Pillow Book of Talmud Wisdom

Chapter 5 Don’t think about creating a sea all at once—Jews on accumulation

Chapter 5 Don’t Think About Building the Sea—Jews on Accumulation (2)
Second-hand Davis: During the departure inspection, it was found that the door closer in the sailor area was damaged, and the door was fastened with wire.

Antel, the second tube wheel: When I inspected the fire protection facilities, I found that the fire hydrant in the sailor area was rusted. I thought it would be a few days before I arrived at the pier, so I will replace it at that time!

Captain McCam: When we set sail, we were busy with work, so we didn't read the safety inspection reports from the deck department and the engine department.

Mechanic Daniel: On the morning of March 3, the fire detector in Richard and Souler's room alarmed continuously.After Walter and I went in, no flames were found, and it was determined that the probe had misreported, so we dismantled it and gave it to Whitman to replace it with a new one.

Mechanic Walter: I am Walter.

Whitman, second engineer: I said I'm busy, and I'll bring it to you later.

Waiter Sconey: I went to Richard's room at 3:23 on March 13 to find him. He was not there, sat for a while, and turned on his desk lamp casually.

Chief Mate Kemp: At 3:23 on March 13, he took Sule and Robert for a security inspection, but did not enter Richard and Sule's room, and said, "Go in and see your room yourself."

Yishui Sule: I smiled and didn't enter the room.

Yishui Robert: I didn't enter the room either, I followed Su Le.

Electrical and Mechanical Chief Cohen: At 3:23 on March 14, I found out that the trip had occurred, because this phenomenon had also occurred before, so I closed the gate without thinking too much about it, without finding out the reason.

Three-pipe Lun Ma Xin: I felt that the air was not good, so I called Weiwei first to prove that there was no problem.Then let the cabin open the ventilation valve.

Chef Ruo Shi: When I got a call from Ma Xin, I joked, what’s wrong with us here?Why don't you come and help us cook?Then asked Ursula "Are we all safe here?"

Second chef Ursula: I replied that I also felt that the air was not good, but I felt that our place was safe, so I continued to cook.

Mechanic Nubo: After I got a call from Marcin, I opened the ventilation valve.

Steward Desmond: At 14:[-], I called all the people who were not on duty to help cook in the kitchen, and everyone had dinner in the evening.

Dr. Morris: I didn't make rounds.

Electrician Horin: I ran into the restaurant at night when I was on duty.

Finally, the words of Captain McCam: When the fire was discovered at 19:[-], Richard and Sule's room had burned through. Everything was terrible. We couldn't control the fire, and the fire continued to grow until The whole ship was on fire.Each of us made a little mistake, but it turned out to be a tragic shipwreck.

Just because everyone made a little mistake, the whole ship sank and everyone died.The lessons the story teaches us are painful.As the saying goes, the ideal time to correct deviations is to notice the possibility of deviations before they occur.

In business, mistakes may occur every day or even every moment. For example, if you make a customer wait on the phone for too long, or transfer four or five people in one call, you should stop trying to keep this customer. , You can only watch this customer leave you.For another example, the customer's order is lost or the delivery is delayed.But then again, although everything can go wrong, many accidents can be avoided as long as you pay attention.Therefore, the manager's responsibility is to minimize errors as much as possible.

You can't keep an eye on every employee all the time, and you can't always get away with saying things like "shipping is still on the way."Therefore, you must let your subordinates pay attention to the importance of details.

How can it be done?
The easiest and most effective way is to lead by example!
Chapter 4 God Takes Everything From Us But Us—Jews on Tenacity

Undoubtedly, the Jews are one of the nations that have suffered the most in the world, but they still rely on tenacious perseverance and superhuman wisdom to overcome all disasters, survive tenaciously, establish a happy homeland, and achieve brilliant careers .

As the "Talmud" says: God has taken everything from us, and only us are left.

Self-help is the last way of survival
A history of the Jews is simply a history of their persecution.It is suffering that creates their tenacity.

During World War II, Germany occupied Eastern Europe and imposed inhuman rule on the Jews, with the aim of exterminating them.In a small town, there was a Jewish family of five. In order to avoid the German army, the family of five had to hide in a small attic of a warehouse, relying on friends for food and drink.

Whenever Nazi patrols or malicious citizens approached the warehouse, they held their breath in fright and dared not make a sound.Over time, they have fully learned to express their feelings with actions.

One day after three months, the mother went out to look for food but did not return. The citizens who cared about them said: "Your mother must have been captured by the Germans." Two months later, the father never returned.Six months later, shortly after the uncle went out, the children heard a gunshot.

The three adults died one after another, and the burden of finding food fell on the shoulders of the elder sister.Whenever there was a sound of wind and grass near the warehouse, the elder sister quickly covered her younger brother's mouth.

After a month, my sister also left forever.From then on, whenever he heard the same voice, the younger brother had to cover his mouth to keep himself from making a sound.

This is a scene from the miserable childhood of a Jew.

Jewish rabbis often tell students: "As long as you keep the light of hope on, you will not be afraid of the darkness that cannot be tolerated."

After every storm, the sky bridges with beautiful rainbows, which heralds hope in the near future.The dark past is the light, and this is the hope of survival.No matter how bad the environment is, as long as there is still a breath left, we must endure and survive.

"The human eye is composed of black and white parts, but why can we only see through the dark part? Because people must see through the darkness to see the light."

Life also begins with suffering and darkness, and finally reaches the state of happiness and light.This is telling yourself, don't be afraid of pain.Because a person can taste the sweet fruit only when he is in extreme pain.

These are what the "Scrolls" told them.

The consciousness of the Jews is always full of painful concepts and deep worries. They have been like this all their lives, their thinking and their souls have always looked at and thought about problems in this way.

When they were born, everyone was not happy for his coming to the world, but wept for him.The Jewish proverb explains it like this: "When a child is born, we feel happy, and when someone dies, we feel sad. In fact, it should be the other way around. Because when a child is born, we don't know what will happen in the future, but when a person dies, all merits are determined. "

The Jewish prophets believed that human life is divided into six stages:
At the age of [-], he was a king - his family surrounded him, supported him like a king, and cared for him in every possible way;

When I was [-] years old, I was a little pig-like playing in the mud;
At the age of [-], I was a lamb - laughing and jumping carefree;
When you get married, you are a donkey—carrying the burden of the family, walking slowly with your head down;

Dogs in middle age - obliged to wag their tails and beg for good deeds in order to provide for their families;
In his old age he was a monkey—behaving like a child, but no one cared about him anymore.

Looking at a person's life, the Jews believe that dissatisfaction accounts for seven or eight out of ten, while happiness and joy only account for two or three out of ten of life's destiny.Therefore, since this is the case, there is no need to be afraid of pain and all kinds of troubles in life.On the contrary, the more pain and troubles in life, the better.

"Sheepskin Scroll" said: "It is much better to have [-] troubles than only [-] trouble." Because people with [-] troubles will no longer be afraid of troubles, but people with [-] trouble will feel troubled all day long. .

This is the Jewish outlook on life: pain is the way of life.Life is painful, there is no life without suffering, and most of the time in life is suffering.In this world, people live with pain and hard work for a certain goal in life. When a person dies, his life is settled and his life tasks are completed, and the painful efforts are considered to be over.

more confidence, more strength

In 1989, Panasonic Corporation of Japan publicly recruited managers, and a young man named Saburo Fukuda took part in the exam.The results of the examination were announced, and Futian was named Sun Shan.After getting this news, Fukuda was deeply desperate and wanted to commit suicide. Fortunately, he was rescued in time, so he attempted suicide.At this time, the company sent someone to send a notice. It turned out that Futian was admitted, and his test scores ranked second. Because the computer broke down at the time, there was an error in the statistics.However, when Matsushita learned that Fukuda committed suicide because he was not hired, he decided to fire him.The reason is, how can a person who can't even bear such a small blow make contributions on the road of hard and tortuous struggle in the future?This shows how important psychological quality is to a person!
The road of life is full of ups and downs. It is impossible for a person to be smooth sailing forever, and setbacks will inevitably be encountered.Meeting setbacks is not terrible, what matters is how you face it.Some people will be discouraged and discouraged, just like the young man mentioned above; while some people will adjust their mentality and regroup... Those who are unwilling to face failure will always fail; those who dare to face failure, even if they fail in the end He is still victorious because he knows how to deal with setbacks.A person who dare not face setbacks is not a confident person, because a confident person will not mind his failure so much, he is full of confidence in himself, and he knows that he will win in the end.As long as people have more self-confidence, they will face setbacks calmly.

Carnegie, an American adult educator, believes that only 15% of a person's career success lies in his knowledge and professional skills, while 85% depends on his psychological quality and being good at handling interpersonal relationships. Jenner, the winner of the 1976 Olympic decathlon champion, once made a similar discussion from the perspective of sports competitions. He said: "For athletes at the Olympic level, 20% is physical competition and 80% is psychological competition. Personality and personality challenges." In fact, everyone has the wisdom to fully develop themselves and make great achievements, but unfortunately, many people ignore the huge potential of self-development.

There was a chrysalis in the grass, which was found by a child and brought home.After a few days, a small crack appeared on the chrysalis, and the butterfly inside struggled for a long time, as if its body was stuck and could not get out.The innocent child couldn't bear to see the butterfly struggling in pain, so he picked up the scissors and cut open the pupa shell to help the butterfly escape from the pupa.However, because the butterfly did not go through the painful struggle before breaking out of the chrysalis, its body was bloated and its wings were shriveled after hatching. It could not fly at all, and soon died.This little story also illustrates a truth in life, to be happy you must be able to bear pain and setbacks.This is the tempering of a person, and it is also a necessary process for a person to grow.

When we were young, we all learned to walk by falling down. Even as adults, this way of life will not change. We still have to learn to walk by falling down.

Every difficulty and setback is just an inevitable fall in life. We don’t need to be too panic or sad, as long as we firmly remember the brave spirit of not being afraid of falling when we were young, encourage ourselves to stand up, pat the dust, and then move on. Perhaps in the next step, we will be able to take a steady pace and move towards a new goal in life.

Everyone has their own characteristics, and everyone has a path that suits them. No matter which path you are suitable for, you must walk on it unswervingly.Don't watch someone put in a lot of hard work and finally get the rewards they deserve in their career. If you are moved by it, you want to go out for a walk and suffer a little bit, so as to achieve success.You don't have to think about a certain person's success because of the vast crowd, just think about meeting someone who can help you, so that your life will go smoothly as soon as possible.Because everyone has their own path, so don't be chaotic and change your mind.The world is not impetuous, it is only because my heart has no fixed place, so it is impetuous.If you get rid of impetuousness and work hard towards your ideals, you will be able to usher in success.

success is achieved through hard work

When failure hits a person hard, the easiest and most logical thing to do is to let it go and find a new way out - and that's what most people think.The difference between successful people is that they never give up easily. Even in desperation, they will pass through the dark clouds, see the sun, see hope, and rely on their own efforts to achieve success.

(End of this chapter)

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