Pillow Book of Talmud Wisdom

Chapter 2 Gain Too Much, Lose Something—Jews on Goals

Chapter 2 Gain Too Much, Lose Something—Jews on Goals (1)
In order to make money, Jews often hang a do-not-disturb sign outside the office door, which reads: "Do not disturb, I am making money!" This is just a small detail in Jewish life, but it is enough to illustrate the concentration of Jews How intense.

As it is said in the Talmud: If you get too much, you will lose something.

In the eyes of the Jews, in the arena of life, it is not easy to succeed if you do not have a clear goal and cannot perfect yourself in adversity.

Too many goals will only make people more confused
Too many goals can also overwhelm us, make us feel exhausted, and make our efforts unrewarded because our efforts are not focused enough.

Here is a story that is widely circulated among the Jewish people:

There was a young man who asked a tribal leader for a piece of land.The tribal leader gave him a pole, asked him to insert the pole in an appropriate place, and promised him that if he could return before sunset, he would give him the land between the leader's station and the pole.Because of greed, the young man went too far. Not only did he not make it back before sunset, but he died of exhaustion on the way.The young man did not have his own goal, or the goal was not specific, so he failed.

If you don't have a clear goal yet, then you should put down everything else, sit down, and think about the goal that suits you.

On the other hand, if you have too many goals, it will just overwhelm your eyes. You also have to sit down, write them all on paper, and analyze them one by one. Delete the unimportant ones and keep the most important ones It is also the most suitable for you to develop and pursue goals.Then, take it as the direction of your efforts to fight!If you find that this goal is inconsistent with your general direction, you can adjust your goal at any time.It's as if you're shooting at several archery targets by yourself.

Think about it, do you mean where to hit, or where to hit?Kitten fishing won't make us successful. Success comes only to dedicated, honest people.

Goals refer to the situation or standard you want to achieve. With goals, efforts will have direction.When a person has a clear goal, he will concentrate, and what he thinks and does every day is basically in line with the goal he wants to achieve, avoiding useless work.In order to achieve the goal, he can always be in a competitive state of actively seeking development, can give full play to his subjective initiative, can devote himself to study and work energetically, can get rid of the influence of vulgar interests, and can give up some things in order to achieve the goal. Xiangxue, therefore, can realize the accumulation of advantages as soon as possible.It's like climbing Mount Tai. People who aimlessly walk around casually, visit Dai Temple for a while, choose a few beautiful scenery for photos, wander east and west, and it will be dark before reaching the Zhongtian Gate.On the contrary, if you set your goal to reach Yuhuangding as soon as possible, you will look around and stay inadvertently like participating in a mountaineering competition. Go pick it up, of course you will reach the top sooner.

From a practical point of view, it is often the clearer and more specific the goal of struggle, the more conducive to success.As the writer Gorky said: "The higher the goal a person pursues, the faster his talents will develop, and the more beneficial it will be to society."

The splendor of life comes from the splendor of the goal

Rockefeller, a famous American oil magnate and an outstanding representative of Jewish businessmen, once put forward an interesting idea in his autobiography: If all the cash and all industries in the world are mixed together and distributed equally to the global Everyone, let everyone have the same amount of wealth, and after half an hour, the economic status of these equal wealth people will start to change significantly.Some people have already lost their share at this time; some people will lose everything because of big bets; some people will be penniless because of blind investment;So the distribution of wealth starts again, some people will have less money, some people will start to have more money, and this situation will become more different as time goes on. After three months, the so-called The disparity between rich and poor will become staggering.Rockefeller said with great confidence: "I bet that in two years' time the distribution of wealth around the world will be the same as it was before.

Rich people are still those people, and formerly poor people are still poor. "Rockefeller attributed the cause of this phenomenon to the different goals of people. He said: "It doesn't matter whether it is fate, chance or natural law; in short, some people's goals and actions will definitely make themselves better than others. The more respect a person receives, the more wealth he will possess. What Rockefeller wants to say is: if a struggler wants to succeed, the most important factor is to choose the goal and make a choice. For people with goals, some people succeed, some don't succeed, some have great success, and some have small success. This has nothing to do with the goal The "size" of a person has a great relationship. Big goals make people's life a career, and small goals make people's life just a living. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle sharply distinguished two kinds of people, namely " Eat to live" and "Live to eat". The wonderfulness of life comes from the wonderfulness of goals. The reason why a person's life is wonderful is that he has wonderful goals.

The so-called wonderful goal is to do big things, consider more people, more things, solve more problems in a larger scope, and have a greater impact in a larger space and time.The more exciting your goals, the bigger the problems you are trying to solve.You have to have great abilities, a lot of knowledge and skills, and sometimes even go beyond personal gains and losses and make some major sacrifices.In this process, you have gradually gained knowledge and abilities beyond ordinary people, and you have become so broad-minded and selfless, and you will also achieve achievements beyond ordinary people; your life will become more colorful.When you get into the habit of creating great personal success plans, you're virtually a different person from your past.Perhaps, you have developed a success plan one by one, and put them into practice one by one.At this time, you may wish to look back and reflect on the road you have traveled, and you will be very surprised to find that even though you are still some distance away from the lofty goal you set, you are no longer the ordinary person you used to be anyway. Yes, you've achieved things you didn't even dare to think about in the past.That's the power of having a great plan and putting it into action.

only do one thing in life
The Jews believe in such a truth: the most famous successful businessmen are those who can make decisions quickly and decisively, they always have a clear main goal when they work, and they all regard a certain clear and specific goal as an important impetus for their efforts Power.

Similarly, people with great ambitions should think about what kind of job in this world is suitable for you at this time, and you can definitely do better in this respect.Therefore, you must try to find this kind of job or industry that is especially suitable for you, make it your clear and main goal, and then concentrate all your strength on it, attacking it, and be sure that you will win.In your search for the job that suits you best, it will help you to keep in mind the fact that once you find a job you like best, you are likely to be very successful well-known fact.A man can usually achieve his greatest success by engaging in a particular kind of work on which he can devote his whole heart and soul.

Some people say: If you only do one thing in your life, then that thing must be a masterpiece, and maybe it will be passed down.

Naturally, it takes a lot of courage, a lot of patience, and loneliness to do only one thing in a lifetime.That way, you have to keep your eyes on your target.

(End of this chapter)

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