Pillow Book of Talmud Wisdom

Chapter 20 Good Wind Relying on Strength—Jewish Theory of Using Momentum

Chapter 20 Good Wind Relying on Strength—Jewish Theory of Using Momentum (1)
In their long-term commercial activities, the Jews know very well that taking advantage of the situation is the most direct way to get twice the result with half the effort.

Just as the book "Talmud" says: the good wind sends me to the blue sky by force.A person or a group who is good at drawing on the power of others can get twice the result with half the effort, because they can achieve their goals more quickly.

Good at taking advantage of the situation
The ancients said: "The policy of the inferior monarch is based on one's own strength, the policy of the middle monarch is based on the strength of the people, and the policy of the superior monarch is based on the wisdom of the people." It is commendable for a person to do his best to complete a cause. You also have to fight like that.If a person does not have his own goals and is unwilling to devote his strength to implement his own plan, it is difficult for this person to succeed in his career.However, it is not enough for a person or a group to rely on their own strength, especially in today's society where science and technology are highly developed, there are many categories, and the social division of labor is fine. Limited, in some science and technology and even specific work links, even the most outstanding person or group cannot complete it alone, and must rely on the strength of others to overcome it.What's more worth noting is that the power of human wisdom is inexhaustible, and it is not as good as the best of human wisdom, so the ancients have already expressed the strategy of "lower, middle and upper".

"A good wind sends me to the blue sky with its strength" A person or a group who is good at using the strength of others can achieve twice the result with half the effort and achieve the goal more quickly.Whether in the business world or in the technology world, there are many successful Jews, because they generally have the ability to use the wisdom of others.For example, former US Secretary of State Kissinger, not to mention his political skills in diplomatic work, but he is a typical expert who skillfully borrows the strength and wisdom of others in handling the affairs of the White House.He has a habit of not reading any work plans or proposals submitted by his subordinates. After pressing them for a few days, he will call the person who proposed the plan or proposal and ask him: "This is your most mature plan (proposal)." Is it?" The other party thinks about it, and generally they are not sure that it is the most mature one, so they can only answer: "Maybe there are still deficiencies." Kissinger will ask him to take it back and think about it and revise it better.

After a period of time, the proposer sends a revised proposal (proposal) again.At this time, Kissinger looked at it, and then asked the other party: "Is this your best plan? Is there any other better way than this plan?" This made the proposer fall into deeper thinking and put Take the plan back and study it again.This is how he repeatedly asked others to think deeply and study, exhaust the best wisdom, and achieve the purpose he needed.This is worthy of being a brilliant move of Kissinger, the Jew, and also reflects a knack for success of the Jews.

The Continental Grain Corporation run by the Jewish Michelle Fribble was able to develop from a small food store into the world's largest multinational grain trading company, mainly because of its good use of advanced communication technology and a large number of senior talents who understand technology and management.He continues to use the world's most advanced communication equipment at all costs, and would rather pay a very high salary to invite management talents with real talents to work in the company.Therefore, the company is well-informed, its employees have superb operating skills, and its competitiveness is always superior to others.Although he paid a high price to obtain these advantages, the money he earned back by borrowing these strengths and wisdom was far greater than what he spent.

All large companies have a common feature, that is, they have a vision of knowing people, can grasp the advantages of others, and allocate the position of each employee very appropriately, so that the strength and wisdom of each employee can be brought out to the fullest.Carnegie, the American steel magnate, once wrote such an epitaph in advance: "The one who sleeps here is a person who is good at seeking someone who is smarter than him." Indeed, Carnegie was able to change from a railway worker to a steel magnate because he was able to discover many talents. Talents work for him, which makes his work efficiency multiplied thousands of times.

Only by borrowing well can we gain well

Only by borrowing well can we gain well.borrow what?Naturally, he took advantage of the situation to fulfill his own affairs.Take advantage of the situation to play a trick for smart people to win.If a person carefully observes the things around him, and can grasp the scale of each other's advance and retreat, take advantage of the situation when necessary, and balance the power of all aspects, it will naturally be more conducive to the progress of things.

Fang Xuanling, who was a prime minister in the Tang Dynasty, observed the various changes in Li Shimin when he was supervising the compilation of national history, and then took advantage of the situation to make use of the resources of all parts to benefit the major event of history compilation.

It is precisely because of Fang Xuanling's careful planning and good at taking advantage of the situation that there are many clear and capable people in the court, and the political affairs in the court are carried out smoothly. Fang Xuanling's contribution is indispensable, which is why later generations call him a wise minister.Another aspect of Fang Xuanling's contribution is that during his period of supervising the history of the country, he tried his best to write the facts directly, leaving a basically credible historical material for future generations.No wonder the history books of the past dynasties said that Fang Xuanling lived in the world, he was very calm on the outside, but he was attentive on the inside, and he got things done by taking advantage of the situation.

For those who are good borrowers, they can always create conditions when there are no conditions, and use conditions when conditions are available.This is the skill.For these people, whatever they do, they use the power of others to ease their urgent needs.This is the key to success.

The word "borrow" is infinitely mysterious, but it only belongs to the wise, not the fool.The difference between wisdom and ignorance is often reflected in several key points in life, "borrowing" is one of them.

ponder before acting

Those who can discover the talents of themselves and others and use them for me are equal to finding the fulcrum of success.Smart people are good at supplementing themselves with nourishment of wisdom from others, and borrowing wisdom from others is more cost-effective than obtaining money from others.Anyone who has read the Bible knows that Moses is one of the earliest teachers in the world.He understood a truth: a person can accomplish more with the help of other people.

When Moses led the children of Israel to the land promised to them by Budi, his father-in-law, Jethero, found that Moses was overworked, and if he continued like this, the people would soon suffer.So Jethello tried to help Moses solve the problem.He told Moses to divide the group into large groups.There are 1000 people in each group, and then each large group is divided into ten groups with 100 people in each group, and then the 100 people are divided into two groups with 50 people in each group.Finally, divide the 50 people into five groups of ten people in each group.Jethello then instructed Moses to have each group elect a leader who would be responsible for solving any problems the members of the group had.Moses accepted the suggestion, and ordered those leaders who were in charge of the 1000 people to find their confidant and competent partners.

It is a virtue to listen attentively to everyone's views on your conception plan. It is a kind of humility. You may not agree with all their opinions, but some opinions and experiences must be that you have never thought about and considered. passed.Gaining opinions will help you on your way to success.

If you run into someone who pours cold water on you, even if you don't plan to get involved with them again, you might as well think about whether there is a reason why they disapprove of you?Are they seeing blind spots that you can't see?Do their reasons and opinions disagree with yours?Are they viewing your ideas with bias?Ask them deeper questions, ask them to explain why they are against you, ask them to give you a little advice, and accept it pertinently.

There is another kind of people who criticize anyone's dreams, thinking that everyone in the world is inferior to them in IQ.In fact, they don't understand what you want to do at all, they just blindly think that your idea is worthless and doomed to fail, and they don't even need to try.This kind of person does not hesitate to cast others into hell in order to exaggerate his own ability.

If you come across someone like this, stop wasting your precious time and energy trying to explain to them that your ideals are sure to come true.They are not worth your attention, so go find someone who can share your dreams with you!

step on the shoulders of giants

There are many classic sayings about the borrowing of success.For example, Xunzi said, "Those who rely on chariots and horses do not need to run fast themselves, but they can travel thousands of miles; those who rely on boats and boats do not need to be good at water, but they can cross rivers. The nature of a gentleman is no different from others, just because He is good at borrowing and using external objects, so it is different."Xunzi has the oriental wisdom that "a gentleman is not different in nature, and goodness and falsehood are better than things", and Newton has the western wisdom that "steps on the shoulders of giants".

(End of this chapter)

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