Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 153 Disaster for the Country 3

Chapter 153 Disaster for the Country 3
"I'm in a good mood today, and it's not easy to kill." Gu Muqiu ordered with a smile.

This person is so stupid and cute, let him live well, there are not many such cute people, and if you kill one, you will lose one, so you can't kill him.

"Yes." The guard led the order.

At this time, the heroes hiding in the dark swallowed their saliva.

Well, after seeing the matter of doing justice for the sky, we still have to think about it in the long run.

These people seem to have a special magical tacit understanding. They never act together, as if they have negotiated. Today, this gang will go to tomorrow's organization. In short, there are always shifts every day.

There are many forces in Kyoto who want to take the life of a traitor, but no one has ever succeeded.

After Gu Muqiu's carriage passed by, the street returned to calm, and it was not affected at all. Anyway, everyone is used to it, as long as it does not hurt innocent people, everyone thinks it is acceptable.

"Hey, young master, wait for me." A young boy with a white face was chasing the young boy in front with his clothes on his hem.

"Xiao Cui, hurry up." The young man in front stopped and looked at the young man behind him impatiently.

I saw that he was wearing a straight gown with dark water green flat gold thread, and a white golden belt with a play child pattern around his waist, but the clothes seemed a bit loose on him, which didn't fit so well.

His face seemed to be blackened deliberately, but it didn't affect his lightness at all.

This is naturally the heroine Zhao Hanyan and her little maid Xiaocui.

It was only three days since she came here, and the vicious aunt at home was really strict, and this was the first time she had escaped, so naturally she wanted to have fun.

The ancients are pedantic, saying that they value boys over girls, and that women who have no talent are virtues. In front of her, a modern person with advanced thinking, she is all bullshit. How can she be bound by these unreasonable rules? They can't control it Own.

If she came out, she might meet her destined one. All the time-travel novels she had read were written like this.

Naturally, her own marriage contract can only be decided by herself. Are other people worthy?

What's wrong with the concubine, she can still break out of her own world, and trample all those aunts and sisters who look down on her.

She also saw the farce just now, and she felt that she had fallen in love with him, and he must be her true son.

So, it's good to come out.

The prime minister with power over the world is what she loves the most, so he will definitely like her, after all, he is a unique existence in this world, and he will definitely be impressed by his extraordinary insight.

It seems that I have to think carefully about how to approach him, after all, no matter how smart I am, I will be bound by my current aggrieved identity.

Xiaocui finally caught up with her lady out of breath: "Oh, I said miss, we should go back, what should we do if we are found?"

Xiaocui's eyes were full of undisguised worry, if she was found out, she would be fined to copy scriptures again, and she really couldn't afford to copy them.

Since my young lady woke up, she has become very strange. She has been saying that everyone is equal and that she should have fun in time, and she has always wanted to sneak out of the house.

But how can this work, my young lady is still a young girl waiting to be married, so she will not be able to marry in the future, and I still can't persuade her, saying that she is pedantic.

Although it is a good thing that my lady has become more confident, it is too much.

"Let's play for a while, just for a while, they won't find out." Zhao Hanyan took Xiao Cui's hand.

The ancients are troublesome, why are there so many rules.

"Look, we usually don't have the chance to come out, but this is the last chance you keep clamoring to go back, what a disappointment." Zhao Hanyan drooped his head and ears.

But she knew that Xiao Cui was usually the most independent person, and seeing her like this, she would definitely agree.

The result was not what she expected.

Committee member Xiao Cui never stopped saying: "That's all right, just for a while."

"Yeah." Zhao Hanyan's eyes lit up all of a sudden, and he nodded contentedly.

Sure enough, she is smart.

(End of this chapter)

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