Pillow Book of Talmud Wisdom

Chapter 24 Giving 12th of Income—Jews on Giving

Chapter 24 Giving a Tenth of Income—Jews on Consecration (2)
Philip Morris in the United States is a well-known company keen to sponsor social welfare undertakings. This company is one of the 500 largest companies in the United States. company.Headquartered in New York, the business covers five continents, with an annual turnover of more than 114000 billion US dollars, and they employ as many as [-] employees.

Philip Morris has regarded sponsorship as an effective marketing technique for a long time. It formulates a sponsorship plan every year and allocates a lot of financial and human resources to support some cultural undertakings in various countries around the world.It sponsors a wide range, including art, music, dance, and drama.

This cigarette and food company spends tens of millions of dollars every year to sponsor things that have nothing to do with the company's products. Short-sighted people think this is a waste of money or stupid, and Philip Hamish Maxwell, chairman and CEO of Morris Corporation, believes: "As a member of society, in addition to producing products like other companies, providing labor services and employment opportunities, paying taxes to the government, and increasing profits for shareholders In addition, we also understand other needs of society. To this end, we are prepared to fulfill the obligations commensurate with our company status and contribute to social welfare." He further explained: "Without social development, there can be no business Prosperity. It is more important for a company to participate in social development than purely pursue economic interests. As Philip Morris people, we are always exploring creative ideas. We want to make this exploration through our efforts as a body corporate Lively and lively in a way that makes our employees aware that they are working in a stimulating environment and that makes them, and everyone else we deal with, proud to work with Philip Morris .”

By linking itself with the interests and needs of the whole society, the company has strengthened the relationship between the company and the society by sponsoring cultural undertakings, thus expanding the company's influence and popularity, which in turn promotes the sales of the company's products.Facts have proved that it has indeed played a role in both aspects.For example, "Marlboro" cigarettes were not sold in the Thai market. Since it sponsored the "Metropolitan Universal Opera Envoy" touring in Thailand and Southeast Asia, it gradually opened up the country's market. Worked.

As mentioned above, there are many more such examples.The fact that Jewish businessmen are so generous is actually a kind of business experience.They donate a lot of money to start public welfare undertakings in the locality, which will win the favor of the local government and be very beneficial to the development of various businesses.Some wealthy Jewish businessmen were awarded knighthoods by the king because of their great deeds to the public welfare of the country where they lived. For example, someone from the Rothschild family was awarded the title of Lord by the King of England.Some Jewish businessmen have also received preferential conditions from the local government to develop real estate, mines, and build railways, etc., and their ways of making money have been broadened.

Jewish businessmen understand this truth. In all business activities, being kind to people and handling the relationship between people well is the secret of their success and the secret of getting rich.It can be regarded as a strategy of survival and foothold, which is also a truth we should understand.

Thinking of others is thinking of yourself

The ability to "think of others" is often reflected in the subtleties of daily life.There is a stone on the road, if you are considerate of others, you will take it aside casually, so that pedestrians will not be tripped, or cars will hurt people when they hit it.Go in and out of the glass spring door. After pushing the door, check if there is anyone following behind. If there is, block the door to prevent people who come later from being hit.When taking the elevator, blocking the door, waiting for the people coming up... These are small things that are easy to do, but often from these small things, you can see whether you are willing to consider others.

The famous American dancer Duncan said something very profound: "A person who is called selfish is not just because he seeks his own interests, but because he often ignores the interests of others." Or whether you really care about others can often be seen from some casual little things.

"Giving is always more pleasant than taking it." This is the experience of Gorky's life struggle.His words illustrate a profound truth: dedication is happiness.

Marx, who set great ambitions since he was a child, studied and worked tirelessly, finally founded Marxism, which pointed out the direction for the proletarian revolution.But what a price he paid for his "dedication"!He was poor all his life, and he had to pawn his coat to buy manuscript paper. Four of his seven children died because they had no money for medical treatment.What a generous offering!But what he felt was not lamentation, but immense pride: "If we choose a profession that can best work for the happiness of mankind, we will not be overwhelmed by its burden, because this is a sacrifice made for mankind. At that time , what we feel will not be a little selfish and pitiful happiness, our happiness will belong to thousands of people."

A pastor was thinking about how to preach the next day, but he couldn't think of a good topic and was in a hurry.And his 6-year-old son always knocks on the door every once in a while, asking for this and that, which makes him upset.

In order to appease his son and prevent him from making trouble, in a hurry, he tore up the world map folder in a magazine, handed it to his son and said, "Come on, let's make a fun game. You go back to the house , Put this world map back together and restore it, and I'll give you one dollar."

After his son went out, he closed the door and said to himself proudly: "Haha, now I can finally be quiet and quiet."

Unexpectedly, within a few minutes, the son knocked on the door again and said that the map had been spelled out.He was a little surprised and a little bit disbelieving, so he followed his son to his son's room.Sure enough, the torn world map was completely intact on the floor.

"How could it be so fast?" He looked at his son in surprise and asked in confusion.

"It's like this," said the son. "There is a person's head on the back of the world map. If the person is right, the world will be right."

The pastor stroked his youngest son's head caressingly and said:
"Well said, when the people are right, the world is right. I've already found the topic for tomorrow's sermon."

Many people have few friends but many enemies. They often suffer from poor interpersonal relationships, and often complain that this society is too complicated, and they feel that the world is difficult and unpredictable.But in fact, the reason why these people find it difficult to achieve something, and the reason why they feel that everything is difficult to fulfill their wishes, is not that the world is wrong, but that they have problems with themselves.If you are not right, how can the world be right?

How is it right?In a word: be kind to others.

The world is interactive, and action equals reaction.You give kindness and you will receive kindness.If you don't worry about others taking advantage of you, you are likely to benefit more.

Two fishing masters go fishing in the fish pond together.The two of them showed their skills based on their own abilities, and after a short time, both of them gained a lot.Suddenly, more than ten tourists came near the fish pond.Seeing that these two masters caught the fish with ease, I couldn't help but feel a little envious, so I went to buy some fishing rods nearby to try my luck.Unexpectedly, these tourists who are not good at this kind of fishing have no results no matter how they fish.

The two master fishermen had completely different personalities.One of them is withdrawn and doesn't like to answer others, enjoying the pleasure of fishing alone; while the other master is enthusiastic, bold and unrestrained, and loves to make friends.This expert who loves to make friends, saw that the tourists could not catch fish, so he said: "How about this! I will teach you how to fish. If you learn the tricks I taught, and when you catch a lot of fish, every ten fish Just give me one tail, and don’t give it to me if you don’t have ten tails.” The two hit it off and Xin agreed.After teaching this group of people, he went to another group of people to teach fishing skills as well, and still asked him to give him one fish for every ten fish he caught.At the end of the day, this enthusiastic and helpful fisherman spent all his time instructing anglers, and finally got a big basket full of fish, and met a lot of new friends. At the same time, he said "teacher" to the left and "teacher" to the right. ", highly respected.On the other hand, another fishing master who came with him did not enjoy this kind of fun of serving people.When everyone circles around his companion to learn to fish, that person looks even more lonely and lonely.Boring fishing all day, inspecting the fish in the bamboo basket, the harvest is far less than that of his companions.

When you help others succeed—after catching a big fish, you will naturally get generous rewards in addition to helping others.

This is the benefit of being kind to people.

Experience happiness in dedication
Jewish charities, especially those with a long history and entrenched status, are careful to avoid the “one size fits all” approach of the Victorian poor institutions in England.Jewish organizations are not "responsive" to people who ask for relief. On the contrary, they usually need to make strict inquiries. However, out of Jewish sympathy and understanding of the plight of the poor when they beg, charitable organizations generally take the first step. The practice of inquiry after relief.Taking such a grim attitude obviously only shows that, in the view of the Jews, not only does the community bear the obligation to provide relief to each member (when necessary), but each member also bears the obligation to try not to let the community bear the burden for him.And the best way for an individual to prove that he has fulfilled this duty is to produce direct evidence that he has tried, but still cannot.

Dedication, why do you feel happy?We know that happiness is not only manifested in the satisfaction of material desires, but more importantly, spiritual pleasure.Regardless of Marx or Zhang Haidi, their dedication is for the happiness of the vast majority of people.Because they see or hear that their devotion will bring good material and spiritual enjoyment to their loved ones, their hard work is fruitful, and they are satisfied with enthusiastic recognition, resulting in a sense of happiness.

Lu Kun of the Ming Dynasty regarded "being willing to think about others" as "the first-class knowledge", because to truly achieve this, it is not possible to do it by knowing some so-called skills and tricks of dealing with people.This is true character and true temperament, which cannot be replaced by any skill.Rich people will show kindness and donate a building or a large sum of money; politicians will kneel down and kiss a poor child.But are they really "thinking of others" or are they "acting"?People with discerning eyes will see it.

"Being willing to think about others" is the spirit advocated by Mao Zedong of "not selfish, dedicated to benefiting others".

A person with noble qualities will always show his care, patience, care, love and respect in his interactions with others.

After a rich man came to the church to pray worriedly, he went to consult the pastor.

"Although I have money, I don't feel happy. I don't even know what I should do with my money? Can it buy joy and happiness?"

The pastor asked him to stand by the window and look out at the street, and asked him what he saw. The rich man said, "How wonderful the crowds are!"

The pastor put a large mirror in front of him again, and asked him what he saw. He said, "I saw myself, and I was very dull."

The pastor said: "Yes, the windows and mirrors are both made of glass. The difference is that the mirror is coated with a layer of silver powder. Pure glass allows you to see others and the beautiful world. There is nothing blocking your sight. , and the glass coated with silver powder can only let you see yourself, it is money that blocks your spiritual eyes, and you guard your wealth like a closed world."

When the rich man got the revelation, he tried his best to support those who were in need, and brought his benevolence to others, and those who got help would repay him with endless gratitude and blessings.The rich man continued to get joy from it, and his mood became more cheerful.

Once the eyes of the soul are blinded by money, you can only see yourself but not others, so of course there is no joy in your heart.

Dayton has an article called "The Tree of Self-denial." The protagonist of the article is a tree who is deeply in love with a certain boy.

The boy spent a happy childhood with the tree: he swings on the tree, picks fruits from the tree, and sleeps under the shade of the tree. The tree also misses those happy and carefree times.

The little boy gradually grew up day by day, and his time with the tree became less and less, because he had to find ways to make money in order to live.

So the tree said to him, "Take my fruit and sell it!"

He took the fruit and sold it, and the tree was happy because it had done something for the boy.

It was a long time again, and the young man didn't come back for a long time.The tree felt so empty in his heart, and one time the tree saw the boy coming, and smiled at him and said, "Come on, let's play together!" But the young man had grown up, and he was going out into the world, and he didn't want to. Willing to stay here, he wants to leave everything in front of him.

The tree understood him very well, and said without hesitation: "Cut me down, and use my trunk to build a boat, and you can sail to your destination."

The man cut down the tree, made a boat and went out into the world.

Summer went to winter, time passed year by year, countless cold and lonely nights the tree was waiting silently, finally, the man finally came back.But his hair was gray all over his head, and old age and weariness prevented him from playing, earning money, or sailing the seas.

The tree said, "I'm still a good stump, why don't you sit down and rest for a while?"

Sure enough, he sat down, and the tree was full of joy again.

It turns out that dedication is also a kind of happiness!

(End of this chapter)

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