6000 famous paintings, and also set up an art foundation for the protection of human cultural and artistic heritage.He has made his due contribution to the art cause.He said that as long as his heart is still beating, his tireless pursuit of art will not stop.

Take the noble character as the first glory
The great scientist Einstein is an outstanding representative of the Jewish people. His life criterion has such a rule: in a person's life, character is the crown and glory of life.He said: "No matter what the trend of the times and the fashion of the society are, people can always rely on their noble qualities, transcend the times and society, and walk their own correct path. Now, everyone is rushing and chasing for refrigerators, cars, and houses. , competition. These are the characteristics of our era. But there are still many people who do not pursue these material things, but pursue ideals and truth, and gain inner freedom and peace.”

Indeed, character is a person's most valuable wealth, it is a person's status, status and property.It ennobles all classes and all positions.It is more powerful than riches, more glorious than fame.Its influence is pervasive, because it is the embodiment of integrity, honesty, and consistency of words and deeds, which are the most valuable qualities, and it is trusted and respected by all mankind.

Character is the best form of human nature.It is the moral order embodied in the individual.A man of character is not merely the conscience of society, but, in any government that governs effectively, it is the best motive force, for moral character rules the world.Even in war, Napoleon said that the power of the mind is ten times stronger than the power of the body.The strength and civilization of the nation all depend on the character of the individual, and the foundation of national security also depends on it, and laws and institutions are only its branches.The balance between nature, individual, country and race also depends on them to achieve, what kind of cause there is what kind of effect, what kind of character a person has is what kind of life.

Even if a person is uneducated, mediocre, and poor, as long as he is of high character, he will always have a certain influence, whether he is in the workshop, in the counting house, in the mall, or in the parliament.Canning wrote in 1801: "My way must be power through character, and I would choose no other way. I firmly believe that this way is right. It is not the fastest, but it is the surest ’” You may envy the learned, but trust them there’s something else they need to know.Hence the truth expressed in the words of Sir John Russell: "It is a characteristic of English parties to seek the aid of men of genius, but to follow the path of the noble." The life of Francis Horner is a powerful illustration up to this point.Sydney Smith believes people will follow in Horner's footsteps.Sir Cockburn pointed out: "His value and inspiration lie in his life as an inspiration to every young man of integrity." He died at the age of 38, but had a greater impact on the public than any individual.He is revered, loved, trusted, and mourned by all, save the lowly of conscience and character.

There was no one in Parliament who held him in such esteem.Some young people may ask, how did he do this?Is it because of his parentage?He was just the son of a merchant in Edinburgh.Is it because of money?No, none of his relatives were rich.By official position?He has only one job, and he has only held it for a few years, with little influence and little salary.Rely on his ability?And he's not great, and there's nothing genius about him.He is cautious and cautious, and his only goal is to make no mistakes.By his eloquence?His tone is calm, meaningful, without aggressive momentum, and he will not seduce with rhetoric.Is it his charming demeanor?He just does no wrong and is approachable.What the hell is that?Relying on his knowledge, hard work, restraint and kindness are the strengths of his personality.This quality is not innate, nor does it have any special factors, but depends on his own cultivation.In the Senate there are men of greater brilliance and eloquence than he, but none of greater moral worth.Horner's life shows that ordinary ability can be used to achieve greatness through noble character.

Franklin also attributed his success to integrity and honesty, rather than to talent or oratory, for he was not distinguished in any of these respects.He said: "People value me very much. I am not very eloquent. I have never been able to speak well. I stutter sometimes and make mistakes. But I can still express myself accurately." Low-status people and high-status people Like people, character gives confidence.It is said that the personal character of Alexander I of Russia is equal to a constitution.During the Flemish Wars, Montaigne was the only French gentleman who did not close the castle gates.It is said that his personal character afforded him more protection than a regiment of cavalry.

Character is power, and it is more true than knowledge is power.Mind without soul, knowledge without virtue, intelligence without benevolence, are powers, but they are powers that can only do evil.They may enlighten us, or entertain us, but you hardly respect them any more than we respect the agility of a pickpocket or the horsemanship of a highwayman.

Honesty, integrity and kindness, though not matters of fate, are the essence of a person's character.Once a person with this quality is combined with a firm goal, he has incomparably powerful strength.He has the strength to do good, the strength to resist evil, and the strength to overcome all difficulties and misfortunes.When Stephen fell into the hands of the enemies, they asked him sneeringly, "Where is your fort now?" "Here," said Stephen bravely, with his hands on his breast.It is in adversity that his character shines brightest.When all else fell, he stood tall with integrity and courage.

(End of this chapter)

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