Pillow Book of Talmud Wisdom

Chapter 21 Good Wind Relying on Strength—Jewish Theory of Using Momentum

Chapter 21 Good Wind Relying on Strength—Jewish Theory of Using Momentum (2)
In the study of success, what is the meaning of "borrowing"?In the relationship network, "borrowing" is the core.Relationship network is an important part of human relationship.Grasping the core of "leverage" means grasping the essence of the relationship network, and it is possible to complete the transformation from having no money, no background, and no experience to success through borrowing.

Hong Kong, as one of the four East Asian tigers, the brightest pearl, relies on joint ventures with large foreign companies, borrowing other people's well-known brands, borrowing foreign raw materials, and borrowing foreign companies' sales channels and sales markets to engage in processing and manufacturing. Re-export trade.Relying on the thinking of "borrowing the wind and rising the clouds", Hong Kong quickly became prosperous.

Chen Yongtai, a billionaire in Taiwan, said it well: "Smart people use the power of others to achieve their goals."

Most of personal achievements are always given by others: others often imperceptibly put hope, encouragement, and assistance into our lives, thus activating the spiritual world and often multiplying our abilities.

The growth of life depends on the mind to absorb nutrients from everywhere, and this kind of nutrition cannot be detected or measured by the senses.The "power" is absorbed from the ears and eyes, and this kind of power is not absorbed through the sensory visual and auditory nerves.A successful person must have good interpersonal relationships, and behind a successful person, there must be a well-developed network of relationships.

Therefore, the strength of a person does not lie in how many stones he can lift, but in how many people he can get help from.The greatest thing in a famous painting lies not in the colors, shadows or formats on the canvas, but in the personality of the painter behind all of these, the things that stick to his life, the things he has inherited and experienced One great force made up of the sum of all?

reasonable employment
If anyone wants to be a leader of an enterprise, or to achieve great success in a certain business, the first condition is to have a vision to identify talents, be able to recognize the strengths of others, and use their strengths in their own career path. these advantages.

A well-known figure in the business world, who is also a leader in the banking industry, once said that his success is due to his eye for identifying talents.This vision enabled him to place every employee in the right place without ever making a mistake.Not only that, but he tried to make his employees aware of the significance of their positions to the whole business, so that these employees could get things done in an orderly and proper way without the supervision of others.

However, not everyone has the vision to identify talents.Many people who fail to run great businesses do so because they lack insight into people, and they often assign the work to the wrong people.Although they work very hard themselves, they often entrust mediocre people with heavy responsibilities, but instead neglect those with real talents and bury them in the corner.

In fact, they don't understand at all that a so-called talent is not a person who can do everything well and is proficient in everything, but a person who can do exceptionally well in one aspect.For example, for a person who can write articles, they think that he is a capable person, and they think that he must be good at managing people.But in fact, whether a person can be a qualified manager has nothing to do with whether he can write articles.He must have specialized skills in allocating resources, making plans, arranging work, and organizational control, but these skills are not necessarily possessed by a good writer.

There are thousands of unsuccessful businessmen in the world who have put a lot of unsuitable jobs on the shoulders of their employees, and no longer care whether they are competent or happy.

A person who is good at employing people and arranging work will save a lot of trouble in management.He has a clear understanding of each employee's specialty and tries his best to arrange them in the most appropriate position.People who are not good at management often ignore this important aspect and always consider some trivial matters in management. Of course, such people will fail.

Many shrewd and capable general managers and executives spend very little time in the office, and often travel or go out to play.But the business status of their company has not been affected in the slightest, and the company's business is still going on in an orderly manner like clockwork.So, how can they do so peace of mind?What management secrets do they have? ——There is no other secret, only one: They are good at assigning the right work to the most suitable people.

If you pick people who are as talented as you are, it's as if you're using two people.If the talents you choose are inferior to yours, but their talents exceed yours, then your level of employment can be regarded as superior to others.

This is not a particularly rare thing. There are many employees who are often more competent than their employers. These people can immediately start their own businesses as soon as the opportunity arises.There are many people who could have made great achievements because they did not seize the opportunity, so that they remained unknown all their lives.Many young people showed amazing talent and ability to do things when they first started working, but later, because they had a family and dragged their children, they dared not show all their courage to fight like their bosses. A new sky——Although they often think: If they work independently, their achievements will never be inferior to their bosses.

This speculation is reasonable. The reason why many people have amazing development and great achievements is often because they have suffered great oppression.For example, when there were major political changes in the United States, civil turmoil, and the people's homelessness, people like Lincoln, Grant, Farragut, Sherman and others stepped forward and were ordered to take up the responsibility of the country in times of crisis. important task.

A chorus cannot be sung by one person, it has to be borrowed from others.It can be seen from this that it is very important to borrow people to make things happen. If you ignore this point, you are only worthy of acting as a one-man show.

People often say that "no gold is pure, and no one is perfect", and those who want to achieve great things may not be omnipotent, so we must humbly accept other people's pointers.

How to take advantage of the situation
Let's take another example of using momentum to make things happen: If a person's backyard is on fire and there is wind blowing from behind, the result can be imagined.

In [-], the decisive battle of the US presidential election was between the Republican candidate Reagan and the Democratic candidate Carter. Since the two were evenly matched at the time, the two of them launched the most intense battle in the history of the US election.

At that time, Carter was the incumbent president who had been in power for four years, but his achievements were not outstanding, and his internal affairs were not satisfactory, domestic inflation increased, and the number of unemployed soared.People are very dissatisfied with these issues related to the national economy and the people's livelihood, and complain a lot.And these happened to be the trump cards in Reagan's hands. He focused his firepower on attacking Carter's economic policy mistakes and sensationally declared that he would eliminate the "Carter Great Depression".

At this time, Carter also seized on the war and peace issues that the general public was concerned about, and accused Reagan of increasing defense spending as a belligerent move.

Reagan and Carter were like this, fighting with each other, and it was difficult for the two sides to decide whether they were male or female.

In the United States in the [-]s, mass media such as radio, television, and newspapers had a wide range of influences on people.A person's image often occupies an important position in the hearts of the American people, and sometimes even directly determines who voters vote for.Therefore, the presidential election is not so much a matter of voters choosing a candidate's policy platform as it is a matter of tasting a candidate's character, wisdom, energy, and demeanor.In this regard, Reagan can be said to have a unique advantage.

After Reagan was elected as the Republican presidential candidate, the movies he acted in Hollywood became popular all of a sudden, and theaters and TV stations all over the country rushed to show them.The popularity of Reagan's film and television has undoubtedly made an excellent publicity for Reagan.People can see from movies and TV shows that Reagan was handsome, smart and capable back then, but now he is still full of vigor and energy, and his demeanor remains the same as before.This leaves a good impression on people.

While Reagan's film and television style was on the rise, Reagan also tried his best to show his style through the TV media.In televised debates with Carter, Reagan was eloquent and witty, while Carter paled in comparison, dull and stuttering.Therefore, after a crucial televised debate before the vote, according to the results of the opinion poll, those who supported Reagan rose to 30%, and those who supported Carter dropped to 1980%. On November 11, 4, the results of the general election, Reagan won a complete victory with an absolute advantage.

It can be seen that "borrowing" is a ruthless card, it depends on whether you can play it?
(End of this chapter)

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