Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 154 Disaster for the Country 4

Chapter 154 Disaster for the Country 4
Gu Muqiu was walking into the hall step by step. This was the first time she went to court in the morning. Her steps were unhurried and with a faint smile on her lips, she looked like a refined and gentle evildoer. The people in the Golden Luan Hall seemed to be forced to Become a foil.

The crowd just stared at him as he walked in, and they became infatuated by accident.

When they came back to their senses, they were a little ashamed.

Bah, bah, bah, shit shame, what does a big man look so good-looking for?
Of course, there are also those who are particularly displeasing to Gu Muqiu, those who are displeasing to the eye no matter what, such as General Zhao.

"Gu Xiang's arrogance is really getting bigger and bigger. He actually made the emperor wait for you." The general had a sarcastic expression on his face.

This person is really shameless enough, a whole hall of people is waiting for him, but he still looks calm and breezy.

The general looked tall and burly, with a standard Chinese character face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his whole body was full of evil spirits. He could tell at a glance that he was someone who had been on the battlefield.

The courtier held his breath, these two were considered old rivals, and they didn't deal with each other from the beginning.

These are all big figures in literature and military affairs, and they can't be provoked by gods fighting.

Oh, no, it's because General Zhao has been unilaterally looking down on the Prime Minister, and the Prime Minister doesn't have the same knowledge as him at all.

But this time is a bit special, General Zhao's words directly pointed out that the prime minister has the heart of disobedience.

Many people took pleasure in other people's misfortune. They had long disliked this treacherous official, but the emperor favored him, so they couldn't do anything about it.

Only the general dared to confront him head-on.

No matter how much the emperor favors him, it is impossible for him to challenge his authority, but Prime Minister Gu has always been scheming, let's see how he steps down this time.

This General Zhao is the heroine's father, Zhao Luan. In the script, the reason why they didn't get close to the heroine before was to protect her. After a night of heart-to-heart talk, the relationship between father and daughter was resolved, and the daughter of the heroine was even more doted on. .

Gu Muqiu glanced at the general lightly, his eyes were deep and boundless, with a hint of danger.

He didn't answer the words, as if he didn't hear General Zhao's words at all, he slowly came to the front of the hall, and slightly bowed his forehead to the Ninth Five-Year Lord sitting on the seat to show respect.

Even a treacherous prime minister with power over the world is still a minister, it's better to follow the setting.

The high-ranking emperor on the dragon chair looked at Gu Muqiu full of searching eyes.

The corners of Gu Muqiu's crimson lips twitched slightly: "The law and order in this capital is not very good. There are people who want to assassinate me in this blue sky and broad daylight. Because of this, the trip was delayed. The emperor also knows that my health is not very good."

Gu Muqiu is talking nonsense with her eyes open, is she in poor health?How could it be possible, besides, it was not an assassination, it was just that she unilaterally criticized and educated the heroes of the rivers and lakes.

As for why she came so late?Boss Gu said that she was happy, so what if she didn't come, what could they do to her?

"There is such a thing?" The middle-aged emperor was very interested.

In fact, he was also talking nonsense with his eyes open. How could he not know these things, but the prime minister didn't directly point out that he didn't want to care about it.

But this time people have spoken out, if he just sits idly by, won't it appear that he is incompetent?

Speaking of these things, he also has a headache, and the prime minister himself is too hated.

However, it is better for him to make many enemies than to form a party for personal gain. This is what he likes to see. A person without organizational skills can't achieve great things.

"You don't know about this, General?" The emperor's expression was mixed.

"Your majesty's humble minister really doesn't know, it's his humble minister's incompetence." The general hurried forward, the current emperor was very suspicious, if he knew that he had been deceiving something, he would definitely face disaster.

The emperor has never interfered with the grievances between him and that treacherous minister, so that he almost forgot the taboo.

He glanced at Gu Muqiu with resentment in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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