Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 159 Disaster for the Country 9

Chapter 159 Disaster for the Country 9
Standard oval face, under the curved willow-leaf eyebrows are bright almond eyes, this person has picturesque features, a typical lady, dignified and generous.

She listened to Zhao Hanyan talking and laughing with General Zhao and lowered her head to cover up the coldness in her eyes.

After each went back, Zhao Shu came to his mother Bai's room, with a serious attitude: "Mother, pay attention to the third sister."

The third sister Zhao Shu was talking about was naturally Zhao Hanyan.

"I know." Bai said in a deep voice after hearing that her daughter thought the same.

But she still didn't take it seriously, she had a son, no matter what she said, a mere concubine would not be able to threaten them.

The mother and son greeted each other for a while, and then Zhao Shu left.

After Zhao Shu went out, his eyes were filled with strong hatred and he murmured: "Zhao Hanyan, don't think about it this time."

Zhao Hanyan doesn't know these things yet, she is still thinking about how to throw down the male god.

How can women in this era compare to her? She is a highly educated person, and as long as a male god sees her, he will definitely fall in love with her.

First of all, she needs to make a particularly good first impression on the male god.

In the next few days, Zhao Hanyan followed Gu Muqiu all the time, but she had no chance. I really don't know why such a big man always has so many people around him.

Xiaobai: My host thinks it's ostentatious, and she likes it.

However, Zhao Hanyan felt that he had figured out the male god's itinerary, which was also an improvement.

"I mean host, why does this hostess follow you all the time?" Xiao Bai looked at Zhao Hanyan who was sneaking in the crowd.

She thought she was hiding well?
It shouldn't be too obvious, okay?

"Is your brain sick?" Gu Muqiu smiled faintly.

"It's so strange, the hero and heroine haven't met yet." Xiaobai was a little puzzled, didn't it mean that the hero Jiang Yeyu happened to meet the heroine when he went to see his fiancée Zhao Shu and fell in love at first sight?
It can't be that we haven't seen each other for so long.

"Who knows." Gu Muqiu said calmly.

When did the hostess and heroine meet and what to do with her?Don't they need her to make a match if they don't meet?
Xiao Bai became quiet when he heard Gu Muqiu's words.

Maybe it's the butterfly effect caused by the arrival of its own host.

Zhao Hanyan was waiting on Gu Muqiu's only way that day, and just happened to see a tall man chasing a man who looked thinner and thinner.

"Run, you should run." The man kicked the man to the ground.

The people around consciously backed down and didn't meddle in their own business.

Zhao Hanyan's eyes lit up when he saw this scene, isn't this his chance to perform?

The heroines in the novel are all because of punishing evil and promoting good, and then meeting a beautiful man and capturing the heart of a beautiful man. I can't let go of this opportunity.

Maybe the male god will fall in love with him because he thinks he is kind-hearted after seeing it.

"Bold lunatic, the Son of Heaven will not allow you to be presumptuous!" Zhao Hanyan rushed out and pointed at the man.

"Little girl, I advise you not to meddle in your own business." The man glanced at Zhao Hanyan.

Zhao Hanyan's white jade-like face was a little flushed because of excitement. Under Yuanshan's eyebrows were clear and bright beautiful eyes, delicate and charming red lips, and dark cloud-like long hair casually fixed with a headband. If you look carefully, this person is Xiaojiabiyu .

The man's attitude towards such a little girl is still polite.

Looking at this tall and burly man, Zhao Hanyan swallowed her saliva, no matter what she was a little girl, she was still afraid of facing this man.

If I had known it earlier, I wouldn't have taken the trouble to bring Xiao Cui out, it would also give her courage.

But seeing the man lying on the ground clutching his chest in pain, her sense of justice welled up spontaneously.

"I really take care of this business." Zhao Hanyan met the man's eyes without fear.

But the man who was lying on the ground took this opportunity to escape. The man wanted to continue chasing him, but he was held back by Zhao Hanyan, and he couldn't do anything to a girl.

(End of this chapter)

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