Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 160 Disaster for the Country 10

Chapter 160 Disaster for the Country 10
At this time a young man came over.

He is wearing a dark-brown Kesi green shirt with a picture of the Eight Immortals celebrating his birthday, and a dark-brown lychee-patterned wide belt tied around his waist. His body is thin.

Her jet-black shiny hair was fastened with a blue headband of the same color as her clothes, her pair of pear-blossom eyes with water-cut pupils seemed to contain affection, and her voice was gentle, really gentle and elegant.

However, his gentleness is different from Gu Muqiu's. His gentleness is really gentle, the kind that makes people feel like a spring breeze, but Gu Muqiu is not necessarily the same.

Zhao Hanyan was crazy looking at this man, this is too good-looking, and he is just a little bit worse than his own male god.

"Isn't it impolite for this young lady to keep staring at me?" The man's voice was gentle, but the content of his words didn't give Zhao Hanyan any face.

Zhao Hanyan was embarrassed for a moment, she didn't expect him to say that.

"Everyone has the love of beauty." Zhao Hanyan said confidently.

Then she realized again, she looked at what was wrong, isn't it just for people to look so good-looking?Besides, it doesn't break the law to see.

"This lady is really different." The man heard the words.

It's just that these words are not good.

After Zhao Hanyan heard it, she didn't take it seriously, and she directly took it as a compliment. She came from modern times, and she didn't have as backward thinking as the ancients, so she was different.

"What's the matter?" The man ignored Zhao Hanyan, looked at the tall man and asked.

"Master, I've chased that kid just now, but I was disturbed by this girl." There was a tinge of grievance in that man's voice.

Who would have thought that a tall, burly man would look aggrieved? ? ?

"So you are in the same group." Zhao Hanyan looked at the man in Tsing Yi with disdain.

Fortunately, she still thinks he is good-looking, but he does such a bullying thing when he looks like a dog.

Wherever there is excitement, there are people eating melons, and passers-by stop.

"What's going on here?" A passerby asked the person next to him with curiosity on his face.

"Hey, let me tell you." The person next to him seemed to feel that he was valued and began to talk endlessly.

"So that's how it is." The passer-by instantly understood.

There was a lot of discussion around.

"Wait. Isn't this An Shengrui, Grand Master An's eldest son?"

"You say it like it's true."

"Who is that woman next to him?"

"I don't seem to know"

Zhao Hanyan is a concubine, so she must not be well-known, and it may not be so in the future, after all, the heroine.

"Since this lady let the thief go, she should compensate me for the loss." An Shengrui looked at Zhao Hanyan and said seriously.

Zhao Hanyan was a little surprised: "That person was a thief just now?"

"If he wasn't a thief, why would my subordinates chase him?" The man Tsing Yi asked back, his attitude was always gentle and refined, making people feel like a spring breeze.

"He didn't say anything, how do I know? Besides, why should I pay compensation? I didn't steal it." Zhao Hanyan argued hard.

"This girl is so unreasonable, why is the little one still chasing and shouting 'he's a thief'?" The man became emotional after hearing Zhao Hanyan's words, and she disturbed all the good things.

Needless to say, that scene felt silly.

If Xiaobai is here, he must know why others have to shout slogans before doing anything.

Feelings are afraid of the protagonist misunderstanding, after all, everything in this world revolves around the protagonist.

As soon as the protagonist appears, other people will automatically reduce their IQ.

"This..." Zhao Hanyan choked up and couldn't speak.

"How does this lady want to compensate?" An Shengrui comforted the excited man and looked at Zhao Hanyan with a smile.

"It's just a misunderstanding. I misunderstood this brother. May I apologize?" Zhao Hanyan was very dissatisfied with An Shengrui's aggressive attitude. He was so aggressive towards girls, and he was not a gentleman at all. Fortunately, he is still good-looking.

(End of this chapter)

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